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Report a player - 41 and 279 - GTA RP

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Enzo Ravi

Well-known member
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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Enzo Ravi

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 41 and 279

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/14/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2015

What best describes this incident ?: (G2.4) Value of Life (for both players reported)

Please (in detail) describe the incident: The incident happened shortly after the 8pm storm, around 20:15 and 20:25.
I would like to start this report by thanking staff for their time to review this request. This is a joint report as both individuals reported were apart of the same RP scenario.
I'm riding down to marabunta turf to hang out when someone from our group radio's in for assistance to "sort a chap out with product*. I approach the person who's made this request and I get told that we will take him hostage. The "chap" (ID 41) gets knocked off his bike and while he's getting up we pulled 3 weapons on him and heavily outnumbered him as there was 3-4 of us as the scene against one of him. 2-3 of us had melee weapons and i had a firearm. I hesitated(in RP) to shoot him as i didn't see the need for that as we outnumbered him (and as a part of my character, i don't like shooting people on the first opportunity, i only do it when it's really necessary).
We ended up hitting him with a sledgehammer and downing him.

The second guy (ID 279) pulled up shortly after(around 5 mins later) trying to run over the person who stole 41's bike. We disabled his car, pulled 2 guns on him and 2 melee weapons and he blatantly refused to get out the car, which ended up in him getting shot.
Now we found weed in the guys bike and they didn't have proper personal vehicles which makes me think these guys are new to the server. If staff could check this and it turns out they're new to the server, it could just be that they don't fully understand how the NVL rule works. In this case and if staff deem it fair, i would appreciate it if they didn't get banned but instead got spoken to and informed on how the rule works and got a warning along with that, but whatever staff deem fair, i'm okay with that.

I also requested twice in OOC if they would like to come to TS to discuss the rulebreak as i didn't want to take it to forums and they seem new. But since i was unsuccessful with that, i want to make sure they still get informed in one way or another in how the NVL rule works.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Thank you for taking the time to make the player report @Enzo Ravi

So looking over the videos there is more going on then two NVL rules being broken and overall the two situations are poor at best from all sides. Within the first video 118 just pulls up in a vehicle and instantly kicks someone off the bike prior then yourself and others involved pull weapons in an attempt to get 41 as a hostage according to what is being said just prior.

Within the second video whilst yes the vehicle was disabled in what could just be described as a game of rocket league, After this yous get weapons out, Two guns and an axe whilst yes 279 did break NVL here as well there is also poor roleplay coming from 43 by their own words 'You've got 3 seconds' then you shoot the player. I'm struggling to see where the quality roleplay is coming from with the bare minimum at best is being displayed from your own side. 

I understand it can be frustrating when people don't follow the server rules however to break them yourself isn't the way to go. We have an ooc chat where you can one post a message letting them know of the rules and two inform staff and and if free we will come have a look over the situation, However in turn you went down the countdown route. 

You've outlined what you would like to happen in this report however did fail to mention the downsides from your side and the two others I've mentioned within the report. I've had a look to see how long everyone has been in the community for whilst some have been for a while indeed some are new. Since there is more than one party involved the outcome of the report and punishments being received will be the same for all four players mentioned, You yourself Enzo we're cutting it close to another punishment yourself however given the two situations you we're in prior to you taking the shot this in and itself given the full context for you wouldn't warrant a punishment however I do hope moving forward you do focus more on the roleplay over shooting since if there is no quality roleplay being provided and you shoot then you are the one at fault. 

With that being said I'll post the conclusion below; 

Name: Abdul-Kareem Junaidi
Rule: G2.4, G4.4
Action: Warning

Name: Binny Ameen
Rule: G2.4
Action: Warning

Name: Jak Jackson
Rule: G1.2
Action: Warning

Name: Steve Wittenberry
Rule: C1.7
Action: Warning

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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