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Report a player - 442 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: David white

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 442

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/06/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2300

What best describes this incident ?: RDM, killing without a valid reason

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Approximately around 11-12 i bought a brand new car, picked it up at the casino to then realise i cant drive due to 'head issues' in game, so i then decide to park at the nearest parking place which is auto exotic, a man on a bike was ahead so i swerved off the road and out of the way however he swerved in my direction too so there was contact, immediately after i reverse and check on the man asking if he is okay etc, to his response in the video was "Fuck sake dave" and proceeds to shoot and kill me because he was having 'a bad day' in the video you can hear this man also say he was trying to find a reason to kill me in rp yet i have no idea who he is or what i did to anger his character etc. I also just want to give a perspective on this too, if this is a valid reason to kill someone even after they check up on you and ask if your okay, offering help. then that would mean alot of people would be killing eachover over an accident which is pretty common in this server either due to head issues/speeding or in general.

PLEASE NOTE im not taking this to heart because in the end of the day its just a game/RP however i love this community and i want to make it better by making it more healthy and ensuring that the person learns what is a valid/not valid reason to kill someone in rp.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes


I am the person in this video.

what I meant by “I was looking for a reason” is that my character a little while ago was hired to kidnap Dave and tell him clearly he’s not to sell on a particular lot again or to sell cars at all. He continued to do so. I was told by the person who hired me to leave it but my character still has the problem with Dave. Over the past few days we have had multiple people run past auto exotic shouting “Daves cars on top” which in character has been pissing Racc off more. Then after receiving a call from someone he calls family Racc gets on his bike to go to them. While making his way Dave smashes into Racc. After realising who it is Racc understandably thinks “well there’s my reason to end him he’s tried to take my life” and proceeds to shoot him. I personally don’t feel this is RDM but I apologise if it comes across as this. I have no issues with you OOC and I’m sorry if the killing has caused any upset. I’m more than happy to discuss this further in a call when I am home from work later today.


To add to this. Racc 5 mins before this saw a friend get shot in the face for name calling. 

I’ve been in this server for 2 years and I love every time I get to fly in. Not once have I not killed someone without having a valid reason and I feel this is a situation that has been building for a while. Dave may not have been aware of this but Racc has been building this up for a while it just so happened to be the day that he knocks him off his bike. 

hi, thanks for reaching out and explaining your side of the situation, no bro im all good like i said in the end its just games/RP i ain't taking it to heart and i dont have issues with you OOC too, but like this is the 3rd time i got ocean dumped about parking the cars situation so therefore there should not be any beef about that because of the NLR so there should not be any beef about the parking cars thing regardless, about the "daves cars on top" thing, i never sent anyone in rp, its just random people and one of my past employee's who does not work w me anymore and i told him multiple times not to use my name but yet ignores me which is a rp thing for me too sort out,  finally i just want to mention to you that i was just having head issues while driving fast, last second i saw your character racc so i immediately turn left off the road for you to continue on the road however we made the same choice and made contact, i didnt ditch racc or continue to run you over i stopped and checked on racc asking if he is okay etc, an example of having a valid reason to kill me from my opinion would have been if i continued to run you over or i did not check on you and sped off, being rude etc. By any means i was not trying to harm/kill racc and like i said in the previous paragraph first sent in the report, if getting into an accident is a valid reason to kill someone, any gang member/big people in the city would have just killed someone for the same thing over a small accident which like i said these happen alot due to head issues/speeding or in general and even if it was valid, maybe a little chance we could have spoken more or you could've taken me to court, which is how the situation should be roleplayed, not pulling out your gun shooting and killing someone over a small accident ending that roleplay situation immediately, just giving examples again for you to understand how it could be dealt with would be talking in rp over the situation, calling authorities and getting them to sort the situation, taking Dave to court (your way of getting back at me if you hate my character since you get money, i lose money and it demoralises dave etc) my point im just trying to get across here is that killing someone over a small accident should not be a valid reason to kill someone regardless especially when they are being police and apologising and checking on you etc.

Again i have nothing against you OOC/IRL its just a game/RP however by doing this it can help both party's in the situation learn something out of this and help staff understand certain situations better by making this report for RDM and i have been playing on this server for a year and a half and never have i ever witnessed or been killed because of a small accident. Thats all from me, best thing to do from both of us is to understand eachover and where we are coming from while this is undergoing investigation. 

God bless you and i hope you and any staff reading this is having a good day

Hey man. I see where you’re coming from. I had no idea you was dumped already by this no one told me so as far as I’m concerned the rp was still going. Least we know it’s over from raccs side 😂

I would never shoot someone without good reason and so for that I apologise bud. I’m more than happy to just forget about all this and move on. 

Have a good day 🙂

I’d like to add to this.

from an rp perspective from my eyes, this beef has been building up. Racc already pissed gets rammed off his bike noticed it’s Dave and thought “well this is the final straw” and acted accordingly.

I’ll leave it to the staff to decide what happens now of course and respect the decision made. 

anyway I’m off to continue my work 🙂


Myself - I am one of the people who drive past Auto exotics and state "Dave's cars on top" or "Dave's cars are better" this is due to the fact you guys threw out Dave from the car park and were very rude to him in my perspective, as you stated before this was provocation to your actions upon Dave for this thread to be created 

Tinyvevo -  In this clip you can see that Dave was driving irresponsibly and quite erratic of which lead for the start of this situation however I would like to state on this both parties were responsible for the crash of which was Dave driving fast and Racc not staying in their lane of which would of prevented it.

SerSloth -  As the RDM rule states "Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM" of which I have seen the evidence Dave provided and the clip shows clearly you shouting at Dave giving him verbal and then proceeding to shoot him of which is clear evidence of poor quality roleplay, also before you stated that another reason for Racc's actions was a phone call he received and Racc had to get there quickly, however you parked your bike after the crash and then got a car out picked up Dave and did not care about the "friend or family" Racc was going to therefore void's the comment of Racc's before being unjust. You also stated that the beef between Dave and Racc has been building up however the only case of Onsight Killing that is allowed is within Gang vs Gang.

Okay so,

using your logic here you can’t have beef with anyone unless you’re in a gang?? So you can only hate someone for an extended period of time? I would like to point out yes I got a car out as Racc is aware after a few shots police are notified so he had to remove any proof he did this. He was in a rush but at this point he knew the person called would understand why he took longer and they did, considering they also had beef with Dave. 

im sorry but saying you can’t build beef with someone unless you’re in a gang doesn’t add up to me. 

I’m happy to talk about this via discord when I finish work which is at half 7

As I stated prior, 

shooting on sight isnt a valid response to any of the situation that took place, as server laws state that

Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.) - Mass RDM is a permanent ban.

Racc did not initiate a seen in anyway shape or form or issue an order and there was poor quality roleplay that took place as if you look at roleplay as if it is real life, if someone got into a car crash with you, you wouldnt then pull out  a gun and proceed to shoot them.

Yes you can have neglect and hatred towards another player however this does not validate a reason for shooting dave within giving an order and or giving a reason for this response all that happened within the seen is a car crash dave reversed to see if your alright, you then repeatedly throw verbal abuse at dave and then shoot him with the finishing line "have that dave"

If you are trying to defend the reason for shooting dave, then in this case you are trying to defend that you can RDM whenever you wish as all you have suceeded in doing was shooting dave, and of which meaning you can shoot anymore without meaning.

I’m not defending the “RDM” this is a beef that’s been building up. I’ve no idea he got dumped over it Racc just saw a friend shot for no reason and as far he’s concerned seeing who ran him off the road assumed it was on purpose and acted accordingly. I’ve seen people get shot for less and got away with it. 

I’m going to leave this to the staff now and continue about my day if anyone would like to speak to me about this after work I’m more than happy to provide my discord to speak about this. 

Does anyone have a longer clip here BEFORE the shooting? that was all of 15 seconds into the video then 8 mins after the shooting

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


i dont have a video before, just a video that shows the current event and what happens after, but as you can see in the video its our first time encountering eachover that day as i just got a new car from the casino then went to auto exotic public parking due to head issues

Hello everyone,

So let get into this, @tinyvevoI'll start with yourself, I know that head issues are common and can take their toll on you, however, it seems that your stuttering and freeze framing was happening for quite a little while (at least 2 minutes from the video you have provided). Would it not have been a good idea to log off and then come back in to see if it had sorted itself out, instead of carrying on and potentially ruining someones roleplay? I'm not saying that these things don't happen as they have happened to me, just that there are trouble shooting methods out there that you could have tried.

@SerSloth, I'll move onto yourself, from the video provided I can see that the interaction from yourself was extremely short, I understand that your character may have had 'beef' with this individual before this encounter but that does not excuse the poor RP shown here. To simple shoot someone for knocking you off your bike, especially when they stopped to ensure you're okay is not high quality and for someone who has been in the server for over 2 years as you say. I expect better.

CharID: 52116

Rule(s) Broken: G1.2

Punishment: Warning

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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