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Report a player - 630 - GTA RP

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United Kingdom
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Ben Jenkins

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 630

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/19/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2140

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and my brother was play fighting when a random guy downed me without being a part of the situation. No RP what so ever on his part

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello @BravoEchoN

Thank you for the extended footage, this looks pretty clear cut to be honest with you. You're having a fight with your friend who supposedly accidentally punches you, so you punch him a few times then this player comes over, possibly trying to be a vigilante? and starts attacking you without engaging in any High Quality Roleplay. Regardless if he's a vigilante, Batman or a random bystander who witnessed this "accidental" fight, he needs to provide High Quality Roleplay before attacking another player.

Action: 2 Day Ban Following Fair Ban System

CharID: 78084

Rules: G1.2

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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