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Report a player - 68 - GTA RP

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Rikka Takanashi

Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Rikka Takanashi

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 68

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/05/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 23

What best describes this incident ?: Not Roleplaying Injuries

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I Was injured in the car with a member of 229 who was also wounded, the 229 member who was in the car with me had just sustained significant injuries due to him being inside a car that just exploded alongside a gas station. In the video evidence, you can see and hear a clear disregard for any injuries he had sustained and only seemed to care for the revolver I had on my person and ensuring grove handled me in the correct manner to ensure that revolver was secured by 229. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7zfhqip_Dg&ab_channel=RikkaTakanashi (Part 2)

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello Rikka,
I have to say I am a little confused as how the report came up at this time seeing as this happened over 24 hours ago? To add to it you state this is a matter you tried to resolve with me, however, this never happened, nor did I hear any complaints from your part in OOC related to a lack of acting any injuries, maybe this is due to the fact that only moments before your clip starts you did the same wrong doing as I did? If you'd like to I'd happily talk this matter out.

Now another concern of mine is the fact that not only is the clip cut to a while after the explosion had happen, and previous to this you can hear yourself laughing at the fact that the car had just blown up, now that to me doesn't show any "act of injuries" either. I have a clip of this incident as well that I will forward in my reply to this report.

I am well aware that the acting of my injuries may not have been top tier, yet the way the whole situation folded with a tank blowing up "without" really hitting it, kind of set the tone for the situation itself which I think you will agree on, seeing as how you laughed and acted at the incident as well.

As mentioned I'll happily take this matter into discord to see if we can resolve it there, with staff present or not is up to you. If not I'll leave staff to deal with the rest of this report.

Clip showing previous to first clip where both parties are not acting their injuries, including Rikka: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/L0GiUSYjXR-60/d1337a1B1H7I?invite=cr-MSxTc0wsNzk5MzM4Nzcs

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@Rikka TakanashiCould you address what has been mentioned above, Also in the video provided by @Sticit does appear you did also break the same rule, Why was this not included within your video? (I.e the full situation that lead up to the car blowing up ect)?

Appears both sides differ from this even being attempted to be resolved, Did you reach out to the other party, If so how? 

Hi Stuart, the only footage I have is what I have presented in the report as I have to manually start and stop recording as I do not have shadow replay enabled. With the footage Stic has provided is completely new to me as I was not even aware I was hot micing at the time of the explosion which resulted in you hearing my laughter in the clip presented above. To address your second question from what I remember I attempted to reach out in the OOC chat, however I believe this may have been missed by Stic judging from his reply in this report therefore I have reached out to him in Discord to set up a time to talk about the situation at hand. Im Currently waiting for a reply and I would prefer if a staff member could also attend please.

All good, If Stix and yourself and going to have a conversation and would like a staff member to sit in this is something we can of course come and help with overall, If you let us know if you do need a staff member to sit in, When this will be (once you've both agreed on a time) and just update the report for us please 🙂 

Hi Stuart and Rikka. Happy to have a conversation in discord, I have replied to your DM Rikka to sort out a time.

Hello again Stuart, after a conversation in Discord, Stic and I have spoke about the situation and the issues we had. We are happy to close the report as both parties have resolved the incident. Thanks or looking into the report and apologies for any time wasted.

No problem at all, Thank you for updating me in relation to this. One thing I would just add before I go ahead and move this to the denied section is lets not try and play double standards in reports in that aspect, If you have done something wrong it shouldn't be something you should worry about, However owning mistakes and being upfront will always help in the grand scheme of things. 

Glad to see you both have resolved this issue as a whole and as per your request Rikka I'll go ahead and deny the report. Hope you both have a wonderful weekend! 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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