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Report a player - 879 - GTA RP

M.B.G - Luke

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Fudge Lane

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Luke Gambino
Reported Players: 879
Date: May 14, 2024
Time: 00:00
What best describes this incident: Breaking Character | OOC INSULT
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Whilst in a fight against chippiones at casino it got a bit heated between me and this known toxic guy in chippiones who doesnt care about breaking rules, Again and i say again because this aint the first time i just dont have pov to report before he starts breaking character and insulting me ooc by saying things like said in this clip "Your a bitch irl".

This guy doesnt care for the rules of this server and therefore i have reported him
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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Hey, I was the person that made the comment "Your a bitch IRL"
I would like to start by saying I havent been in the city for that long therefore im not used to the rpuk slang. Me saying IRL has come from other cities that i have played in that doesnt have the same rules. For that reason im still not used to these rules and I have read through them but its a little bit difficult getting used to them as I personally am not used to the new change in rules.
Thank you for the report,

The user is already permanently banned. This has been added to the notes for any appeal.
