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Report a player - 879 - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Luke Gambino
Reported Players: 879
Date: May 14, 2024
Time: 00:00
What best describes this incident: N WORD
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Whilst fighting ID: 879 (which can be seen in my other report that its him) this guy was saying the n word whilst punching us which of course is against the rules
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(C5.4) Report Interference Commenting on a report a player thread that is not involving you, or in which you took no active part in the situation featured in the report.
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Luke Gambino
Reported Players: 879
Date: May 14, 2024
Time: 00:00
What best describes this incident: N WORD
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Whilst fighting ID: 879 (which can be seen in my other report that its him) this guy was saying the n word whilst punching us which of course is against the rules
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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See if you listen closely you can clearly hear him saying "Minka" unless that is the n-word in a different language I'm not sure where you hear him saying the n-word. Another thing is when one of your mates or you say "Why is there a chippieone saying the n-word" 879 proceeds to say "are you dumb" he then proceeds to say the word "Minka" again so if he really was saying the n-word he wouldn't have continued saying it and he wouldn't have denied it. The word "Minka" might have sounded like the n-word because he was saying it so constantly. From my research on the word "Minka" it means strong and resolute.
Thanks for taking your time to read this.
like are u deaf or sumthing im litch saying minka everytime i punch u actually jokes lol
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Keep your comments nice, relevant and respectful - Or you will swiftly lose the ability to comment on this forum
I do apologise for my attitude, i am just not happy that i was reported for a reason which was on their part of poor hearing. He also had time to re listen to it and see if I did actually say the nword which he then would've realised i didn't actually say the nword.
Let’s not beat around the bush here, the way he’s saying it aggressively and in a fight it’s clear he’s implying the fact of using the n word, It’s like saying snickers over and over again yes it isn’t the n word but it’s the fact he can keep saying it and getting away with phonetic excuse
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So what im hearing is that your accusing me of saying the n word when i clearly did not say it. In my opinion i think this is just a hatred you have towards us chippieones. You've also said " this guy was saying the n word" but now your saying " the way hes saying it aggresively and in a fight hes clearly implying the fact of using it" which clearly shows that i wasnt saying it and your just attempting to give me another reason of being banned.
So what im hearing is that your accusing me of saying the n word when i clearly did not say it. In my opinion i think this is just a hatred you have towards us chippieones. You've also said " this guy was saying the n word" but now your saying " the way hes saying it aggresively and in a fight hes clearly implying the fact of using it" which clearly shows that i wasnt saying it and your just attempting to give me another reason of being banned.
Mate stop talking absolute waffle on my report i would appreciate it, At the start yes i said you said it but now you claim it was the word "Minka" so now im saying well why would you overly repeat it in an agressive way
Mate stop talking absolute waffle on my report i would appreciate it, At the start yes i said you said it but now you claim it was the word "Minka" so now im saying well why would you overly repeat it in an agressive way
First of all i said it in an aggressive tone because we were fighting, I wouldnt be giving you compliments while fighting thats not how it works. Second of all the word minka is something i have used in different cities. There is no actual meaning behind the word "minka" its just something ive learned in other cities. I've learned it from the same situation that i've used it in. A person hitting another person saying the word "minka".Also this report is just pointless. This reasoning for this report is for me saying the n-word and now its completely changed topics to me "wanting?" to say it.
First of all i said it in an aggressive tone because we were fighting, I wouldnt be giving you compliments while fighting thats not how it works. Second of all the word minka is something i have used in different cities. There is no actual meaning behind the word "minka" its just something ive learned in other cities. I've learned it from the same situation that i've used it in. A person hitting another person saying the word "minka".Also this report is just pointless. This reasoning for this report is for me saying the n-word and now its completely changed topics to me "wanting?" to say it.
Told you stop commenting mate, your perm banned regardless and i made this report because I believed you said the n word where as now i believe you used a different word to act as if saying a different one, Thanks now leave this for staff
Hello @M.B.G - Luke

Thank you for submitting this report,

I can see from the video provided why you would be mistaken for @opsfu using the 'N-word', however, on closer inspection of this video at can clearly be heard to be the word 'Minka'

I have tried for the life of me to find translations and meanings behind this word, but every translation I have came across has been innocent and have had nothing to do with fighting, so I do think this is a strange word to use, and might just be @opsfu 'pushing their luck'.

Although the reported player is already banned, this incident will not be getting added to their notes.

Thank you.
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