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Report a player - Abdul / other Aztecca - GTA RP

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Well-known member
United Kingdom
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Johnny Dick

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Abdul / other Aztecca

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/01/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 304

What best describes this incident ?: NLR / G1.6 / G2.3

Please (in detail) describe the incident: After downing Abdul in Mirror Park alongside Ballas and other Azteccas, he chose to act out of character rather than roleplay (G1.6). He did not attempt to act injured during the scenario after being directly hit and downed by a shotgun at close range. Shockingly after coming out of the Pillbox he chose to attack myself violating the (NLR) rule as it was well within the 15 minutes. I believe he has no intentions to Roleplay and even joining in with the Ballas attack was strange.

Clip 1 - https://streamable.com/r92wu8

Clip 2 - https://streamable.com/va7tzp

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello JD I am the other Azteca you have referenced in this report 

while I can see the report is not focusing on me entirely I feel as though I would like to defend myself since you have referenced my attendance in this situation 

Whilst yes I had just gotten out of pillbox myself when I got outside there was already a altercation between yourself and Abdul I will not be commenting on this as I can not speak for another persons actions but that was when you drew a M1911 and started to shoot at me when I had not been involved in the fist fight you and Abdul had this is where I believe I can debunk the NLR claim you have put on me as the rule states that one must wait 15 mins before enter a new combat situation unless forced into and at this point  I was indeed forced into by being shot at so I took the chance and shot back 

its also rather confusing as to why you did not attempt to resolve this with me and Abdul after the sit in a liaison  not once was we called to discord/ts and may I ask how come that was I feel as it could have been sorted very easy and not to be taken to the forums 

that is all I am going to say unless staff need me to say something 🙂


Reading this report coupled with the fact you haven't responded to my discord message offering to liaise about the situation your intentions are clear, this isn't a report to resolve a situation this is a report to get an "opponent" banned. Its annoying the community has gotten to a point where people report to ban instead of speaking about a situation and resolving it without resorting to the forums as I'm sure this could've been resolved within a discord / TS chat, now if you want I'm still willing to join a call to liaise and talk about the situation possibly with a staff member present if you would like. 

I did see your message Abdul and I didn't respond as I don't intend to liaise with you over this specific situation, In previous situations you tend to get toxic and/or offensive which I do not want to entertain, now to say I'm reporting you to get you banned must surely be a joke right? if you don't see the error in your own roleplay in the scenario maybe you need to reflect on your roleplay, because you definitely know better being a member of the community for some time which I think you know because you didn't even try to address the rule break's at all.

I agree with the NLR, it was 3am and i wasn't really thinking and there really isn't an excuse for it, however blatantly refusing to Liaise or even talk about the situation makes it obvious your looking for a ban rather than a resolution.

@AbdulOn the first clip, what was it i heard?

Please quote me what you actually said. 

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Hello Charles, I said "So it was Ballas the baiting spastics" which is an insult i have been told is OK to be used as an IC insult. None of what i said was aimed at anyone OOC and was never intended to harm or offend anyone. If one of the involved parties was offended by it an OOC message to let me know would have been sufficient as i would be more careful around them in the future. I can only apologise for not acting my injuries as it was late and it must've completely slipped my mind.

The note for roleplaying injuries, yes. We dont ask for a drama lesson in how to RP injured but we would expect more than what you did there abdul. It just enforces what i am saying about you dont care about playing on this roleplay server. This attitude needs to change abdul. 
@Abdulon the last report i dealt with, i ignored the lack of roleplay whilst injured but also said that too you. Generally this abusive behavior is just not necessary. 

Its annoying the community has gotten to a point where people report to ban instead of speaking about a situation and resolving it without resorting to the forums
You say this abdul, but its also annoying for us to give people chances then have it thrown in our face less that a week later.  

I do believe this report here did not need to make it to the forums. In both scenarios i feel like cutlass got what they wanted and they won the scenario. Nothing was lost based off this rule break. I would love to see reports like this at least liaised. You say you didnt want to do that because of abduls behavior however we have staff who can sit in if needed and failing that you also could get @Jack Mckenzieand @KASHto speak about these scenarios. Last thing i want to see is gangs using the forums as ways of winning a war IC.

However,  based off my recent comments above from your last report. I am going to have to push a 7 day ban for rules G4.5 and rule G4.4. As this has made it to the forums and in the interests of being fair i will process this as normal. But please, next time try to speak about something like this. Gang life wont be the same if all the gang members are banned...

I will say it again Abdul, your proven to be on a slippery slope and i dont want to see it go any further. 

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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