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Report a player - Adam Busy (badge 9497 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Mart Woody

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Adam Busy (badge 9497

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 14/10/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 18

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Here I have 2 situations of RDM.

To begin with, everything was going sound. My engine was out and I had no where to go, in character I knew I was going to be arrested and was ready to hand myself in. Adam then proceed to pull out a bat after telling me to get out of the car. Now, if my engine is out (which one of the officers said) and I have literally no where to go, haven't called down radio at that point or anything, is a bat necessary for this type of situation. I would completely understand if he told me numerous times to get of the car or if I had radioed in that I need help/backup. Myself, had complied with Adam's demands of me stepping out of the car, to which out of no where he begins to strike me with a bat. At this point, I feared for my life (due to no conversation) so therefore, I began to ran away. This could have all been prevented if he actually gave me chance to step of of the vehicle with my hands up but Adam chose to pull out his baton. instead he could have spoke to me, made it a more of an enjoyable time of RP rather then getting hit with a bat then chased.

Now the second situation is the use of a firearms towards the gentleman on the bike. Adam chose to use the a firearms to down the person on the bike. For his defence he quoted 'he just ran over a police officer'. Now how can someone run over a police officer over if Adam can clearly see that the officer is in the car alive and well. But yet again Adam chose the more violent root and to just spray someone.

I have nothing more to say as Adam clearly chose to Random Death Match twice. Rather than actually trying to solve situations and speak.

on my behalf I was like to apologise to any bad language that was shared by me in this RP scenario and for the poor quality of footage.

Thanks for your time staff.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Good evening all, 

I will address the above points in chronological order and then give my perspective into the situation which in all honesty was very poorly handled by Mart in my opinion.

 First Point Raised –

“Is a bat necessary for this type of situation”. Absolutely. This is a in-game / in-rp issue which would be investigated accordingly in line with police procedure and policy as per professional standards as I have clearly engaged in verbal RP with Martt therefore this not even amounting close to RDM, however a small justification is below but again this force was used following roleplay being engaged prior to the strike. Once you were out of the vehicle I immediately put my baton away as this was only used within RP with the intention of smashing the window to eventually pull you out of the car.

As you can clearly see within the video and from my perspective I made contact with this vehicle due to it intentionally ramming us. Due to this there was a roleplay reason to make contact and then arrest the male. I then roleplayed that the male was going to be arrested or “nicked” as I say which can be seen from 2:03 in my perspective. I still have no clue why you would think this was RDM as I clearly made efforts to verbally roleplay with you giving orders prior to when you were hit with the baton.

This has then led to Martt remaining inside of the car as expected so I therefore engaged in further roleplay in game by pretending to smash the window to gain access to the vehicle. I then said “get out the car” whereby he has then got out of the vehicle. Whilst the animation of him getting out was triggered I was still ‘smashing the window’ of the car in game to try and gain access to the vehicle and this has led to Martt being hit which can be clearly shown in the below video at 2:10.

Following this initial roleplay Martt has then began running away and saying something along the line of “why you hitting me you retard” which is questionable but I personally don’t take offence. This has led to further roleplay by a foot chase taking place to give Martt ample opportunity to get-away per say, but also have a chase on foot which I was trying to get into a position to tackle him to the floor. Whilst doing so I was speaking again saying things like “stop running” and giving verbal instructions to enhance roleplay and the situation whereby he eventually was tasered.

The arrest procedure then takes place and the situation is managed in RP. Whilst we were completing this process, we were continuously called things like “spazz” and “retard” even though we were making our best efforts to RP with Martt which again isn’t a major concern but is just poor attitude in general.

Second Point Raised –

As shown from my perspective at 4:21 you can clearly see that from my view Harry CATRAZ (Officer with me at the time) was being run over by a bike which was being driven by Tom DECK. Due to me seeing an officer actively being run over I then pulled to my firearm and engaged due to me being under the belief that Harry was being killed by Tom DECK who was riding this bike.

Once watching back over my perspective I then noticed and also in the game that Harry desynced back into the passenger seat of my car and as you can see at 4:29 as soon as I realise that Harry is in the passenger seat of my car I immediately stop shooting as there is no longer a valid roleplay reason to engage with this person.

I am aware at the time and after watching the other perspective that it looks as if I have shot someone for no valid RP reason which is understandable to say the least. However if you watch my perspective in full you can clearly see Harry being rammed by the bike and therefore I believed that an active situation whereby deploying my firearm to prevent him from being killed was viable.

As stated previously I stopped shooting immediately after I realised that there was an issue with the server / desync therefore leading to us backing away and then verbally speaking with those present to try and establish what was going on in RP and their intentions where we were then surrounded.

So to address you point “Clearly chose to Random Death Match twice. Rather than actually trying to solve situations and speak” I can see how you have come to this assumption from your perspective but there are two sides to every story and fortunately I have a perspective to show and explain.

Third point - 

You state “I feared for my life due to no conversation” - What are you on about? There was verbal roleplay which took place from me and Harry which all you replied was “unaudable you hitting me you retard”. There wasn't any conversation so this point is invalid.

Conclusion –

It would have been ideal of you to make an attempt via DC or TS or OOC to speak about this situation and raise your concerns in productive way however you didn’t make an attempt which you have confirmed within this report and this would have prevented this report being made as if you did ask for my perspective this could have been provided and resolved accordingly.

As everyone will now clearly be able to see in the below video I made many valid attempts to roleplay the situation whereby you have became angered that I have hit you with a baton which is a in-RP issue and was clearly not my main intention as I was simulating the window being smashed within RP. This has led to you having a poor attitude throughout and questionable language towards us throughout the rest of the situation which again I don’t personally take offence to however as you have addressed this point yourself and took some ownership I have no concerns and that is for staff to address.

In relation to the situation as a whole, I and the other officer gave ample opportunity and valid roleplay before using any force “baton” on you and again was for a valid roleplay reason therefore not meeting the requirements for the RDM accusation.

What I would like to put to yourself is that if anything poor attitude and RP has been displayed on your behalf and both videos clearly indicate this. Not only did you not engage in any form of RP with us during or prior to the chase, but you though it was a good idea to then engage with us by intentionally ramming into us for the intention of the pursuit to come to an end. Not only did we give you the opportunity to roleplay that you had an injury from the baton strike and accident by letting you out of handcuffs and give basic first aid but you then took advantage of this as well and led to you starting to tackle and laugh about it which we both found poor in general.

You driving would fall in line with a breach of the following and again would be down to the staff / admin team to assess accordingly.

(G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) - Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM.

The reason I quote the above is there was no valid roleplay reason as to why you did what you did due to their being no prior involvement which is shown by my perspective.

Here is my perspective which I would ask you watch from start to finish for FULL CONTEXT

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I feel that I have addressed all the above points thoroughly and if staff or anyone have any relevant points or questions I am happy to again give a justification and reassurance. - Edit

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Thought I’d post my perspective of the incident from start to finish and highlight the importance for staff. This includes the initial stop of the bike and the involvement from Martt.
I will break it down from the point where Martt gets involved.
0253 - Unrealistic/Fail driving - Takes a Police vehicle with emergency lights and sirens activated head on at speed to defend his friend. As you can see on the ANPR we were going 65mph. At that speed assuming Martt was going the same, this would likely cause serious injury to all parties involved. It has also prevented the pursuit, thus meaning the roleplay at the original incident has been ended by someone that was not involved.
0306 - Male laughs and is clearly not injured like he later says he is.
0312 - You clearly see Busy hit the vehicle with the Baton, showing his intention to smash the window. If Martt was hit by the baton, this is down to a game mechanic. As far as i can see at no point on my PoV did Martt get hit by the Baton.
0315 - Martt drops the first "Hard R"
0359 - Martt drops the first "Hard S"
0421/0449 - Male is uncuffed for the purpose of using the bandage, knowing that that is the only way we can heal him and takes the opportunity to tackle me for the reason "i just wanted to tackle you to be honest".
0525 - Male on bike attempts to run me over. He's not been involved in the incident before so I would consider this RVDM.
0531 - Busy fires his first rounds. This is an IC UoF issue. The other UoF available such as Baton, Taser would not be effective against large crowds of people when in a vehicle. This is for Busy to justify IC. He has clearly stopped shooting when the threat has lowered and therefore i dont see how he has the intention of RDM.
0607 - Busy explains that in his eyes the bike ran me over in a calm way.
0609, 0616 - Martt drops the "Hard R" 3 more times
0619 - I ask politely to Martt to stop saying the "Hard R" for the first time and Busy does the same.
0631 - Martt imitates a disabled person.
0647 - Martt called Busy a "Hard S" again.
0715 - Martt drops the "Hard R" for the 5th time.
0807 - Martt calls me the "Hard R" directly
0807 onwards - Martt continues to use the "Hard R"
Whilst this is an 18+ gaming community and I'm not personally offended, I believe that this would cause a reasonable person with a disability to be upset or offended like rule C1.2 says.  
Regarding Busys UoF, he uses his taser and his baton and therefore has not defaulted to his firearm, thus in my opinion he's changed his level of force depending on the threat and not shown the intent of wanting to "down" a player.
Yourself entering the pursuit in the first place was stupid. There were many ways you could have assisted your friend but "head oning" a Police vehicle that's doing 65mph is simply not realistic as per rule G1.8 says.
I do not wish to add anything further to this and will leave it up to staff.

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


(G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) - Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM.

There is a clear valid reason as to why I have rammed you. you clearly state yourself that 'the triads are back'.

To the language I have displayed. I hold my hands up and I've said I'm sorry. however this could have all been avoided if you actually just let me get out of the car.

In G1.2 it clearly states 'Giving enough time for them to comply with your order'. I feel like there was literally no time for me to even do what YOU have asked me to do which was to step out of the car.

(G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) - Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM.

There is a clear valid reason as to why I have rammed you. you clearly state yourself that 'the triads are back'.

To the language I have displayed. I hold my hands up and I've said I'm sorry. however this could have all been avoided if you actually just let me get out of the car.

In G1.2 it clearly states 'Giving enough time for them to comply with your order'. I feel like there was literally no time for me to even do what YOU have asked me to do which was to step out of the car.
Just to clarify as you have not understood.

I stated that you head oning a car doing 65mph is "Fail Driving" G1.8 and the bike was attempted RVDM. The rule of Fail Driving does not mention a valid reason, as its a FailRP rule and therefore there isnt any. You should be attempting to block the Police Vehicle, kick or assult the police etc, not just ramming it, thus ending the RP senario.

The language was absolutely vile and you were asked multiple times politely to stop. Our actions remained calm throughout and i absolutely dont take "it all could have been avioded if you actually just let me get out" as a mitigating factor, let alone an excuse for what you were saying.

G1.2 was followed. You were told to "hop out the car cause your nicked" and you sat in the vehicle and laughed. There is 4/5 seconds between this command and when Busy goes for the first baton strike on the window. That is plenty of time to hit the F key or even communicate that you were surrendering. You did no such thing. When you did exit the car, you chose to flee on foot. If you were going to follow the command, why did you proceed to run?

I will let Liam proceed.

Just to clarify. You say you asked me to ‘hop out of the vehicle and I laughed’ this is false. I laughed at the fact you also started to ram me back. Then you proceed to get out the car and pull a bat with 0 conversation. If I laughed at the fact you told me to get out then I would understand. This was not the case at all and adam pulled a bat straight away to a car that had broken down and was going no where.

Do you really think I’m going to be happy about being hit with a bat after complying with your orders. 

I reason for me running away was because I was stuck with a bat and feared for my life. You guys also gained an advantage on foot due to me being injured.

Just to clarify. You say you asked me to ‘hop out of the vehicle and I laughed’ this is false. I laughed at the fact you also started to ram me back. Then you proceed to get out the car and pull a bat with 0 conversation. If I laughed at the fact you told me to get out then I would understand. This was not the case at all and adam pulled a bat straight away to a car that had broken down and was going no where.

Do you really think I’m going to be happy about being hit with a bat after complying with your orders. 

I reason for me running away was because I was stuck with a bat and feared for my life. You guys also gained an advantage on foot due to me being injured.
So your report there is basically Adam rammed you after you rammed him and that caused you to laugh. Im not sure why you think Police cant ram cars that are interfering. 

Adam then pulled a baton (the tool in RP and IRL used for smashing car windows) and struck the car. This is absolutely acceptable. We are not going to sit and wait for you to get out of a car. You have just rammed a vehicle head on and put lifes at risk. You are stil la risk whilst you are in that vehicle and therefore the baton was used to get you under control. Even then, this is an IC issue regarding use of force. 

You didnt comply. 5 seconds warning before the first strike went in and a couple more seconds before you got out of the car then proceeded to run away. Please tell me at what point did you show a sign of compliance.

The reason for running away is on you. If your character is fearful or Police enough to run away, where was this shown when you rammed the Police vehicle at 65mph.

Its not about gaining an advantage. You "gave an advantage" to the car we were chasing when you rammed us. You dont hear us complining about that.

I’m reporting Adam for ramming my vehicle? Mate what are you on about. You can quite clearly see that I’m reporting Adam for rdm with the bat and the shooting. Its news to me that I’m reporting him for ramming my vehicle. I would be contradicting myself as I also rammed you.. literally makes no sense.

You talk about seconds between you calling me to get out, but did you know it actually takes 2-3 seconds to actually get out of a car. What do you expect me to do, teleport my character out of the vehicle? Your point makes 0 sense as you say it took me ‘5’ seconds to get out but it stale 2-3 seconds to get out leaving me with 2 seconds to get out of a car and to close the door?

Harry, so you’re also telling me if you were struck with a bat after complying, you wouldn’t try to save your life? Madness mate.

The only bit of compliance I could give was getting out of the car to which then I was struck by a baton. Tell me where and at what point was I able to give anymore compliance before being struck.

You say that I drove into you at 65mph so where was your concern that I could have been injured? Many different people express pain and injuries in different ways. At what point coming up to car did you ask if I was okay/injured. This also could come into play with my previous point as to why I took longer to get out of the car. IC you now have no idea whether I was actually injured prior to being struck.

You both have said that the way I dealt with the rp situation was ‘poorly handled’ but when is poor RP a rule? You don’t see me complaining about the quality of rp you provided. There are factors of your rp that could have been better but we are human. We are not always perfect.

Apologies for the black text as I’m writing it up on my notes due to limited data whilst at work.

I’m reporting Adam for ramming my vehicle? Mate what are you on about.
You implied that you were laughing at the fact that we were ramming you back which you didnt agree with.

You can quite clearly see that I’m reporting Adam for rdm with the bat and the shooting. 
There is no RDM. He went to the appriopiate force for the threat.

You are in a car, which is a 2 tonne piece of metal, whether its broken or not, he used appropiate force to get you out of the car to minimalise the threat to himself or the public. 

With the shooting, it is not appropiate to start tasing people in a large crowd from inside a vehicle. Tasers have alimited range and a re-charge time. He cant baton from inside the car so using escalation went to his sidearm. He has not "jumped" straight to his sidearm and used non-lethal force previously before discharing his firearm. He has no intent of RDM, otherwise he would have started blastng at everyone, even when the threat was no longer present. As above, if you disagree with this, this should be handled IC through the Police complaints procedure.

You talk about seconds between you calling me to get out, but did you know it actually takes 2-3 seconds to actually get out of a car. What do you expect me to do, teleport my character out of the vehicle? Your point makes 0 sense as you say it took me ‘5’ seconds to get out but it stale 2-3 seconds to get out leaving me with 2 seconds to get out of a car and to close the door?
What im saying is that you had ample opportunity to say "ok officers i give up", "help me im trapped", "ow my head" but instead you sat there. Adam and myself managed to get out our vehicle and approach yours whilst giving commands in the time you did nothing. So are you telling me you couldnt have gotten out, when in fact 2 people got out and ran towards you in the same time?

Harry, so you’re also telling me if you were struck with a bat after complying, you wouldn’t try to save your life? Madness mate.
If i had just committed a crime and someone used force against to effect the arrest i would probaly still consider surrendering before i get hurt more. You can clearly see my discharge my taser 3-4 times at you. If you were fearful of getting hurt, surely you wouldnt want to be tasered and would have stopped when you werre told to.

Its also a baton or an ASP, not a bat.

The only bit of compliance I could give was getting out of the car to which then I was struck by a baton. Tell me where and at what point was I able to give anymore compliance before being struck.
"ah fuck im screwed", "help my legs are trapped", "my hands are up officer", "ok i give up", "ahhhhhh my head hit the windscreen", *puts hands up*, *turns off engine*.

Instead you did nothing and force was used on the vehicle to get you out. If you got out of the car when the baton was being used on the vehicle and you got hit DUE TO A GAME MECHANIC thats 1. on youfor getting out and 2. not on Adam as its out of his control.

The fact is that you are either complaint as above or not compliant. If you dont communciate your compliance, thats your fault.

You say that I drove into you at 65mph so where was your concern that I could have been injured? Many different people express pain and injuries in different ways. At what point coming up to car did you ask if I was okay/injured. This also could come into play with my previous point as to why I took longer to get out of the car. IC you now have no idea whether I was actually injured prior to being struck.
I was concerned, until you a started laughing. Ive never met a person thats laughed after a car crash at that speed. You can see as you expressed that you needed a bandage you were uncuffed and given one. An opportunity that you abused.

As far as i can see, laughing = conscious and breathing. Its the same thing as when someone says "i have a heart condition dont tase me" whilst running for 15 minutes with no issue.

You both have said that the way I dealt with the rp situation was ‘poorly handled’ but when is poor RP a rule? You don’t see me complaining about the quality of rp you provided. There are factors of your rp that could have been better but we are human. We are not always perfect.
If you are unsure if "poor rp" is against the rules, i recommend you read the rules completely. They explain what and what is no RP. This very report is you complaining about the quality of RP that we provided.

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You implied that you were laughing at the fact that we were ramming you back which you didnt agree with.
At what point have I said I didn't agree with you ramming me? since when does laughing at someone imply that I don't agree with his/her decision making? You're just jumping to conclusions now.

You are in a car, which is a 2 tonne piece of metal, whether its broken or not, he used appropriate force to get you out of the car to minimalize the threat to himself or the public. 
Not sure what threat I could appose other than the vehicle, which AGAIN had broken down.

What im saying is that you had ample opportunity to say "ok officers i give up", "help me im trapped", "ow my head" but instead you sat there. Adam and myself managed to get out our vehicle and approach yours whilst giving commands in the time you did nothing. So are you telling me you couldnt have gotten out, when in fact 2 people got out and ran towards you in the same time?
Why are you acting like I sat there for ages. you say 'Adam and myself managed to get out our vehicle and approach yours whilst giving commands in the time you did nothing.' Your car was still running at the time giving you chance to break and stop quicker than mine. My car was still rolling and was coming to a eventual stop. Not to also mention I had to take off my seatbelt which you clearly see in the bottom left of my body cam. As soon as I hear Adam say 'hop out of the car' I hit the f muscle and the seatbelt message comes up. By the time I'm actually out of the car I'm struck with the BATON/ASP.

on youfor getting out and 2. not on Adam as its out of his control.
This is literally making no sense to me. So now you're telling me its my fault that i got out of the car after YOU told me to get out of the car? what?

The fact is that you are either complaint as above or not compliant. If you dont communciate your compliance, thats your fault.
The fact is that I did comply and I complied physically by getting out of the car.

Whilst this is an 18+ gaming community and I'm not personally offended, I believe that this would cause a reasonable person with a disability to be upset or offended like rule C1.2 says.  
Would also like to bring up you guys pointing out that I'm using the 'Hard R'. As far as I'm aware this word is allowed until someone tells you not to for obvious reasons (correct me if I'm wrong). This was not the case at all and in fact you guys took a joke to it and went on to say 'I love that word'. At 8:12 in Harry's video, Adam in fact actually tells me to 'Keep saying it'.

If you guys were to mention in OOC or pulling me aside in game and say that 'its effecting me, please stop' by what my character is saying, then I would have noticed and appreciated what was going on and would have stopped immediately. 

I have no further to add unless staff request fruther from myself as I have addressed everything accordingly in my original reply.

I do not wish to speak to you via discord about this issue either as this could have been done prior to this forum post being created in a rational manner.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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