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Report a player - Ballas - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Sam Chong

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Ballas

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/09/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 15

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Myself and a handful of friends were trying to continue an RP storyline our group has in RP regarding The Firm (limited to what I can say as don't want to provide information that could be metagamed - happy to explain to staff over discord though) and we meticulously planned out a robbery on several members of the firm and spent a lot of time planning and prepping for what was to happen and all outcomes when we were all shot at and killed with 0 RP from Ballas who presumably were set up waiting for Grove as they are currently at war with them.

There was 0 RP between Ballas and my group before they started shooting and they were not involved with the situation at all. I understand that TireNutz may be considered their turf and that they will have links with The Firm, but I would at least expect some form of RP before just starting to shoot as this ultimately is an RP server, not a frag server. They clearly have more numbers as seen in the clip at the end and there was no attempt to stop the robbery through RP i.e try and kidnap us and rob us in return or any form of RP at all which is why I believe this to be RDM.

I understand that the server is boring at the moment for gangs, especially those in whitelisted groups when you are sat waiting for pushes during a war having to balance the issues you have with police and the other gangs, but I honestly feel like the open fire on the handful of people trying to continue an existing RP storyline was completely unnecessary and not what you'd expect on an RP server.

In addition to this in the screenshot below you can see that members of the Ballas are justifying this as protecting local businesses which is perfectly acceptable within RP, but as mentioned opening fire when you are not involved with the situation at all is excessive and I believe to be a rule break. If there was any attempt at RP this report wouldn't be getting raised.


I'm not here to try and get people banned, but rather get clarity on the situation and get staff's opinion on whether opening fire like this is valid within RP or classed as RDM.


Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

i made the call to save the firm members due to enhanced roleplay we have within the firm as you have pointed out (we are limited to what I can say as don't want to provide information that could be metagamed - happy to explain to staff over discord though) you say you spent a lot of time planning and prepping but yet you still decided to rob them on ballas turf as you said ballas who presumably were set up waiting for Grove as they are currently at war with them doesn't seem the smartest thing to do

i made the call to save the firm members due to enhanced roleplay we have within the firm
As I said the report isn't because you got involved and I understand there are exceptions to the teaming rule for certain factions; however, the reason for the report was because of the shoot first, worry about interaction later mentality you had with us. My point still stands that there was no RP from Ballas despite clearly having more people involved in the sit, bigger weapons, and an advantage of not being seen - IMO there were plenty of opportunities to engage in some form of RP instead of just shooting at everyone. As I said, my intentions aren't to get people banned, and believe it or not Sean I'm friends with a lot of people from your group and wouldn't want them banned.

My intention is to get clarity on whether killing without any interaction like this is valid RP within RPUK as I don't believe it is. 

you say you spent a lot of time planning and prepping but yet you still decided to rob them on ballas turf as you said ballas who presumably were set up waiting for Grove as they are currently at war with them doesn't seem the smartest thing to do
Regardless of the current situation between Ballas and Grove, we did not expect to just be shot on sight without any interaction. We understood the risks of being kidnapped, and having the robbery go south with regards to the people we intended to kidnap/rob, and believe it or not intervention from other groups also crossed our minds, but we did not expect to be just shot seemingly out of the blue as ultimately this is an RP server and not a frag server. 

Just want to reiterate that there is no issue with the "teaming", there is no issue with "losing the sit" - the whole reason for this report is to get clarity from staff to whether the way Ballas reacted to people being robbed on their turf is acceptable and classed as valid RP within RPUK standards.


another pov for staff reference 


a third pov for staff reference


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You've indicated on the report that you have tried to settle this via a liaison, could you tell me how that went and if anything was resolved?

Thank you.

Morning @Hank Summers 

There were a handful of people in QE but I only recognised Sean. I asked about the blatant RDM and we were unable to agree on the situation - it felt like Sean wasn't taking what I was saying very seriously and laughed it off, which I feel is also why he copied and pasted my comment about not wanting to discuss the Firm's business to try to be funny. I didn't want to put details of the storyline with myself and the Firm as someone new to the server could look at this report and realise what parts of the Firm's business is. Both parties weren't happy with the liaison which is why I've asked for staff opinion on the situation and to discuss the rule break here instead. 

When we first joined he was still pissed off about what happened and his attitude wasn't the best I could tell it wasn't going to go anywhere as both parties have different opinions on the situation so I said if you feel there was a rule break report it and I left 

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Do you have a recording from the perspective of the person in Ballas who fired the first shot? I know it's been a while since the report was put up but would like to see it from Ballas' perspective. 

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hi @Scott

I just want to add something from my side - if it was L1L that killed Dave in that clip you've referenced then I can understand this and it makes sense in RP as Cypress was involved in the attempted kidnapping.

To me, this makes sense in RP as his group was involved in the robbing, the report was more regarding the random shooting from Ballas who was not involved in the situation, and from an outsider's view, it looks like Cypress was also getting kidnapped, although the intention was to only grab The Firm so the involvement from L1L is understandable. 

Likewise, if it was Ballas we were kidnapping it would be completely understandable in RP if they shot, but from my understanding, Ballas were not involved in the sit before shooting. 

@L1LYou've been reported in this situation as well, do you wish to add your side of the story?
Hello Scott! i dont think im actually being reported here, i just happend to be apart of the same situation but ill give my side just incase.

Two of my group members where being held with guns pointed at them wich i witnessed from the roof of tire nutz, I called out the robbery and asked for back up on radio aswell as engaged one of the people in a attempt to delay them. One of my members that where initially held up then said on radio that the robbers where letting cypress members go, i then decided to not engage further.

i think @sam420explained it pretty accurately. 

Thank you for your responses. I'm gathering some input before actioning this report and will try to get this actioned after Christmas at the earliest, thank you all for being patient with me.

Enjoy the holiday with your families, have a wonderful christmas and a brilliant new year!

Right so in this situation, there are a few things going on, so I'd like to simplify it a little.

Starting with Jeep, he has done nothing wrong as his gang members were being held up, and said member informed one of the players that his gang were headed down to tyre nuts.

On to ballas, there was no interaction between members of ballas to the robbing gang, ergo, It falls under the RDM rule. Now I'm taking into account the RP background between certain balla members and the firm when i deal with this, as there is a substantial rp backstory, but it doesn't permit the rdm rule to be broken.

Sean Glasgow
Char Id: 19649

Rule: G1.2

Outcome: 1D

Curtis Goodwing

Char Id: 86866

Rule: G1.2

Outcome: Player has been given strict conditions to play by for the foreseeable future.

Zycho Bellingham

Char Id: 77058

Rule: G1.2

Outcome: Permanent Ban

All bans issued are in line with the FBS.

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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