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Report a player - Ballas/Sean Glasgow - GTA RP

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Nobody important

Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Jake Samuel

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Ballas/Sean Glasgow

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/30/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2200

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I am today reporting a incident that happened at ballas turf.
So in my clip you can hear people speaking, Id like to clear up that none of the people was in game and we wear just chatting. Staff can prove this.

So i was hovering over balla turf as i saw alot of purple cars so i stuck around and kept my distance, After a short white i see another helicopter approach me and instantly open fire with no words said.
I spoke to Sean in discord after the situation and he claimed it wasn't rdm because we are at war and they remember my outfit from earlier in the day, Which would be fine if they would of said something but nothing was as you can see in the clip.


Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Good morning jake Samuel I'm very heart broken that you have felt the need to report but unfortunately I don't believe you have the right person I'm sure staff will be able to confirm with logs that I never fired any shots I hope you have a splendid day kind regards Sean Glasgow 

Good morning jake Samuel I'm very heart broken that you have felt the need to report but unfortunately I don't believe you have the right person I'm sure staff will be able to confirm with logs that I never fired any shots I hope you have a splendid day kind regards Sean Glasgow 
So why come to discord and act like it was you? Ok you was the driver im guessing Tyson was the one doing the shooting

The reason for me to come to discord you asked ballas to come there i never once said i was the shooter it just seems you are upset over your fellow gang member being banned for something similar where both parties were out of colours unfortunately ballas was in colours at this moment i also noticed in your stream you call out they ‘I think they’re gonna bring a heli to me’ which makes me consider you where just trying to bait for a RDM report unfortunately due to the nature of the time the report happened i fail to recollect who the shooter was kind regards Sean Glasgow

Hello @peacey
The evidence provided does not identify anybody involved in this incident.
I assume there is no further evidence available, showing who the shooter and / or people in the other helicopter are?


Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello @peacey
The evidence provided does not identify anybody involved in this incident.
I assume there is no further evidence available, showing who the shooter and / or people in the other helicopter are?

Hi Drex Sadly i do not know who shot at me.

But Sean and Tyson joined discord after i asking in OOC "can the ballas that shot my heli come discord"

They also say is the discord call that they shot at me because they knew what i was wearing and they "shouted at me" before shooting.

Link to liaison call:


After looking into it when i slow down my clip you can clearly see sean driving the heli i know this as he has been wearing the exact same outfit since the start of the war. Also I have strong beliefs that Tyson was the passenger the reason i believe this is because when i asked "can the people who shot my heli come discord" Tyson and Sean showed up i feel like you are trying to avoid the ban and are not taking any accountability at all.

You can also see tysons clown mask if the clip is slowed down 

Hi jake thanks again for taken the time to reply I see you have put a lot of time and effort into copying and pasting your message but I fail to see what rule I have broken while flying a helicopter

Hi Sean, the rule that yourself and Tyson have broken is RDM as stated in this report. Granted you say you have recognised my outfit from a prior situation that day but that doesn't mean you are able to just kill me on sight. I know we have war rules in place for if both parties are in their respective gang colours that we are able to shoot each other on sight, but as I have stated I was not in colours and as we all know war rules do not overpower server rules. You flying the heli and chasing me is participating in this RDM as this is encouraging Tyson to shoot at me without words spoken. These actions have a habit of repeating themself as your poor judgement has lead you to multiple bans in the past and to even lose your leadership of your gang. To put not only yourself back in this situation but to allow Tyson (your new gang lead) to participate in these actions is pretty reckless and careless, especially for a player who has been around so long

@Tyson Blake
It's a simple question really - Are you the person in the helicopter with Sean Glasgow?

If not, I ask you as the Group Lead  to find out - Ultimately, you bear some responsability for your group members as a 'Community Leader' and in-charge of a whitelisted F6. 

@Tyson Blake
It's a simple question really - Are you the person in the helicopter with Sean Glasgow?

If not, I ask you as the Group Lead  to find out - Ultimately, you bear some responsability for your group members as a 'Community Leader' and in-charge of a whitelisted F6. 
Aye I was the shooter.

Why did you shoot them?
There was a situation earlier In which one of our members had chased a black GB200 to Sandy, In which someone with the exact same outfit Is cuffed by two ex-Hustler members on their feds.

Fast forward we leave them alone due to not wanting to attack PD, a heli Is then seen hovering over Ballas turf we think nothing of It Initially until members start using the zooms on their phones to ascertain who the pilot Is.

It was then called that by someone to be Jake because he always wears the same outfit and when Hustlers aren't around he seems to be the only person wanting to bait some sort of a reaction like this.

The heli Is seen then leaving the area but then coming back shortly after, to which we grabbed a heli to chase him away with shots.


I agree that you're in a war with Hustlers, and there is a black Orca (or whatever the hell helicopter that is) hanging nearby turf, and trust me I would get it had @peaceybeen wearing the full hustlers outfit which he wasn't.

I know there is going to be some kick off somewhere for "Well how can he roleplay with a helicopter". QRA does this exact same thing, NPAS used to do it back in the day before QRA.

What I will say @peaceyis be careful when hovering above the "ops" turf, as it can come across as "Baiting" in certain circumstances. However, in this situation you could have quite literally been anyone and you've been shot down without prior RP.

Action: 1 Day Ban

CharID: 34512

Rule(s): G1.2

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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