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Report a player - Banci - Malden Life

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Chief Wiggem

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Banci

Which server did the incident take place on: Malden Life

Date of the incident: 07/24/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1800

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Relic tracered my heli while flying to rebel stronghold, I land on a nearby hill to comply and they continue shooting while I'm landed. I remind them in OOC of the 'land or leave' rule but they keep shooting until Banci eventually kills me. They then steal and scrap my helicopter.
Asked multiple times for a liason but was ignored and relic continue to chat shit in OOC so I felt a report made sense. I am still happy to resolve the situation if I'm comped for the lost heli.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

You got tracered to leave the area, you seen we were in a situation where we had hostages, you could have been with them, we don't know. We tracered you to leave, you then go and land on a  roaching spot, was clear at that point you were going to be shot. You said in your own video "Let's land on the hill and shoot"... "Doesn't matter we can still shoot" You were clearly landing above us to roach us it was as clear as day, you got shot for landing after being tracered whilst we had hostages, I'm sorry but that is blatant and you knew yourself you'd have been shot for landing there you're interfereing in an on going fight, not only that your other guy lands on the other hill with a MK1, so as you said yourself, you were going to shoot back at us, but we're not allowed to shoot you for blatantly disregarding our warning shots (tracers) to leave the area and instead landing on a spot where you can shoot down on us which you were clearly going to do, give over.

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First of all, warning shots mean get lost or die. The rule has never been land or leave.

Second, 1:08 in the vid. Warning shots do not equal RDM. If we had been trying to shoot you out of the heli we would have done it.

Third,  if we give you warning shots and you immediately land in a roach position to fire back at us, of course we're going to shoot you. You even stated in your video that that was your intention.

Lastly, How did you know we were at rebel?

You've been following us around for days looking to pick fights with us wherever you can, then get upset and winge when you get bit for it. The game's no fun if you can't roll with the punches. You guys are taking it too seriously. Instead of nit picking at video to get a scrap of banable evidence every time you die because you have a vendetta, pick yourself up, laugh it off and stop embarrassing yourself. It's just a game.

First of all, warning shots mean get lost or die. The rule has never been land or leave.

Second, 1:08 in the vid. Warning shots do not equal RDM. If we had been trying to shoot you out of the heli we would have done it.

Third,  if we give you warning shots and you immediately land in a roach position to fire back at us, of course we're going to shoot you. You even stated in your video that that was your intention.

Lastly, How did you know we were at rebel?

You've been following us around for days looking to pick fights with us wherever you can, then get upset and winge when you get bit for it. The game's no fun if you can't roll with the punches. You guys are taking it too seriously. Instead of nit picking at video to get a scrap of banable evidence every time you die because you have a vendetta, pick yourself up, laugh it off and stop embarrassing yourself. It's just a game.
Wasn't trying to roach you, I wasn't carrying a gun. Was getting ready for my friend to defend me if you killed me, which you did, and he did.
Not out to ban anyone but reporting seems the only thing that gets you lot to liason. Like I said am still happy to resolve if you'd like.

Wasn't trying to roach you, I wasn't carrying a gun. Was getting ready for my friend to defend me if you killed me, which you did, and he did.
Not out to ban anyone but reporting seems the only thing that gets you lot to liason. Like I said am still happy to resolve if you'd like.
If you were landing for your friend to shoot us then that's baiting and just as banable.

Hello @Aethonand @Banci.Firstly, there is not such thing as the land or leave rule. Tracers generally mean leave. However that does not give the people who tracer you full permission to kill you. I do question why you didn't just fly off when you were being shot at, as it does bring up the issue of baiting. 

All in all, no one was in the right here. Banci shouldn't have kept shooting, but Aethon had no reason to stay there other than baiting. Add on top of that the lack of previous footage, I'm just going to deny this report. I will however give you both some advice. RP EVERYTHING. There was no need for this situation to happen. @Bancidon't be so trigger happy, and @Aethondon't hang around an area where people are clearly telling you to leave. 

No action taken. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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