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Report a Player - barbaru,Aivaras - RDM

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Well-known member
Talking to Myself about Weed
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Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


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Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

whilst leaving diamond factory and heading towards Agios via main road simon ross and tokjat were spiked by people and they hopped out to repair the quillin they were in the orca had followed us from Athria down to where we were spiked we tracered it twice then open fired on the heli then 2 guys from behind who havent said a word shot us killing Tokjat and Simon Ross,then i turned around to shoot them but then i got shot, we had called them to liaison and explained to them there rule break and refused to sort it out with us

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Furthering on to this report I would like to add

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 My side of recording

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First of all we did not bait;
Not our intention to get into a gunfight; as you can see at the start of the following video the helicopter was already shot up, so we were meeting up and saw you on the way. We then decided to see what was going on with the situation to see if anyone needed help. Regarding the situation itself, we waited until the helicopter was actually engaged with live shots before shooting people on the ground. This rule also suggests that you can engage when actual shots have been made, not warning shots. In your own video you show yourselves engaging the helicopter properly at which time you are all shot and killed.

You also fail to mention your NLR fail RP in GreenZone at Airport, at which point you seem to remember us, despite respawning, as well as then follow us and attempt to engage. The only "initiation" from you was "Hello boys". 

You then RDM'ed Aiveras, at which point you were shot and killed again.

Rules Broken:

(2.2) Random Deathmatch

5.3: (twice)
Your character does not remember any previous roleplay situations. 
Your character does not remember any previous enemies (your killer/robber etc)

We have not reported for these because:
1) We don't care.
2) Some of us don't have the ability to record due to having potato computers.
3) For us, it was an interesting and fun roleplay experience.

When you RDM'd us we had been revived actually and i was not involved in the second situation so PM either simon ross to tokjat for what you wish to happen 

You also fail to mention your NLR fail RP in GreenZone at Airport, at which point you seem to remember us, despite respawning, as well as then follow us and attempt to engage. The only "initiation" from you was "Hello boys". 
If you believe you can initate in a GZ then you are incorrect. We never broke NLR as we waited to be revived(about 10 minutes) as you failed to execute us. NLR does not count & we remebered you due to the same van and orca. Staff can cofirm as they will see we only died the second time when you executed us. 

You then RDM'ed Aiveras, at which point you were shot and killed again.
It was not RDM as my mate in the SUV had been shot at, meaning you guys made it a hostile situation, so I returned the favour & killed the person you were with. If you would like evidence of this I will be linking my friends footage shortly.

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If you had gotten out of the Orca after we lethalled it then yes you had the right to shoot us, but as you failed to make an initiation on us you had no rights to shoot as you aren't involved with that helicopter in the eyes of everyone else.

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14 minutes ago, Simon Ross said:

If you believe you can initate in a GZ then you are incorrect. We never broke NLR as we waited to be revived(about 10 minutes) as you failed to execute us. NLR does not count & we remebered you due to the same van and orca. Staff can cofirm as they will see we only died the second time when you executed us. 

It was not RDM as my mate in the SUV had been shot at, meaning you guys made it a hostile situation, so I returned the favour & killed the person you were with. If you would like evidence of this I will be linking my friends footage shortly.

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At 1:50, I believe someone in my group took warning shots at you, since you did at the heli, as well as attempting to kill him quite clearly. We heard this over the radio from our friend.

If you did not break NLR, then you will have remembered the Van and Heli are together, and thus it would not be "We don't know they are together" in that situation - as you so claimed in the first. I could see this being also treated as baiting a gunfight by tracering the helicopter, as you clearly keep saying "wait for the RDM".

Again, warning shots were taking at you, just as you did to the helicopter. You then killed Aveiras, so you were killed again. You were then executed to make sure that you could not remember us for a second time.

At 1:50, I believe someone in my group took warning shots at you, since you did at the heli, as well as attempting to kill him quite clearly. We heard this over the radio from our friend.
You cannot take warning shots at those people on the ground. It does not work like this around here. I am further going to say to this the report is about the inital occurance and this is being dragged off course massively. If you want to put a report up for that then go ahead and I will hand over all my footage, however warning shots that close to sometime can be taken as a threat to life(which it was in this case) and which is why I deemed it appropriate to attack him, which I did. 

If you did not break NLR, then you will have remembered the Van and Heli are together, and thus it would not be "We don't know they are together" in that situation - as you so claimed in the first. I could see this being also treated as baiting a gunfight by tracering the helicopter, as you clearly keep saying "wait for the RDM".
Doesn't overly change how the rules work, a second initiation would still be required. I tracered the heli as we were going after that van and a heli in the sky gives a lot of information in these sorts of sitations and that heli being around could change the entire occurance(especially as we were outnumbered). I said wait for the RDM because it is what I would have come to expect of you and I was warning him of what could happen. This did happen when you "warning shot" at us. I am also going to further add to this, this is a different scenario which this report is not about. If you would like there to be a report than please submit another one. Further on I am going to reiterate that we did not break NLR. A medic & student revived us when we had around 5-7 minutes left to live. Thus we did not break NLR & I would appreciate it if you do not accuse us of this. 

Again, warning shots were taking at you, just as you did to the helicopter. You then killed Aveiras, so you were killed again. You were then executed to make sure that you could not remember us for a second time.
Correct and subsequently I do not, however unrelated again. It is my fault for replying to this in the first place however I am going to request that only this which happened prior to our re appearances at the airport is disgussed as that is what this thread is about. Could you please only comment on that and refrain from taking this more off course than it already is. 

 It was not RDM as my mate in the SUV had been shot at, meaning you guys made it a hostile situation, so I returned the favour & killed the person you were with. If you would like evidence of this I will be linking my friends footage shortly.
 your friend wasn't shot at:


And you're telling me that you can kill without initiation because i shot 2 bullets in the tire of your car but we cannot shoot you after your guys unloaded 100 plus bullets into my teammates heli, i mean that seems legit at all.

 your friend wasn't shot at:


And you're telling me that you can kill without initiation because i shot 2 bullets in the tire of your car but we cannot shoot you after your guys unloaded 100 plus bullets into my teammates heli, i mean that seems legit at all.

Whoever said "noooo because they are not in a helicopter"  is exactly correct. Those shots being fired so close to us could have been you taking a bad shot and missing, which is how we took it. 

As for the last bit you aren't allowed to fire upon us on the ground unless you have made it clear to us that is your intentions. Anyone in the heli could(e.g a benchy on a hummingbird or someone getting out of the orca) but if you are not immediately and obviously involved then no we cannot, so we had no right to shoot you just like you had no right to shoot us(I am speaking as in context of the first situation, prior to us meeting at the airport. I would appreciate it if you only reply regarding the first situation, and not the second. If you want to post a report I encourage you but if not please keep this on topic of the inital incident. 

If it continues to go off course could a staff member please lock the thread.

I've spoken to my friends and asked them to stop responding for now to not clutter this up.

Quite clearly we feel as if we haven't done anything wrong, and anything we seemed to do in this situation keeps being treated as "wrong".

Again. we see we did nothing wrong in this situation, gave warning shots, gave time for you to leave, and were quite lenient by not executing you the first time despite the amount of shots at the helicopter. The second time however, we were not so kind.

If this is deemed to be rule-breaking in some way, I'd prefer to speak to an admin about it personally, so I can better understand exactly what was wrong, and what we can do to combat it. If we didn't do anything wrong however, I would not like to proceed with any reports upon you.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Right this seems like a long thread so im going to shorten my conclusion as much as possible. Fist thing is for the only people who are no the reporter and reported, are people with sufficient evidence, some people posting evidence (which was a bit short for its use) but the main thing was that after they posted their evidence, some people still post after without it, next time ill have to take more action on that.

Next thing is that most videos would not take action on anyway, because they are not long enough to have an effect, so from this thread, i cannot take action on anyone regarding the beginning of the report, but regarding one video https://plays.tv/video/5bf1814def227735d3/bois?oreferer=notifications we have aivaras breaking 5.4 clearly with giving away tactical information when downed, in this case, i will be giving a Major warning regarding this, so i advise to his gang members that he is informed of this. if more rule breaks are done, there may be no second chance.

Overal with the reason for the report in the first place, i will not fully action but will take note in some areas where video was relevant.

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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