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Report a player - Bosh Balaney - ID: 198 - GTA RP

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Elite Donator
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Chris Lee

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Bosh Balaney - ID: 198

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/21/20

Time of the incident (GMT): 2000

What best describes this incident ?: Trolling/Baiting

Please (in detail) describe the incident: So after the Pacific Standard robbery there was a brief police chase before a shoutout started at City Hall between cops and the robbers. During this Bosh was repeatadly told to leave as he was standing in a middle of a gunfight "watching" In my eyes thats kinda piss poor rp but so be it. He was eventually arrested for not leaving the area when told to. He was taken away form the area and released. After this happening he got a car and came back to the area and proceeded to drive around doing donuts in front of police.

After the incident i came to liasion to speak with Bosh here he was showing off his true colors and disgusting attitude. I think the video speaks for itself.

ID:https://i.imgur.com/ZbKrxgE.png, https://i.imgur.com/xB9vWBy.png

Video dont show entirete of him baiting but shows the most part of it further video and video of previous encounter can be provided on staff request if they deem it nessecery to the report.

Liasion: https://youtu.be/jjsH_xJA4-o

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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First of all. Thank you for writing the 27th report since August, you must have the reports page saved as a favourite.

now lets get into the report. 

The bank happened. We was told as long as we stay behind the cordon we was allowed to watch the situation given it was a rare situation. 

The situation moved to the city hall where you can see in the video

I was told 6 different things by 6 different officers. 
first officer:

stay behind the cordon and you can watch and get pictures for weasel news, i was roleplaying asif i was getting pictures to send to weasel news.

second officer:

Leave the area, inwhich i question why because we were told we could watch. 

Third officer: 

Stand further back from the cordon

fourth officer:

leave the area or you will be arrested

fifth officer:

had a nice conversation about things.

sixth officer: (foghorn aka: tiktak) 

hands up now or your gonna be tased. Proceeds to taze me through a car window whilst driving.

when your told so many different things by cops and its a rare event going on. I am going to want to be there. You physically cant stop someone from watching. ESPECIALLY when i got arrested at the bank for taking pictures.

i am doing doughnuts in the car not to cop bait.. to stop you from having another powertrip and arresting me for wanting to watch a situation. You said in the Liaison which YOU left TWICE. That i didnt value my life because there was a gunfight. I dont see or hear ant gunshots in the video that you have provided. Then i call tigerforce into the Liaison to try and talk to him and you join without me asking. Interupt and then proceed to BAN tigerforce from being in a liason with me? You arent an admin so you cant do this.

Theres multiple people who ive spoken to and in my opinion i didnt cop bait. Nor was my intentions to cop bait.

I said to you that i wouldnt speak to you without an admin in the channel. I waisted my time last night trying to deal with your issues. Sitting in support with a staff member and you were moving around teamspeak when i was messaging you. Then 20 mins later you message me saying you only just saw the message and you wanted to resolve the issue. 


if you wanted to speak to me that bad you would have been ready. Ive waisted enough of my time on this petty report. 

all im going to say now is that i wasnt cop baiting i was doing doughnuts trying to watch a Big situation. And you decide to be Mr Storm Trooper and single me out of numerous cars that was watching because you has dealt with me and left me in the middle of nowhere up the left hand side of the map.

i am going to ask @Tigerforceand @Tokjatto say their sides being as they were involved 

Honestly i think your just continuing to show your shitty attitude. Here being upset with people dont give you the right to bait or behave the way you are. 

First of all. Thank you for writing the 27th report since August, you must have the reports page saved as a favourite.
Okay, i thought this was an adault community? Well start acting as an adult.

The bank happened. We was told as long as we stay behind the cordon we was allowed to watch the situation given it was a rare situation. 

The situation moved to the city hall where you can see in the video

I was told 6 different things by 6 different officers. 
first officer:

stay behind the cordon and you can watch and get pictures for weasel news, i was roleplaying asif i was getting pictures to send to weasel news.

second officer:

Leave the area, inwhich i question why because we were told we could watch. 

Third officer: 

Stand further back from the cordon

fourth officer:

leave the area or you will be arrested

fifth officer:

had a nice conversation about things.

sixth officer: (foghorn aka: tiktak) 

hands up now or your gonna be tased. Proceeds to taze me through a car window whilst driving.

when your told so many different things by cops and its a rare event going on. I am going to want to be there. You physically cant stop someone from watching. ESPECIALLY when i got arrested at the bank for taking pictures.
You will find this shocking but actually server rules and UK law wise i can. Again no relevance to the report at all. 

i am doing doughnuts in the car not to cop bait.. 
(G1.3) Baiting - Taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Examples: Robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, deliberately committing crimes in front of the police, swearing at a group of gang members.

I am trying so hard rn not to wright something silly but read it please just read it. 

You said in the Liaison which YOU left TWICE. That i didnt value my life because there was a gunfight. I dont see or hear ant gunshots in the video that you have provided. Then i call tigerforce into the Liaison to try and talk to him and you join without me asking. Interupt and then proceed to BAN tigerforce from being in a liason with me? You arent an admin so you cant do this.
Yeah sorry the video clearly shows how you acted i am not doing the whole 2 hours liaisons. Behave or i am out which you clearly failed at. When i was in there for the second time and you once again started with your little tantrum i told Kieran to not engage in liaison until you had calmed down and to avoid it for the time being. I am not an admin never claimed to be one and certainly never told anyone they are banned form any channels. But it is an LSPS we have a structure and i am surer that Kieran could go talk to someone if he believed my decision to avoid engaging in Liaison with you at the time  was wrong. There is plenty of other channels you could use if you wanted to talk. 

Ohh and to the last point i do sincerely apologize for not watching my TS client when i am ingame.


Right let me clear this up for you because obviously im speaking Jiberish.

WHY would i be cop baiting if i went and changed my car?... Sorry i forgot you didnt put that in the video because you just are going to get people banned at this point.


The amount of reports that you have reported is relevant and an ADULT community. Isnt it abit immature that you just report all the time. pretty sure Wilco told you to calm down with the reports yet you still didnt listen but hey... its not my place to say.


Please write the thing thats silly i am wanting to know what it is now. Youve spent enough time writing this report out.


Dont know if you read my first reply PROPERLY but let me put it to you again. I sat in liaison 3 times to try and resolve it. ALL 3 TIMES you left having a crying fit because i have "Poor attitude" and you have the audacity to sit there and say its a "Adult community" sorry but leaving a conversation instead of resolving it is abit immature in my opinion. So the 4th time i wanted to resolve it in support i waited 20 mins. ive tried to resolve it 4 times now and either your too busy or you just run off crying because my attitude is poor. 


You can what? you can sit there and confuse someone and then arrest them because you cant make your mind up with what you want to do. Just because you wear a police uniform doesnt mean that you can DEMAND us to do things. Its a game at the end of the day. Yes we roleplay in the game and we are supposed to roleplay however we wanted to watch and the police being unorganized and not making their minds up isnt my problem. 

Finally can i please ask why in the liaison video i was trying to speak yet you were waffling on about wether i should be there or not. Again this shows your attitudes towards resolving the situation



Is line 3 the reason why you wasted my time sitting in a support channel with a staff member whilst you were being moved around your gang channels?

I can tell you what is the problem tho... in my opinion your Ego gets the best of you sometimes TikTak ive known you for a long time. Even from Altis. As soon as you got your Investor tag is when you started to get your Ego. Im not someone whos gonna sit here and be bullied into saying i did something wrong when i personally think i didnt and alot of other POLICE officers dont see it as cop baiting either. Sorry that i stick up for myself.

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Okay as i have been mentioned a few times am going to be commenting.

before beginning i just want to say that i do not have any recordings so i am doing this from memory.

First of all am gonna talk about the liaison i had with bosh which is the main reason how and why i am involved. After the situation Chris went to his first liaison with bosh after it was finished i got a message from bosh give or take around 5 mins later asking me to come and talk to him something that i had no issue with. when i joined and it was only me and bosh we were talking and he told me what the problem was and what he was being accuse off along with his frustration in regards to us taking his mining drill and getting different messages from police in regards to the cordon. After a few minutes of talking Chris joined whether it was frustration or bosh tone while bosh was talking Chris began interrupting him and bosh in response did the exact same. it was at this point i said to both of them to let each other speak in response i was moved out by Chris and send the following:



after i was moved i have no idea what was said all i know is that after this bosh and Chris wanted an admin present in a liaison i imagine due to how BOTH of them were acting. it should be mentioned that i had no issue with being moved out as bosh had messaged me saying hes gonna get an admin to supervise nor have any issue with Chris messaging me saying he wants me to stay out of liaison with him as i believed that a staff member would properly be best and bosh main issue was with Chris not myself. that is all i know from the liaison side.

In regards to the situation itself i must admit that the advice everyone was getting was conflicting BUT from what i was enforcing and what others were, the general message that was trying to be passed is you can watch but stay behind the cordon. i am unsure whether this message was being passed at the court house as i was one of the last frontline unit to respond and was busy setting up the cordon rather then controlling the crowd of people watching. The reason i mention this is due to the fact that this is the main reason why situation in-game between Chris and bosh happened due to the fact bosh was being told multiple things leading to him getting arrest and his lock picks / mining drill being removed. 

In regards to bosh's response  "the value of life and gunfight" before the video from what i can remember there was a short gunfight however at the point of the video provided you can clearly hear no shot what so ever and from what i can remember we were just cleaning up the situation.

the final point i want to make is in regards to the baiting / trolling i Personally do not see it as that what i see is bosh copying other people around him however i can understand how people may see it as Trolling/Baiting.

I just want to mention again

i do not have any recordings so i am doing this from memory.

To staff: I got no further comments to make in regards to this mather. I will leave it to you guys at this point. 

Sinds i got asked to putt in my two cents i will start with this:

WHY would i be cop baiting if i went and changed my car?... Sorry i forgot you didnt put that in the video because you just are going to get people banned at this point.

how is he Baiting when he has been when he has changed cars to comeback to watch the situation evolve and come to stand next to me in the green car to talk about how the police is doing a shit job in keeping order and giving the people in the area twenty different orders to follow

@B0sh any reason you guys did not just park your cars and walk over to the barrier instant of doing burn out and driving around like a mad man ? 

You claim is not a baiting but when police ask you do leave you start threat the police with a 30K bounty on his life is that not baiting ? or is it normal rp for you ?

Police call in a new unit but you still just doing burn out and drive around in the intersection like a complete mad man ? 

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@B0sh any reason you guys did not just park your cars and walk over to the barrier instant of doing burn out and driving around like a mad man ? 

You claim is not a baiting but when police ask you do leave you start threat the police with a 30K bounty on his life is that not baiting ? or is it normal rp for you ?

Police call in a new unit but you still just doing burn out and drive around in the intersection like a complete mad man ? 
I was doing a burnout because tiktak sat there and tased my whilst he was driving in a car so god knows what he was going to do. Yes 30k bounty is normal RP due to previous times we have met ingame

at the end of the day being told 40 million different things gets confusing. 

how am i baiting when i went and changed my car and parked up afterwards?

Can i also ask for a FULL video please of the whole situation. From when you tased me in the car and dropped me in the middle of nowhere to me changing cars and you asking me to go to liaison

I would however, like to ask for another member of staff to deal with the report as myslef and deleter havent long had issues regarding a wrong ban, and another person from the same group as me reporting him for something. Nothing against deleter personally but would like to ask for another member of staff to deal with it

Alright since a different staff member was requested I will go ahead and proceed with the report, after reviewing the evidence that was available, i have seen some things which I will address.

Bosh from the videos that I have watched you seem to be doing donuts to get a response from the cops which is clearly outlined in the rule of G.13 Baiting and is not allowed, don't get me wrong doing donuts is fine but when you are told to stop doing that and to leave the area or you will be arested, continuing to do so kind of makes it baiting as you want them to react to it, despite them being clearly involved into something else an already ongoing situation. Just because something happends to you which you did not like it still does not justify such behaviour which is one of my next points as well.I don't understand why you would continue putting yourself into a situation you are already annoyed with, nothing good ever comes out of that.They even had to bring an extra officer after a while to try and arrest you, which in response you still kept doing donuts and laughing at them.

Both Bosh and Tiktat have shown very poor attitude in handling that whole situation the aftermath and the liason, that seriously needs to improve going forward as petty things being thrown at each other will not be tolerated also Bosh writing things on your response to the report like this is childish, dont do that.

First of all. Thank you for writing the 27th report since August, you must have the reports page saved as a favourite.

Bosh Balaney - will be recieving a 1 day ban for G1.3 Baiting

Both players verbally warned for their attitude .

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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