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Report a player - Bradley - ID 300 - GTA RP

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Reece Dunn

Active member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Reece Dunn

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Bradley - ID 300

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 05/18/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 17

What best describes this incident ?: (C2.3) - (G3.1) - (G2.4)

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was standing up at Marabunta turf talking to two of my mates when I am told that a guy has run over 3 people outside the shop, after given a name of the person I knew that it was one of the guys that have bought cocaine off me at numberous occasions. So we all get into cars to start chasing the guy down when we are told he has parked outside of ammunation, so we all pull up and hold the guy up in an attempt to get him to a private location where we could question him as to why he was running people over. He then comes out of the shop and after completely neglecting multiple of us telling him to put his hands up under gunpoint he tries to get into his car to drive off, hence why he got shot. I then proceed to hop out of my car in order to take his vehicle and him to a more closed off location when we realize that he popped his head. So I take his car up a mountain to dump it and get into my characters brothers car and we discuss what happened outside the shop as he was one of the guys that got runover (I apologize for this bit being in Swedish, if needed I can translate what is said). We get back to the scene of where he popped his head and start hanging around the area waiting for him to wake back up, out of nowhere his friend Tommy who also I have supplied multiple times arrives and Bradley seamlessly wakes up at the exact same point, as to which time we drive up to him to tell him that he is not driving off with his pal and that we are taking him away for a chat, at which point he popps his head again (I did not get this headpopp on video but I am sure a quick run through the logs could back this bit up). So we instead proceed to take his mate up the road to question how he suddenly appeared to pick his friend up and how he could have known he was there. Bradley then wakes back up and we procced to put him into our car and drive off with him in order to get some answers out of him as to explain his actions towards us on turf, out of nowhere we hear another voice comming through his mic, being his friend probably being in discord or TS with him, which would explain how he knew where to pick him up and to explain how Bradley knew exactly when to wake back up. We then hear sirens round the corner and an ambulance pulls up so we leave the scene with one of us taking Bradley with him in the car as we were not finished with him yet, at which point he once again pops his head leading us to have to put and end to the RP as he decided not to wake back up.

I would like to state that I have not tried to take this to TS as to resolve it as I really don't see how I would get an answer to satisfy after this guy not only once, but 3 times combat-logged and used external communications with his mate in order to benefit the situation for himself. If needed I don't mind taking it for a chat but I would like to have a member of the staff present to hear whatever the guy would have to say in his defence.

As there is more than one clip to show what happened I have put the first video as evidence and supplied the second below.
Video 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cKcVvP1gGQ&ab_channel=-Pr0xy-

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes


Thank you for your report, after reviewing the footage I've made the following conclusion

- The role play provided by Marabunta at Ammunation is nothing short of horrible. If anyone in this group believes this is acceptable, I'm honestly quite disappointed. 
ID 79 - Jesse White, you drive up to the person and the only thing you state is "hands up, hands up, hands up" before spraying the car with a Micro SMG.
  |_ This is most certainly not considered high quality role play, and if that's the way you present yourself on the server, I believe you're in dire need of guidance...

- The player that was killed, initially ID 242, combat logged almost immediately after being shot, then proceeded to login for short period of time to continue and extend his bleedout timer until eventually saved. Besides the C2.3 (Combat Logging), he will also be banned under C2.2 (Exploiting), for extending the bleedout timer with the intent of gaining an advantage.

As per the claims of "G2.4", he was unfortunately killed by Jesse before there could be any clear indication as to whether or not this rule was being, or about to be broken. 

Jesse White - G1.2
Bradley Jonathan - C2.2, C2.3

As a general note to the whole of 'Marabunta' involved in this situation.
- Please ensure quality role play is provided when on the server...

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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