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Report a Player - Caz, FisH, - RDM<br>Poor/Low Quality RP (Action Taken)

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Dora Raymen

Well-known member
Huddersfield, England, UK
Your In-game name

Dora Raymen

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Caz, FisH,

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

My friend and I held up a guy at kavala dealer and told hiim not to move or he'll be shot
He said we're surrounded and his friend came and told me to put my hands up Which I DID
I complied fully, laid down on the ground and didn't move.
They left me so I assumed I was clear to leave
I was going to leave but as I walked past they stated I was fucked now and I said am I really? and he then decides to state "Yeah, we're gonna shoot you now, kill him we've got the right to shoot him now he's robbed our friend ( I didn't, my friend did ) and so they killed me. Shit RP, No initiation at all not once was their life threatened at all. Yet they decided that robbing their mate is enough to kill me for. Pls ban. Cba with these kinda people.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Your In-game name

Dora Raymen

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Caz, FisH,

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

My friend and I held up a guy at kavala dealer and told hiim not to move or he'll be shot
He said we're surrounded and his friend came and told me to put my hands up Which I DID
I complied fully, laid down on the ground and didn't move.
They left me so I assumed I was clear to leave
I was going to leave but as I walked past they stated I was fucked now and I said am I really? and he then decides to state "Yeah, we're gonna shoot you now, kill him we've got the right to shoot him now he's robbed our friend ( I didn't, my friend did ) and so they killed me. Shit RP, No initiation at all not once was their life threatened at all. Yet they decided that robbing their mate is enough to kill me for. Pls ban. Cba with these kinda people.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)

u want my vid m8, u initiated on us, u robbed drug lords so its ur own fault bud and btw buddy You have bad rp for saying hands up or I shoot and ur mate counted down from 5 aswell xD you got away with 160k an di still managed to sell 777k worth so if u wanna carry on with the report I'm editing the whole video now for you okay then we can get an admin to overlook the situation and why didn't you come to resolve this in my TeamSpeak channel I'm not a drug lord irl LOL! xxxx

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Ok so first of all we were not breaking RP or Role playing poorly in anyway. We were role playing at that time as the drug lords of Kavala and FiSH says this in your video. You just robbed one of our gang and you were unfortunately caught by me and held up at gun point. Your friend then made of with the money and so stole from drug lords. Tell me what do you think was gonna happen? We the "drug lords" you just STOLE from were gonna let you go?

Also you have clearly edited the video and not included the part where you initiated.

If admins require the full video, FiSH (Cheif) has it.

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Please tell me what u think guys.... I'm pretty sure I'm in the right here. how ever if I am not please ensure that it is me that takes the fall and not caz

mess with the bull you get the horns

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My shadow play only records 1:30 minutes which is why it's so short, not edited. I stated "run away or you'll be shot" and at that moment yes you had the right to shoot me but not execute me in the manner that you did. You went wrong at the part where you pretty much stated "It doesn't matter" that you "don't know" our names insinuating you were going to META game either way to get your own back. The fact that I complied fully, followed all your orders and you then stopped the hostile process by proceeding to what looked like getting into your cars. I decided to leave, you then have a sudden change of heart and decide to execute me which was done so, damn poorly, you eliminated the chance for good RP, you could have shot me in the leg and left me with a leg wound which would have enabled more RP for people around me CIV's &amp; Medics. It was very poorly executed, "you're gonna get shot now, kill him we have the right to kill him" if we were in a firefight yes, however after complying and with the situation subsiding you just decided to execute me cause my mate robbed your buddy and you were salty. Poor RP, I've been on this server for 2 years nearly and I've seen a lot, the fact that you were so hyped up on the idea of killing me cause you had the right doesn't mean to say you had to do it. If you were gonna kill me, should've done it as I said you will be shot, you had a massive jump on me there and would've made sense in context to the situation. 

Also, if you've noticed the new log in Roleplay.co.uk pop up it states that it is a community that prefers role play over rule play. And subject to the event above you've gone the opposite way, and acted strictly on the rules and steered far from actual RP. 

Oh and please leave the 12 year old egocentric quotes at home I want a mature response. 

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Yes i could of shot you instantly because you had already robbed my friend but i tried to role play more, you are complaining about all this poor role play because we executed you but would you really of rather i just shot you instantly rather then at least role playing a stand off or a hold up? I am not sure what your argument is here and what the report is even for, you said in game it's RDM but you initiated, so what is it now?

If you are now reporting us for bad role play, it will not work as we clearly did role play. You might not have liked it but its not like we broke out of role play or said anything out of character to you. Him saying you fucked up, in my opinion does not insinuate anything, he knew in his mind at the time you were going to die. FiSH then said "It doesn't matter" This is because you were going to die so in role play at the end of your character why would it matter? It had nothing to do with Meta gaming, he had no need to Meta for a dead mans name.

Sorry for the confusion.

ur officially bringing out the salt saying that i was salty for losing 166k you think that bothers me? this thing that u did wrong was cross us and expect to get of lightly. if you pointed a gun at me in real life and was part in a 2way robbery and I was a low key drug lord with a whole squad of x militants  you would not get off lightly "ill just be on my way" xD funny stuff

I do apologise for apparently ruining ur life with my Dark role-play. Now please sit back and wait for an admin to review the situation and please stop trying to make stuff up i told ya you guys were over soon as u initiated.

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As both sides here seem to agree to a staff intervention, I will do so.

@Dora Raymen

"Pls ban. Cba with these kinda people.  " [Report]
Oh and please leave the 12 year old egocentric quotes at home [Report Response]
"you will be reported" [20/01/2017 in-game]
"been here for 2 years bruh I know the rules but okay. warning shots are only at choppers. w/e/" [19/01/2017 in-game]

If you have been here for 2 years and know the rules, then you should be familiar with the following.

(2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice.

For the combined of all the above, you will be receiving a ban under 2.8 and 1.6. If I were you, I would have a serious think about your attitude before putting up an unban appeal, because right now it has no place in this community.

Dora Raymen - 1.6 &amp; 2.8 - Threats to Report and Poor Attitude
Steam ID: 76561198079396103
GUID: 4906b708f58df95b59ceacab9e690d46

For the remainder of the report, the rule in question is as follows. I'll quote it as the wording is important:

(2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).

In the video provided, there was no active firefight, and no further initiation. Threats to life are not explicitly required for you to shoot at somebody, but in most cases it is, and I feel in this situation it would be since the threat isn't obvious and immediate. Prior to killing Dora, no attempt was made to RP with him nor was an intent to RP even displayed. Despite the short videos, I am convinced this would constitute RDM and as such, I will be actioning this report against @Caz1402 . The ultimate responsibility in any case of firing at somebody lays with the person pulling the trigger, and if you are relying on the word of another that it is appropriate to shoot and they are wrong, it is no defence to say you did not know.

[GOTU] Caz - RDM/Poor Quality RP
Steam ID: 76561198130725824
GUID: 47921ff8fd80e0dec6ba926ddac113d5

Finally, @johnnysalmon, I am sure you are familiar with the rules concerning communications when detained or ziptied. In the video, two incidents caught my eye. Notably, at 0:50 after you radio was taken you asked your friends to "Hurry up" over Teamspeak and not in-game despite being stood right next to the person mugging you. Furthermore, at 1:40, noting you are still in the situation and wouldn't have had time to re-gear with a radio, you said "I suggest you come and kill this guy quick" in TS despite standing closer to the target than your friend, thus would have been impossible to say without being heard if done in the real world. I believe this does fall under talking privately after having your comms taken, and the second incident could be interpreted as Fail RP.

On this occassion, I will only be giving you a warning not to repeat this in future, and to clean up how you discuss and respond to matters both on the forum and in-game. You were only recently unbanned and I note Samat also warned you quite recently. There will be no further warnings. If in doubt, always play it safe even if it means losing some gear, and seek clarification or help from the staff team or more experienced community members.

To conclude, be civil with each other, and at least try to RP before shooting. Everything in this report could have been avoided if everyone was more willing to sit down, talk and apologise over just trivialities rather than get so wound up.

Report actioned.

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