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Report a Player - Charleston, Minixen - Poor/Low Quality RP (Action Taken)

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Leon S Kennedy

Well-known member
Your In-game name

Leon S. Kennedy

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Charleston, Minixen

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was on my way to sell some copper at the copper trader with my friends providing an escort, when im going to get my next load of copper to sell, i see a qilin with 2 armed men who immediately both shout "HANDS UP OR YOU'LL DIE" repeatedly, i tell them i have friends in the area and proceed to protect myself since we outnumber them, if i was there alone, i would have complied with thier demands and put my hands up.

In teamspeak, i told the guys i thought it was extremely poor roleplay and that i was going to ask an admin if they agreed, the both were quite cocky and said "What's wrong with that" and "Your just wasting your time reporting us.

This is a short video, if more evidence is needed, i can provide it.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Is this a joke? First of all you did not loose anything from this. You got revived 3-5 min after you died and then drove away with your truck. Second of all what more can we do in that situation more than telling you that if u don´t put your hands up you will die? It was not even ous that fired the first shot so you clearly understood our point of the robbery. We did not get more time to RP because we got interuppted by cops and a diffrent car. 

And why are u saying that we was cocky in teamspeak when it was you that said 1-2 times that I was bad/noob because I died from you with a pistol? We only said that we thought it was no point of reporting ous when we did not do anything wrong in our opinion. Then you left the room to look for a admin and we also left ts after some time wating. be4 u left ts you said something close to,if i remember correctly "I´m going to talk with a admin... cya on the forums". 

In the end it was we that lost our gear and not you. 

What else can we do in this situation more than we did? Maby that we forgot to say "this is a robbery put your hands up or you will die" but clearly it was a robbery when we jumped out with guns and told you what we did.

Greatings Minixen 

Why do i have to lose gear to report another player?

It's also a clear rulebreak of;

(7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP.

But who killed who? You are the guy that clearly started it all by shooting me down when I was not ready, ofc my friend will start to defend himself then. We got interrupted by cops and did not get more time to RP. 

It´s more you that is breaking the rules under...

"7.Reports to ban

  • Anyone creating false evidence, posting a revenge report, editing the evidence to make the accused look guilty, or knowingly providing false information on a report will end up getting banned themselves."

Greatings Minixen

Are you serious right now, im reporting you for your initiation, not for your friend shooting me.

I'm not confident you would do more RP after starting so well with "HANDS UP OR YOUR DEAD"

"Hands up or you'll die" would be considered FailRP if we'd just shot you immediately after saying that. However, you failing to comply with that request, I.E trying to escape, shooting back, etc. gives us full right to shoot you. With that said, had you complied, we would have continued RP:ing out the robbery, like we always do. And I mean, you know, we're two heavily armed men telling you to put your hands up, why wouldn't you comply in a scenario like that?

In this case our robbery was interrupted by the police showing up, distracting us as we tried to figure out what to do next, you then shot Minixen, and I shot you in return. I really don't understand what the problem is. 

Oh, right, I'm Mr. Charleston, by the way

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Why would i comply, i had an full SUV escorting me to sell my copper, you were outnumbered 4 to 2 (including the police who were against you.)

If it was just me vs the 2 of you, then sure, i would be forced to comply since i was outnumbered and outgunned, but i seized an opportunity of the police distraction and used to defend myself.

The reason i went to an admin was to make sure what you done was infact failRP, which i got told it was.

Why would i comply, i had an full SUV escorting me to sell my copper, you were outnumbered 4 to 2 (including the police who were against you.)

If it was just me vs the 2 of you, then sure, i would be forced to comply since i was outnumbered and outgunned, but i seized an opportunity of the police distraction and used to defend myself.

The reason i went to an admin was to make sure what you done was infact failRP, which i got told it was.


And we got there when you were alone, I.E a 2v1 situation. Do you expect us to be psychic? 

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Told you i have friends in the area.

If you want to both hop on teamspeak, im willing to resolve it with an admin just message me on ts if your willing too.

Just t be clear for the last time, im reporting your initiation, everything after that is fine. 

Thank you for the report @Leon S Kennedy. I do remember talking regarding this situation in teamspeak with yourself.

Within the video @Minixen you do say 'hands up or die'. There is a few rules about this. Now this would fall under Fail RP and I will link the rule below. When you are trying to rob someone try expanding on the roleplay for example, 'Sir this is a robbery, Put your hands on your head' then if they don't comply threaten to shoot their leg or something. Not everything needs to be lead with death. 

For the rule itself (7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP. As you can see here 'Put your hands up or I will shoot' is the same as hands up or die. 

Moving onto @TransistorN all he said in the video was 'hands up'. Nothing wrong in such with this but the previous initiation wasn't the best. After reviewing this report and given both sides have stated their case I will be issuing a warning to @Minixen for the poor initiation however for @TransistorN no action will be taken due to all he said was 'hands up'. I will suggest that you do read the rules and if you have any questions please talk to a Staff member about them. I will action this report due to the warning being given.

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