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Report a Player - Clunders CMB, Callam CMB, NinoBrown CMB - RDM (Action Taken)

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Kempi Anderson

Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Your In-game name

Kempi Anderson

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Clunders CMB, Callam CMB, NinoBrown CMB

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was driving towards Airport to see if there were some people to talk to as Kavala was pretty dead. As I am driving close to Altis Metal Exports I see 2 armed men spraying at a cop car. Realising this is a gunfight I turn around and start heading back to Kavala to wait until it is over. On my way back I get blatantly VDM'd off the road by a black SUV with a man who then jumps out yelling "stop the vehicle" about 7-10 times before starting to shoot at my car. As I am not one to go out without a fight I take out my firearm and shoot back after trying to ask what he is doing thinking this is a mistake. After I kill him I put away my firearm and take my handgun to peform an execution as the man had been very hostile towards me but before executing him I wanted to ask why he did what he did and try to get him on ts. Before I could do any of this I get shot in the back by one of his mates who also shoots me without initation. I then killed his friend and him realising this was now a gunfight. Whilst trying to execute the first guy that killed me I got killed by a third member of their gang.

Something to note is that Clunders says that they shot me because of "gang initation"

I tried to resolve this with them just for them to say that they did nothing wrong except the VDM part making me think they believe what they did was initiate by yelling get out the vehicle. https://gyazo.com/a02bdcf779b225c25df1a1b9fea38e80. They even told me to "forum a post" https://gyazo.com/7611524a0ee996ecbebd8ae6dc5eeca1 

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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@NinoBrown (since you are the only active profile), I am very curious to hear your side, so to make sure you are aware there is a report against you I've tagged you this time.

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Well I see a complete lack of any roleplay at all, hell I am surprised to see it was even less than "Hands up or die" which is certainly a show of how terrible their roleplay standards are which sadly for them is not nearly enough here. I am also not sure were they have gotten this "Gang initiation" bull from but there is no such thing and is not refered to anywhere in our rules which they have also clearly not bothered to read and as such will not bother wasting any further time on them although I was for abit rather curious what their excuses would be here.

NinoBrown CMB - Action Taken (2.2)

Callam CMB - Action Taken (2.2)

Clunders CMB - Action Taken (2.2, 2.1)

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