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Report a player - Connor Great/270 - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Darren Ocean

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Connor Great/270

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/12/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2345

What best describes this incident ?: NVL

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was out robbing police with some gang members and we spotted this lone officer broken down on the side of the road, repairing.

Attempting to capitalize on this opportunity - we rode up and initiated a robbery, clearly instructing the officer to hand over his weapon (my recording doesn't capture my audio but I believe I "whispered" something to let him know immediately what was going on before realizing and switching to "Normal").

After being told to raise his hands the officer plays dumb, asking "what you on about" before attempting to run and create distance for him to draw his weapon, while outnumbered and at knifepoint.

Running and using a panic button, directly opposing demands while at knifepoint strike me as a clear rulebreak against the following:

(G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

I feel this is clear case of NVL which stems from an officer valuing their equipment over their life. Due to Connor's position in the community and in Firearms, I feel this could also be a rulebreak against (G1.7) Community leaders.

I attempted to speak to Connor about the incident afterwards in ts, but he opposed the allegation that he had not valued his life and claimed he felt his actions were reasonable within roleplay.
As my clip does not have audio, here is a clip from my friend's POV of the incident. https://youtu.be/psi4Jdl8SPk
A longer clip can be provided to staff if required but contains personal details/dox so can't be posted openly.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Ok, So,

(G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

'clearly outnumbered' - At the point at which I made my move, it was 1v1. That does not constitute myself being clearly outnumbered.

'obvious disadvantage' - within roleplay, I am an armed officer, who has extensive training in handling firearms. I have a knife held to my arse about 4/5 feet away - I would not class this as an obvious disadvantage.

Yes, I ended up being stabbed. Did I, in my opinion have a pretty decent chance of surviving by putting distance between ourselves? Yes. Hence why I did it. Myself creating this gap also allowed me to activate my panic button, which alerted the numerous officers in the area to my situation. This, in my opinion, could very well have saved my life within roleplay, and therefore is in no way, shape or form, any breach of the 'Value of Life' rule. Who knows what could've happened had I been abducted and taken away from the original scene.

in my opinion, there is a much bigger issue at hand here. That being civs, like yourselves, roaming around constantly (for the last few nights) attempting to treat cops as vending machines at any opportunity. this is highlighted not only by ' I was out robbing police with some gang members', but also by the fact that you tried to rob me in the hospital, after I had just finished speaking to you in TS.

I will not be commenting further on this unless asked to by a staff lead.

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I disagree with your take on the situation and that you say i had a knife at your arse from 5 feet away - gonna leave that to the other staff to decide.

in my opinion, there is a much bigger issue at hand here. That being civs, like yourselves, roaming around constantly (for the last few nights) attempting to treat cops as vending machines at any opportunity. this is highlighted not only by ' I was out robbing police with some gang members', but also by the fact that you tried to rob me in the hospital, after I had just finished speaking to you in TS.
The constant harassment of the Police is due to ongoing tensions between Grove and PD within RP, and a result of previous situations where Grove members have been left worse off, wanting to recoup losses from those that took them.  As you can see in the footage, this robbery was opportunistic and seemed like easy pickings due to your compromised positioning, alone with a broken vehicle. Going "out robbing police with some gang members" is a totally legitimate, RP-fueled activity and can lead to fun situations on both sides if handled correctly. Which, in this scenario I honestly don't think either of us were 10/10 - only, I didn't break any rules.

I was not a part of any group robbing people within the Hospital and that has nothing to do with me or this report. 

@Thudis it possible you can send over that video to me so it's accessable by staff leads when they deal with it?

@ConnorTheGreatt can you please provide footage from your POV to include what was initially whispered as my footage lacks audio.

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Since this report is against a member of staff, it'll be dealt with by staff leads.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello all, sorry for the delay, festive period and all. 

Firstly, I would like to clarify that usually we would want to see footage with your voice etc but in this specific case, we can overlook that. 

Now, I will say that if Connor had have ran away just a couple of seconds earlier, we would be indeed looking at a failure to value life. See:


However, from what I can see, you put a bit of distance between the two of you and Connor took advantage of that. See:


Yes, he lost the fight but I wouldn't say that he put himself in a 100% chance of death. 

It should be said here, and I cannot stress this enough, that this ruling applies to this exact situation and only this situation. We have to deal with these rulings on a case by case basis. This does not give cops the right to dive out of the way of someone who is holding a knife to their throat. Connor just got lucky in this situation that he got given some space. Please always RP to the best of your ability. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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