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Report a player - Connor Greatt (ID: 404) - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Saint Kohi

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Connor Greatt (ID: 404)

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 08/09/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2153

What best describes this incident ?: (G1.7) (G1.1) Poor RP

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Grove pushed my turf and sprayed at us so I had to defend, I followed the grove member across the road to get an advantage but as I took out my shotgun I was told via radio that police were nearby so I put my shotgun away as a sign of fear that police would see me or pose a threat to them.

When the coast was clear I took out my shotgun again to kill this grove member on my turf, I shot him multiple times, he eventually jumped off the roof and ran away.
I then decided to flee the scene fearing the police and in doing so I was hit by Connor Greatt crossing the road, so I thought to myself it was probably by accident as he didnt say a single word but unfortunately that was not the case as he reversed back and went full speed into me bearing in mind I posed no threat to his or his colleagues life.

After the second hit, I had no HP left and he reversed back going for round 3 and had the audacity to finaly tell me to put my hands up after I had went down.
I genuinely could not believe what had happened, not even a single word was said or exchanged between myself or police (Connor) until I went down.
I didnt even have the chance to surrender.

I am not even angry just dissapointed at the standards set nowadays, as police we get a lot of shit by people within the community and I honestly cant even blame it if this is the standards that are being shown especially after the tadworth incident.

Connor from my experience is an alright guy however after today I thought he would atleast have the common courtesy to apologise or acknowledge his wrongdoing especially as a level 3 staff member and a higher up within the LSPS but he instead doubled down and felt as though his actions were completely justified.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Since this report is against a Staff member it will be passed for the Staff Leads to review.

Nothing random about it. Running towards a group of cops with a shotgun out is just stupidity in my humble opinion. Did what is expected of me as a Police Officer and neutralised the threat in front of me.

You say you 'put the shotgun away as a sign of fear' but yet continue to run towards a group of police officers with it clearly visible expecting to be untouchable as we haven't said some sort of magic initiation. This ruleplay (imo) is further exhibited with your constant 'what are you doing' etc as you get knocked down, again relying on supposed protection of the rules within RP, something that in my opinion is ridiculous and makes no sense within RP.

It is clear to me from the get-go that you do not care about anything other than getting your shotgun back, as it has been suggested by others in your group that I simply just 'comp the shotgun' to get the report taken down. I have no intention of doing so as this would make no sense within RP. No doubt if this gets accepted there will be no delay in a compensation request going up to get your shotgun back. 

GTARP has given us lots of tools to deal with things in RP. If you really valued the RP, you would pursue this within RP. Given the fact you have taken it OOC, it is clear you are just hurt that the consequences of your actions lost you a shotgun.

I do not believe I have done anything wrong.  As per the rule (G1.1) - I would maintain I had a 'valid roleplay reason' to run you over. I was preserving the lives of the Police officers and civilians in the area. As a Police Officer, If that is not a valid roleplay reason then I'm not sure what is.

Nothing random about it. Running towards a group of cops with a shotgun out is just stupidity in my humble opinion. Did what is expected of me as a Police Officer and neutralised the threat in front of me.
As a Chief Inspector within LSPS and a level 3 staff member you thought running me over twice and then running me over the third time after I had went down is remotely acceptable? Considering not a single word was said or exchanged between us, you decided to just "neutralise" the threat. 

Careful with your choice of words as I do not want other police officers to look back at this report and see the Chief Inspector expecting officers to run anyone over and down them without saying a single word. 

You say you 'put the shotgun away as a sign of fear' but yet continue to run towards a group of police officers with it clearly visible expecting to be untouchable as we haven't said some sort of magic initiation.
Yes I put the shotgun away briefly whilst the bike unit turned up as a sign that I have no intention of shooting police and I fear that they would see me as a threat to them.

I think that pretty much disregards your point of you believing that I am apparantly untouchable. 

I took out my shotgun after the police lost vision and I had turned my back trying to hide the shotgun whilst also defending my turf. 

I was still holding the shotgun after I had jumped off the roof because I had lost eyes of the aggressor and I didnt want to die. I guess you could also see one of my guys reversing his car in a particular angle to block polices vision of me holding the shotgun until the vehicle eventually moved out the way whilst I was crossing the road in an attempt to clear off.

You claim that I continued to run towards a group of police officers armed with a shotgun when the video suggests otherwise as you failed to mention the brief moment of when I was on the roof and went back down after engaging in yet another shootout, so you saying that I continued to run at police with a shotgun the entire time without mentioning the shootout I had on the roof seems oddly strange. 


Oh and before you accuse me of doing things lets not forget theres video evidence attached to this report where you can clearly see my intentions, doesnt take a genius to spot that I was returning to turf after defending, so you claiming I was running at police officers with a shotgun is almost laughable as evidence suggests otherwise. 

I wasnt expecting "Magic initiation" I was instead expecting roleplay.

This ruleplay (imo) is further exhibited with your constant 'what are you doing' etc as you get knocked down, again relying on supposed protection of the rules within RP, something that in my opinion is ridiculous and makes no sense within RP.
I guess I'll entertain this even though you can clearly hear me roleplaying my injuries and acting confused on why I was ran over multiple times by a chief inspector of police even after I had been "neutralised".

Lets not clutch onto straws and speak facts, respecfully.

I would never accuse you of saying or doing something without having actual evidence. 

It is clear to me from the get-go that you do not care about anything other than getting your shotgun back, as it has been suggested by others in your group that I simply just 'comp the shotgun' to get the report taken down.
"Others in my group" Really? I would never ask anyone to go out of their way to speak for myself and would never encourage a rulebreak especially, so unless you've got any concrete evidence to suggest otherwise perhaps you should stop making false assumptions.

No doubt if this gets accepted there will be no delay in a compensation request going up to get your shotgun back. 
100% there will be no delay as I didnt do anything wrong and rightfully should recieve what I had lost due to you breaking the rules. 

You were the one who was supposed to set the standards and uphold them however you have found yourself yet again to be reported whether it be RDM, VRDM or NVL. This shows me a recurring pattern that you have clearly not learnt from.

Whether I put up a compensation request should not even be the topic for our conversation to do with you breaking the rules, if you had the decency to apologise for what you have done and acknowledge it then we would never have been here in the first place. 

GTARP has given us lots of tools to deal with things in RP. If you really valued the RP, you would pursue this within RP. Given the fact you have taken it OOC, it is clear you are just hurt that the consequences of your actions lost you a shotgun.
I wouldnt ignore such a rulebreak especially from a level 3 staff member who just so happens to also be a chief inspector. 

I do not believe I have done anything wrong.  As per the rule (G1.1) - I would maintain I had a 'valid roleplay reason' to run you over. I was preserving the lives of the Police officers and civilians in the area. As a Police Officer, If that is not a valid roleplay reason then I'm not sure what is.
It makes no sense for you as a traffic officer to be getting involved with a major firearms incident without trojan on standby or at the scene especially without providing any roleplay beforehand. 

Due to the dishonesty and false accusations, I will only be replying to staff leads who are dealing with this.

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Since I was Involved in this situation and myself being mentioned in the car I would like to post my Perspective of the situation showcasing Connor arriving to the scene AFTER the shootout, This proves that Connor didn't see or say anything to Sk before he proceeded to down him for holding a shotgun. You can also see the Police biker not tasing or shooting two Balla members with guns as He was actively in the situation. 

Hopefully this can clear things up and make it easier for staff leads to Understand it from my POV

Hope you all have a good day and stay safe.

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Having discussed this with Connor privately and explained that this is not acceptable from anyone, let alone a staff member, I will be actioning this report. 

Report actioned: 2 day ban for G1.1 RVDM

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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