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Report a player - Dest1ny and Unknown Hello Kitty Gang Members - Altis Life

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Active member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: ArcticKora

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Dest1ny and Unknown Hello Kitty Gang Members

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 12/02/21

Time of the incident (GMT): 1500

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Myself and Shai went into Salt Trader to Rob some folk that were doing salt, upon getting there Shai initiated on a guy ((who was in Jehovah Witness Group)) within the Salt Trader and he pulled a weapon out and ran to his heuron ((he did not counter initiate for friends or allys, he didn't say anything at all)) he was attempting to take off when he was disabled and rotor tapped the building. After which he then ran to Church and took out Shai, a couple of minutes later he came back to the vehicle and started walk over to a dudes blackfish to which I then took him out. He was executed and that was the situation ended, I then stayed there for roughly 8 minutes and was then running back to the North Checkpoint to when I heard a Hunter Driving down to which I then hid within the area and then started to run back to North Checkpoint and I was sprayed by Hello Kitty that were not in the area at all. I was killed by Dest1ny to which when I asked him to come to teamspeak 3 he kept interrupting me when we were talking and then told me "Don't start a gun fight and then complain when you die" then left the teamspeak, then I asked him to provide evidence that he had eyes on and he responded with "Don't be so petty lol"

Evidence can be given directly to staff as sensitive information was shown

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Kora is correct by saying that there was an active situation at the Salt Trader including myself and a few other group members, however, we were all fired upon and our numbers were unbeknown to them. Executing people during battle does not establish an end to the situation, I was still present and had to reposition, all the while we still had eyes on the opposition. Kora seems to think that because he physically can't see anyone, then the gunfight must be over, which was a mistake and only lead to his demise. This revenge report is unprecedented and pathetic, hence my comments during our conversation in Teamspeak, in which he threatened to report me. Mistakes were made by Kora and his group members, thinking that the situation was over, when in fact, they had not officially wiped us out at that time. During this whole fiasco, Kora decided to combat store money in a house that he owned, right next to the Salt Trader, another mistake. I'm sure we can all agree that not all gunfights/active situations resolve perfectly and there were degrees of uncertainty on both sides, regarding who was still present and what exactly happened to the money that was stolen, however, this report was made out of spite, simply because he ended up getting the short end of the stick.

@ArcticKoraReporting an entire gang even though the majority of them aren't present isn't feasible. Please change your report a player to those who you're actually reporting. 



Please can you PM me the evidence so that I can review this report. 


Hello @ArcticKora& @Dest1ny

Firstly I'd like to apologise for the time it has taken for this Report a Player to be looked into. This is due to ArcticKora only now being able to send me the footage due to him being busy IRL.

Unfortunately the evidence that has been provided has been posted in a hidden comment because it includes some information Kora doesn't want shared which is completely understandable. 

I'll go through what evidence I have seen and my opinions and judgement on it. 

At the very beginning of the video (5 seconds) Kora executes Jomartus. 
At 6:50 Kora begins getting shot at (By who I assume to be members of Jomartus' gang).
At 0:09 Kora is shot and injured by Dest1ny.

Now, during this time Kora runs around (somewhat) the area and doesn't see anyone nor get shot at HOWEVER just because he did this it doesn't mean that the firefight was concluded. He just assumed so. 

A firefight is only considered concluded when; 

  • Everyone in the situation has left the area and they are not actively being pursued.

If you had left the area Kora this could have been RDM however because you remained in the area and active I find there to be no rules broken during this case.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


During the recordings you provided me @ArcticKoraI found a few things wrong with your actions. 

Firstly, at 6:30 in your video you ask members of your group in teamspeak "How many of them are there btw?" you then respond with and are also responded to by saying "I'll check" or "Lets have a look" in your case. 

This is considered to be metagaming.

During your teamspeak video (for which is cut like no other and I wouldn't accept as evidence against anyone anyway) you admit that all you'd be doing from now on is metagaming members of the ;Hello Kitty' every time you seen them in order to kill them.

Although this to my knowledge has not happened yet I wouldn't be doing my part if I didn't remind you that this is also considered metagaming; 

  • (3.2) Name Tags / Collar Numbers - You are not allowed to identify players in game via nametags or keychains. Police, NHS and Poseidon ranks and collar numbers are fine, as they “wear clothing with the rank on” unless they are undercover. (Not in their uniform or masked.)

Therefore it is quite clear to me that you have no regard for our meta gaming rules and as such after carefully considering everything put before me today and in line with the Fair Ban System a ban will be issued under the following rule; 

  • [SIZE=medium](3.1) Using out of game information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban, In character forum posts are considered in game information[/SIZE]

Name: ArcticKora
RPUK ID: 252767
Ban Duration: 48 Hours

On behalf of the RPUK Community I'd like to thank you for your efforts to uphold our Server Rules




Thank you for playing on our Altis Life Server.

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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