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Report a Player - DSGT Escalade, INS Alex jackson - Other(Action Taken)

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

DSGT Escalade, INS Alex jackson

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was flying around with crazy joe when we noticed 2 of our allied gang members being restrained by police officers. We decided that we were going to initiate and try and save our allies, I flew down to the area waiting for the medic to leave so I could land when the officers issued warning shots, then shot my heli down only 16 seconds later.

This is a clear breach of the rules :

(3.8.1) As Police or UNMC: 1 ATC message must be sent clearly indicating the target and stating intention to fire upon the helicopter followed by 2 minutes to comply to said message.

(3.8.2) As any other party: Warning shots must be issued with 3 tracer rounds past the front and rear of the aircraft. 2 minutes should be given to comply before taking action.


Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Right. I guess I'll give my side of it. We had just detained a civilian at stadium fuel whom had been robbing the gas station, with no initiation or any demands as to what he wanted us to do, his friend shot us and was then shot (the man with the heli pilot helmet). We had put the original civilian inside our car and went up the hill to a few minutes later (6-7 ish) to check on the downed rebel. We noticed a medic had already turned up, who was a Paramedic and had tended to the rebel. We asked if we could detain him due to the murder of a police officer, the medic permitted us to do so after he had done a few last check ups. So while confiscating the rebels firearms, a helicopter turns up, out of nowhere, which is quite funny considering the two detained people had their radios & communicatory devices taken...Regardless, we politely asked you to leave originally, to which you didn't land, respond, fly off or show any sign of your intention to leave. We then gave you warning shots, to the front, back and side. You were fully aware of this but decided to ruleplay so we gave you a further chance to leave and made clear the response/action that would be taken during given circumstances if you didn't fly off, and you didn't seem to take what we said seriously and proceeded to loiter around in your helicopter. We decided that it would be best to ground your helicopter in order to issue compliance and have you detained too, and to our surprise you jumped out, with guns and shot us. I don't know how 16 seconds in a helicopter is not adequate time to understand that we don't want you there and will give action to your helicopter.

I have a question. Why would we need to send an ATC, when you can hear us in direct? Again, ruleplay.

Here is a video for our perspective and to address the rules we believe we're broken: 

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Now the problems I see here are as follows:

  • (3.7) Baiting - Baiting for the sake of a gunfight is not roleplay. Punishment is a ban. Examples: Flying over someone with a chopper waiting for warning shots to instantly shoot them back, robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, etc.
The example is written black and white, you literally did exactly what's stated will result in a ban.

  • (2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).
You gave us poor roleplay, if your "Er what the fuck was that" even classifies as roleplay. You didn't give us any notice that you had a threat towards our lives, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting, didn't really get the quality roleplay that I wished to receive. We did our part of asking you to leave/land and be detained, why couldn't you?

  • Also, I love the realism when you 180'd escalade after killing me, that was rate interesting. (FailRP)
I myself and on behalf of Escalade, apologize for our grounding of your helicopter as we were not aware of the newly introduced helicopter rules only 4 days ago. It has been noted by us that this is a rule and will not be breached again due to lack of knowledge as we are fully aware. But I don't seem to understand how you wouldn't be able to be aware of the rules you decided to break?

Please note: I contacted Staff level 2 TikTak who had a word with me already about the video after I had shown him it and he said to me that he's had previous issues with you and agreed that what you had done in the video was baiting, he has informed me of the new rules that were implemented and notified me of how the situation could have turned out better.

- INS Alex Jackson [PY207]

- DSGT Escalade [PY298]

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Right, I'm going to work through your response systematically. 

You asked     "I have a question. Why would we need to send an ATC, when you can hear us in direct? "   The simple answer is because we play on a roleplay server with rules in place to stop shitty situations happening ingame. Police officers don't shoot down helicopters for trying to land/ loitering in a field so this rule is in place to maintain immersion and realism.

1, I did not bait you, I didn't wait for warning shot to shoot back, you shot my heli out of the sky while I was waiting for a medic to move his helicopter so I could land.  

2, You claim RDM, however you both shot my helicopter down after giving me no time whatsoever to  react to your warning shots an think about my next plan of action.  You also initiated verbally when I got out of the helicopter, knowing fine well that what you just did was wrong.

3, You cannot speak to someone in a helicopter through direct... this is a ROLEPLAY server, Roleplay everything, in roleplay scenarios earplugs do not exsist, and they certrainly don't magically dull the sound of gunshots and vehicles whilst leaving voice communications intact.

You claim a whole lot of rule breaks on my part, but the only rulebreak I can see here is you ignoring both police rules (Which have been in force for much longer than 4 days) and now server rules which have been implemented. 

Looking at my video you can see very clearly that we had no knowledge of what was happening previously so your complaint about being "magically found after taking communications" is invalid and reaching at straws, I had every intention of landing to initiate but you stripped that oppertunity away from me when you decided to go rogue and shoot down a civillian heli 16 seconds after shooting warning shots. When I got out of my helicppter I was already well and truly clear to shoot you, as If I hadnt reacted and rotated my heli to the ground safely I would most like have died from a heli explosion (good job valuing the lives of civilians as a police officer)

Now your comment with Tik Tak is relevant and just an attempt to try and poke hole's and muddy the waters to what really happened. You broke server rules, you then accused me of breaking server rules in OOC chat and now that you can see from my perspective I would assumed you would be a little more understanding to what you just did and see from a different perspective, but it turns out you'd much rather just wave your arms around claiming everyone else is wrong and you only did this because yada...yada...yada...

I hope I've answered your questions and addressed your complaints, but if you don't mind the last thing I want is Drama so unless any more evidence comes to light, or unless i'm asked to by an admin. I'd prefer to just leave this post clean for the staff team so they don't need to read through 6 pages of arguments and keep the posting to a minimum.


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If you can still hear them whilst flying in your helicopter this does count as valid RP. Its up to them to make sure you hear what has been said. Same for as initiating on tires whilst a car is driving.
With addition to this rule 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 clearly states that you have to wait 2 minutes before shooting, however they have given you multiple chances to fly off and you merely did not comply to them because of the new rules and you used this to your advantage. Then you jumped out of the Helicopter starting a conversation with the officers and whilst doing this pulling your weapon out and killing them without any Roleplay. This to me is so incredibly poor that I will action upon what you did.
Also Saying things as "good job valuing the lives of civilians as a police officer" shows you attitude towards other people. And to me it seems you are just here to get people banned and we don't want that here.

Action taken:


Steam ID:76561198024400307


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