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Report a Player - Duib - RDM (Report Rejected)

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Your In-game name

[GOTU] Caz

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

(Note: This is from Caz not me Aaron, Caz is currently suspending because he has one warning point and cannot post right now)
Caz was walking down by docks waiting for me with one of our gang members. Then a heli came over and landed next to the boating area. Which is where they were waiting for me. Because i was going to buy a boat. Caz walked over and clearly saluted, They then started opening fire on him, he then turned away, they still continued to shoot him. He was then killed.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I was with the person that shot your friend. We were robbing someone and this Caz guy runs over to us during a robbery, we had to kill the person we was robbing and your friend ran over towards us with a gun in his hands etc - my friend Duib thought that 'Caz' was with the guy we were trying to rob and was going to open fire on us thats the main reason he was shot.

I'd also like to point out that your friend should have called us all into TS to sort this out instead of just reporting my friend.

We could have just spoken in TS sorted it out and you would have received compensation obviously.

We would have called you in TS, but during the incident you said you had a gopro recording and that Caz was pointing a gun at you, so you shot at him. When he was clearly saluting at you. You stood there for literally 5 seconds starring at him, then just simply shot him there was no coms telling him to drop his weapon, no roleplay what so ever. And for robbing that guy on the dock, i don't think so buddy. In the video I don't see a single person running across to the people on the dock, i just see someone shooting from the edge of the dock to the trades post. This is a clear RDM.

Dude I am not the guy who shot your friend

Also cant your friend create an account and report this incident himself?

You just said "i stood there for 5 seconds and simply shot him?" Really? it wasnt even me who shot him.

I suggest you get your friend to create an account and make a complaint himself - and maybe in the future ask people to come to ts to sort it out before going to the forums.

If you guys asked us to ts we would have came, sorted it all out and your friend most likely would have received compensation with an apology.

going straight to the forums and reporting someone like that without asking them to ts is ridiculous.

Bro you clearly didn't read the post. He has an account but is currently suspended from posting. But we really didn't feel like arguing it out on ts, after one of your gang members said he had a gopro and recorded it all and said Caz was pointing a gun at him. Really didnt feel like an argument worth having. Because im sure you guys wouldnt have just gone "oh okay heres 150k" just like that... Either way this is still a clear case of RDM, and you're just trying to help your buddy out. Which i understand but just let an Admin decide whats happening.

I hear what you're saying but, reporting someone without asking them to TS 1st - thats bang out of order.

 I just want to say this was a huge mistake there was miss comunication and I made a mistake.
I shot your friend because We were robbing someone and you ran into an active gun fight.
I now realize that the person we was robbing wasn't with you, and I am more than happy to compensate you for the loss of your weapon,
but you should have just called us into teamspeak so we could have sorted the situation out there without going to the forums.
Once again I am very sorry for what has happened, do message me when in game and I will wire the money to you!
Alright, I would like you to arrange a time in which you can attempt to talk this out on teamspeak as I always strongly encourage a resolution attempt to be made before the report is processed. @1duib @Oenomaus89 @Caz (I think is the correct handle).

Post back here when/if a resolution has been made. If one is not met, post that here and we will continue on with this report.

If required, get a staff member to sit in. 

Honestly we've been really busy over the past few days, so i will try and resolve this when i get unbanned(hopefully). Sorry for the late reply irl stuff takes a lot of time you see. :)

After discussing this with Caz, we have come to a resolution that we would not like to get into team speak with these guys, as they were rude and very disobedient about them doing nothing wrong, at the time of the incident. They said multiple times they had a body cam and said they were in the right as Caz was supposedly pointing a gun at them. They then stated they would help by getting him onto a stretcher and into our vehicle(this never happened) then they just took off and left us all alone. Comp is not really something we need  nor wanted as we have enough money and didn't really care about the weapons we lost so we would like the admins to decide.

Many thanks - Aaron and Caz

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All I am going to say now is when someone breaks a rule whether it's an accident or not you're supposed to ask them into teamspeak to discuss the situation. You fellas didn't ask us and went straight for the "let's get him banned option" 

if you had called us into teamspeak 

your friend would have been compt and an apology.

Also if there is an active gun fight going on why the F did your friend decide to run into the middle of it with a gun in his hand. 

I wont be replying to any more posts on this because it's absolute BS 

An active gunfight? no no... you clearly have no idea what a gunfight is. There were no bullets exchanged between any parties when Caz approached you. You guys had just landed when he came along. Then he saluted to say he was friendly then you just shot him, with no intuition at all, there were no lives in danger at that moment in time. But then the facvt you guys said you would help him into our vehicle then just flew away made it clear that you thought you would get away with it. And the fact you guys said you had body cams on your person showed us that you were in the right. Also comp is not something we want nor need. We all have enough money, it was 75k thats pretty much nothing to us. So me and Caz both decided it would be best for the admin(s) to resolve this.

bla bla bla if it was just 75k and you both wasnt bothered? why report??

also you're wrong AGAIN, why do you think we landed? because we were robbing someone. why did my friend shoot your friend? well the guy we was robbing tried to kill us we didn't know he was alone and your friend runs over with a gun out - so that's why he was shot accidently

its your friends fault for running into an active gun fight and if you think there wasnt an active gun fight i suggest seeing a doctor for a hearing test.

Okay, firstly I apologise for the time that it has taken for me to respond here. Had a few days off I guess you could say.

The video seems to have been removed. Unless a video can be re-uploaded and provided I can not continue on with this report. 

Okay, firstly I apologise for the time that it has taken for me to respond here. Had a few days off I guess you could say.

The video seems to have been removed. Unless a video can be re-uploaded and provided I can not continue on with this report. 
Oh sorry about that Caz remoevd it by mistake. Here you go.

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9 hours ago, AaronG said:

Oh sorry about that Caz remoevd it by mistake. Here you go.

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Do you have a longer video? If possible, 3 minutes leading up to the situation. 

Do you have a longer video? If possible, 3 minutes leading up to the situation. 
Nope unfortunately not. Caz has since cleared his hard drive to make space for other things. but nothing happened prior to this, him and t bag were waiting for me to arrive so i could buy a boat and head over to pyrogos. 

Alright, after reviewing the video myself and then getting a second opinion, today I will be rejecting this report based on Insufficient Evidence. 

Given the standard protocol for RDM Cases being a video showing what happened 3 minutes before the incident is unavailable and because we can not say for certain what happened before your video started I am going to reject this report based on that. 

What I will be doing however, is placing a note on Duib's profile for future reference and ofcourse a bit of advice to you as well, @AaronG - If you're reporting someone for RDM, 3 minutes or longer is what we require! 

Report Rejected - Insufficient Evidence. 

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