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Report a Player - Dutch Vanderbam and Clay Morrow - Trolling (Action taken)

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Well-known member
Head Psychologist Office, Kavala Hospital
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Dutch Vanderbam and Clay Morrow

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Basically, we turned up to two officers involved in a car crash, and we then continued on in our normal RP manner. Then, Dutch Vanderbam thought it would be a great idea to go into the drivers seat the the NHS vehicle, and too drive off! Fortunately, PCSO Kieron shot out the tires of the NHS sports hatchback and it crashed. Dutch Vanderbam then proceed to attempt to escape. 30 seconds after the arrest, Clay Morrow comes in and attempts to VDM us, Multiple times! After the PCSO finally got up, he managed to arrest Clay Morrow. After that they decide it would be a great idea to combat log (of which I do not have evidence of unfortunatly).

Witnesses: PCSO Kieron, PC Anonymous Capybara (May be wrong as I remembered it's PC Tom something).

Time Frames:
0:00 - 1:30: Normal Patrol
1:30: Arrived at Police Officers
2:24: Dutch got in the NHS hatchback sport
2:31: NHS Sports hatchback tires shot out
3:23: Dutch arrested
3:40: Clay starts to VDM cops
4:38: Clay arrested

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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As I was involved in this incident, I will add a short comment.

I can first confirm all this happened, but would also like to add the as soon as both men were in handcuffs, one blatantly disconnected. (I mean you could atleast pull the Ethernet cable, ffs). Shortly after, the other man seems to collapse and die, with no reasoning. This is probably because he had run out of food/water, but it seemed kinda weird that he died literally seconds after his was put in cuffs and his mate disconnected.

Sadly, my GoPro Hero 3 was not running. Worst ebay buy of my life. Doesn't work half the time I press the on button.


PC Anonymous Capybara [AT914]

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