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Report a Player - HmsHunter & D.Donnie - Other

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Well-known member
The Netherlands

Your In-game name

Crexvin Wildley

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

HmsHunter & D.Donnie

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We spotted multiple trucks at weed proccessor and we decided to follow one of them. during our very slow chase Hmshunter decided to jump out and run away, so I also jumped out and followed him and later catched him and my other 2 officers kept following the truck.

Hmshunter denied any involvement with the situation although I clearly had my eyes on him the whole time and restrained him because he wasnt co operating.
He wasnt that happy with it and started to break RP (what you see at the beginning of the video ).

After my fellow cops got the other guys arrested I released Hmshunter and than he started to threathen to report (also breaking RP again)

after that you see D.Donniee was arrested and also not happy with it so he started to also break RP

Why: this may seem like nitpicking situations and could be avoided and not reported very easily but I decided to report them after they were very rude to us(cops) in-game but after the situation on TS as well unfortunatly I wasnt in the room on TS to be in the conversation but from what @ArrogantBread told me Hmshunter was very rude used faul language and was even banned from TS for it.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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after the situation on TS as well unfortunatly I wasnt in the room on TS to be in the conversation but from what @ArrogantBread told me Hmshunter was very rude used faul language and was even banned from TS for it.
To be honest I dont know , Hms and his friend talked to support and went into a convo with arrogantbread and some other admins later my DSGT I was on patrol with got dragged in but I didnt since it was a private room I couldnt randomly join.

I wanted to talk to them after their convo but HMS was banned(of TS) and his friend lef.

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