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Report a Player - ImStyle, Harkins, Delusion - RDM

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I watched the video again earlier and your game sounds are so loud.. I watched it on the highest possible volume my headset/pc would go to and I was even struggling to hear what you two were saying over the game audio.. So it really is no surprise why you couldn't hear us in direct. Plus as I said in team speak you probably need to sort out your audio levels with your VON/Radio/sound sources for better hearing direct (I cant remember if its VON or radio which does direct and I think I remember someone saying something about sound sources for helping direct aswell.).. and try turn your effects down and turning the general audio of your pc/headset up and also using the stuffed earplugs.. because Im 99.9999% sure you don't have them stuffed in this situation as I have said before
Seeing as you've responded, would you like to clarify at what point and when you supposedly 'initiated before the video'? You certainly never brought it up in teamspeak or in your replies so an explanation is fitting I think.

@H4WKACTUAL we have told you many times all 3 times we initated - i dont have the exact times - but you refuse to show the whole video - if you showed the entire situation im sure you would see what really happened 

My word, you are all acting like a bunch of children for crying out loud grow up. People need to stop clutching at straws and trying to get people in trouble. @Delusion seriously complaining about him saying "pull over big man," Seriously...

Right onto the situation @H4WKACTUAL are you able to supply a longer video?

Is any of the reported able to supply evidence of there defense? 

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@H4WKACTUAL we have told you many times all 3 times we initated - i dont have the exact times - but you refuse to show the whole video - if you showed the entire situation im sure you would see what really happened 
Delusion is perfectly capable of answering a question directed towards him and himself alone. The whole reasoning of me posing the question to him is because he and Harkins supposedly 'initiated on me before the video'. I also don't know why you keep harking on like a broken radio that I'm 'cutting the video' or 'not showing the whole video' when I've repeatedly told you I have my shadowplay set for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, in which I have explained why 28 seconds of which is cut.

Right onto the situation @H4WKACTUAL are you able to supply a longer video?
Unfortunately not, my computer struggles if I set my shadowplay past 4 minutes. I had asked Ciska if he had one but he was not recording at the time.

@Robbie sadly not mate - if i had known this was going to go toa report i would of saved it but as fair as i was concerned - we initiated they didnt compley - so they got killed - they called us to ts - we explain the them the situation - and left it at that - nearly a hour after he puts the report up which is to late for me to shadow play

also to add the other to dont record as far as im aware 

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 i honestly cant be sure - its been nearly two days since it happened - ethier delusion or harkins - i was the one in the heli and with a pistol that shot and killed ciska

Right then after reviewing the video that has been given, I will have to act upon what I have seen in the video. I will not be taking into consideration about the claims of a prior initiation as if i am honest with how late in the above comments it was mentioned, I do not believe there was 1 as they would have been my first point of defense.

The reported claim in there defense that you @H4WKACTUAL didn't have your ear buds fully stuffed in, However that isn't your fault, when initiating you must make sure that the person can hear you so that you are able to provide HIGH QUALITY ROLEPLAY. 🙂 

My verdict is as follows.  

Now based on the comments I believe it was Harkins who was driving the hemmit and who tried to initiate first and also shot first. 

Therefore Harkins you will be receiving a ban for 2.2 (attempted RDM) reason being, even if the people in the car would have heard you, I would 100% have the confidence in saying that what ever you said wasn't to a very good RP standard, as you we're the first person who shot you will receive a 24hour ban. 

Imstyle Since shooting was already happening from your gang member you will not receive a ban however you will receive a warning instead. You also tried to initiate and then start shooting quite quickly and i would also say that is probably wasn't to a very good RP standard,however since "shots already happened you will get away with a warning" also as you kindly put above you have been here for a good amount of time, Yet I expect someone who's been here, to know that they must have provided high quality roleplay before shooting, and whenever initiating on people it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that they have heard you.

@Delusion you will get off without a warning as you we're driving the other hemmit which I really didn't see any wrong doings from your part. 

@H4WKACTUAL I do suggest that you look into your audio, as I do agree it your sounds did sound quite loud

Now Final message. 

I considered punishing you all for how immature you have all acting on this report. All you guys did was defend yourself by throwing other accusations out. That is not how you act on a report a player, You provide any evidence if possible and try to defend yourself, HOWEVER you do it in a respectful manner and not argue about silly things and if you haven't got anything to add DON'T REPLY! - UNDERSTOOD!! Remember this for future references as Don't forgot we have to read through all your comments and quite frankly some of them wasn't needed.

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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