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Report a Player - INS Geoff, INS Smithy, SPC FrostBite, SPC Vicks - Poor/Low Quality RP(Rejected)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name

[LZ] AzZaMaTr0n

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

INS Geoff, INS Smithy, SPC FrostBite, SPC Vicks

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

The whole thing was the cops just creating a shit RP environment and they should all atleast get demoted. The whole situation wasn't fun because they just take everything as it is and barely even talked to us. They also scrapped our trucks without even roleplaying it and everything was just shit... The footage is all raw and you can see me trying to test their knowledge of police rights. I tried to resolve but I guess they ignored or something.
I was sent to prison without any decent RP either.

 I did get a bit pissed and may have slipped up idk.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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It would of been nice if you had of messaged me on teamspeak but no you decided to take it straight to the forums without even trying to resolve.

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting

You tried to resolve this??. Who did you message to try and resolve it. I, frostbite, smithy or Vicks never got any message form you or your gang about he situation.

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

As he lied about resolving it it also means that this is also false.

You tried to resolve this??. Who did you message to try and resolve it. I, frostbite, smithy or Vicks never got any message form you or your gang about he situation.

As he lied about resolving it it also means that this is also false.
Maybe before accusing me of "lying" watch the video fully as I multiple times attempted to contact you. No more arguments please. Let the admins resolve this.

From your video you and it is quite clear that you guys broke several server rules. Listed below are the rules I believe you to have broke along with timestamps seen in the video

(2.4) Using any exploits such as looting dead bodies, duplication of items or money, abusing the Bounty hunter system to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside of it’s intended purpose, transferring / processing items through walls and windows. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not be abused in the future.  - This is seen 4:00 - 5:17 where you and your friends whilst in restrains. Whilst in restrains you and your friends were transferring processed cocaine between one another. If this is not a type of exploit then it is fail RP as you could not do that whilst in restraints.

(1.3) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and will be punished by a ban. - This is seen many times in your video timestamps supplied 12:25, 17:00. At these timestamps your were in Out of Character chat swearing in one occasion saying that we were so shit that we didn't know how to RP. You also titled your video Shit Roleplay as usual from AR/NPAS. Evidence provided: https://gyazo.com/ba61af94f84a742931738f882b6597aa

(1.1) Bullying is punished by a permanent ban without appeal. - This is seen at 23:51 where you and your friends were in the helicopter you were laughing and making fun of a CSO several times. This is not acceptable under any circumstances. He was attempting to read you your writes and all you were doing is laughing and making fun of him every time he got them wrong. He is still learning. What do you expect.

P.S We are not AR we are NCA.

INS Geoff [PY999]

From your video you and it is quite clear that you guys broke several server rules. Listed below are the rules I believe you to have broke along with timestamps seen in the video

(2.4) Using any exploits such as looting dead bodies, duplication of items or money, abusing the Bounty hunter system to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside of it’s intended purpose, transferring / processing items through walls and windows. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not be abused in the future.  - This is seen 4:00 - 5:17 where you and your friends whilst in restrains. Whilst in restrains you and your friends were transferring processed cocaine between one another. If this is not a type of exploit then it is fail RP as you could not do that whilst in restraints.

(1.3) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and will be punished by a ban. - This is seen many times in your video timestamps supplied 12:25, 17:00. At these timestamps your were in Out of Character chat swearing in one occasion saying that we were so shit that we didn't know how to RP. You also titled your video Shit Roleplay as usual from AR/NPAS. Evidence provided: https://gyazo.com/ba61af94f84a742931738f882b6597aa

(1.1) Bullying is punished by a permanent ban without appeal. - This is seen at 23:51 where you and your friends were in the helicopter you were laughing and making fun of a CSO several times. This is not acceptable under any circumstances. He was attempting to read you your writes and all you were doing is laughing and making fun of him every time he got them wrong. He is still learning. What do you expect.

P.S We are not AR we are NCA.

INS Geoff [PY999]
Your argument of bullying is completely wrong as it was in RP and it's just a bit of banter, Swearing outside of rp - i never directed it at someone and exploits, fair enough but it's not an exploit. If I get banned,  I might have deserved it but RP needs to change.

Why is everyone so salty about be calling NCA AR lol? How am I supposed to know lmao "P.S We are not AR we are NCA." "it's NCA and call them AR how pathetic... "Swearing - fair enough i got kinda pissed and slipped up. My bad.

This shit's probs gonna get denied now that people are salty af over a video game lmao


Your argument of bullying is completely wrong as it was in RP and it's just a bit of banter, Swearing outside of rp - i never directed it at someone and exploits, fair enough but it's not an exploit. If I get banned,  I might have deserved it but RP needs to change.
It does not matter if its in RP or not. Its still bullying. You may have seen it as banter but from our point of view it should not be happening. How would you feel if you were in the position of that CSO and then we started laughing at you every-time you got something wrong. The CSO after this all situation left saying that he could not take it anymore.

It does not matter if its in RP or not. Its still bullying. You may have seen it as banter but from our point of view it should not be happening. How would you feel if you were in the position of that CSO and then we started laughing at you every-time you got something wrong. The CSO after this all situation left saying that he could not take it anymore.
I'd like to see that because it sure does smell a bit like bs mate. If that's the trutch then I'd like to apologise and speak to him.

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