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Report a Player - Inspector Wasted & SPC MorbidLemming - RDM

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Your In-game name

[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Inspector Wasted & SPC MorbidLemming

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We were driving along the road past the HM and saw what looked to be a cop on his own (the cop was morbidlemming) who had crashed into a wall so we thought oh we could kidnap this guy so we slowly drove past and he said "Leave the area" but did not say there was an active gunfight nor did he say he would shoot if we didn't leave so we pulled up a few meters down we got out of our car and the officer we saw on his own (morbidlemming) shot my friend so i suppressed the car he was behind before being shot without any solid initiation from the 2 officers present all we were told was to leave the area not leave the area or you will be shot plus we were only given one warning.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


if you want ill upload it now i cut it down because it was just us driving down a road but i understand if u need more proof

it may take a lil bit though

Firstly i would like to point out that you have not tried to resolve this with me. You did send me a message demanding me to the liaison room, however while still in an active operation i was unable to do so. You were then spoken to by @DSGT Kieran Rheadas a member support rep and were told that you decamped during a HM robbery with firearms and had been classed as hostile. 

Unfortunately i do not have any video footage to clear this up. However SPC MorbidLemming does. 

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 as you can see, there is an active gun fight in progress and you and your friends arrive, quite clearly with ill intent and catch the tail end of the HM bank robbery.

first of all you didnt the support member never spoke to me and second of all i didnt "Demand" You come to liason room i sent you a message sayin can we have a word regarding you RDMing yesterday at which point i recived no reply so i went to a staff member who told me to make a report


Before I begin my post, I have permission from INFO to post on this.

Okay, so Wasted notified me that someone from the gang NRA asked him to go to liaison room, but I said that I would go to the liaison room as Wasted was busy in the operation. Then, in the liaison room, I told the NRA gang member that joined  that he was shot because their was an active HM Treasury and the blasting charge was placed, and they pulled up and got out with weapons, if they get out with weapons, then they are going to be shot. The NRA gang member was satisfied with this response and then I specifically said that you should pass this to your gang members, but obviously they didn't. 

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting

This statement above is not true, no real attempt to sort the situation out, but I did explain the situation to the guy that joined, but it was not the guy that is making the report, so no real resolution of the situation. 

As Wasted has posted, their is a video of the whole situation of the HM Treasury, and hopefully this should clear up any issues. 

If anyone needs anymore clarification from myself, please don't hesitate to contact me on TeamSpeak. 

as i said i tried to message wasted and i got no reply so the satff member told me to make a report "as you tried to resolve but got no reply"

also my gang member was not satisfied with the reason you gave him he may have said that to you but i can assure you the same was not told to us

here is the video you wanted and as you will be able to see as we drove down the road we heard no shots/ saw no signs of an active gun fight all we saw was what looked to be a crashed cop car and a single cop.

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if we were correctly informed when we slowed down (the cop should have said "there is an active gunfight leave the area or you will be shot") we would have kept going as we didnt intend to do anything in the HM we were aiming to mug a cop

also my gang member was not satisfied with the reason you gave him he may have said that to you but i can assure you the same was not told to us
So why did he leave happy from the liaison room, if he wasn't satisfied, then why didn't you come on yourself?

What else would you expect, turn up to an active HM Treasury fully armed, then what else do you expect, us to offer you a cup of tea and say hello, I don't think so. We are not super humans, we can't always respond straight away, you have to be patient, but you weren't!

If the person that I told the information to, didn't feed it back to you, then that is your fault, no ours.

i was patiant i waited a day before even think about reporting and as i said we had no idea there was an active gun fight nor were we told 

also i couldnt come to liason room as i had to go which is why my gang member went

also i couldnt come to liason room as i had to go which is why my gang member went
So that is not our problem, we told you gang member the reason why, and if he wasn't satisfied, or didn't collaborate the information correctly, then what do you want us to do, if you wanted an explanation, then you should of come to TeamSpeak yourself. 

why are we still talking about trying to resolve this in TS as i said i cam on today and messaged Wasted before making the report after being told to by a staff member so as far as im concerned trying to resolve it in TS issue is out of the question now

The first time we actually spoke about this was after you made the report.

<21:18:39> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": Hey, can i have a word please regarding you RDMing me yesterday
<21:19:44> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": are you there
<21:33:44> "Wasted": im in an operation
<21:34:09> "Wasted": and secondly it wasnt RDM, youve been told by member support already
<21:34:24> "Wasted": you decamped a black off road with firearms, in an active gun fight
<21:34:43> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": well its been reported now since u didnt answer yesterday or earlier when i messaged you
<21:34:56> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": and we were not informed it was an active gunfight nor was there any shots
<21:35:03> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDuL5c1c14Y&feature=youtu.be
<21:35:10> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": if you want to see for yourself
<21:35:13> "Wasted": ive got a recording on the whole 10 mins
<21:35:18> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": as have i
<21:35:26> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": when we got there there was no shots
<21:35:36> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": we saw one officer who had looked like he had crashed
<21:35:43> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": who said "leave the area"
<21:35:58> "Wasted": shots and an active firefight is a 3 min CD
<21:35:58> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": not leave the area or you will be shot (or something along those lines)
<21:36:18> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": what is a 3min CD?
<21:36:20> "Wasted": shots were fired by myself at another armed guy moments before you arrive
<21:36:28> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": we didnt hear any shots
<21:36:44> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": simple as that if we were told "leave the area this is an active gun fight"
<21:36:53> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": like he should have said this wouldnt be happening
<21:37:17> "Wasted": you decamping with firearms in an active HM
<21:37:25> "Wasted": marks you as hostile
<21:37:28> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": as i said we did not know that nor were we told
<21:37:46> "Wasted": decamping at HM with firearms is your own fault
<21:37:50> "Wasted": in an active firefight
<21:38:02> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": stop saying active gun fight coz as i said there were no shots
<21:38:05> "Wasted": had your intentions been different you wouldnt have had firearms
<21:38:10> "Wasted": you drive in
<21:38:16> "Wasted": in the fight
<21:38:21> "Wasted": like i said
<21:38:39> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": your just repeating there was an active firefight THERE WAS NO SHOTS
<21:39:01> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": (9.1.4) Police must keep a high level of role play at all times.
<21:39:08> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": no RP whatso evre from the 2 of you
<21:39:16> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": *whatsoever
<21:39:52> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": (2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order.
<21:39:57> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": we were told once to leave area
<21:40:05> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": once again no quality RP
<21:40:27> "Wasted": involving yourself in an active fire fight is your own fault, il upload my whole 10 mins
<21:40:35> "Wasted": i never moved from my position
<21:40:47> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": go ahead but as i said and clearly have to keep saying no shots were being fired
<21:41:26> "[NRA] Gen. Jack Santo": ill upload the whole 2 hour clip of me getting gear and making my way to  HM from kavala and hearing no shots what so ever if you want

actaully i messaged you 10-20 mins before you made the report and i messaged you the night it happened but you only replied after i had spoken to a staff member who told me to just report it

OK, its fairly obvious what has occured here. You have unbeknonst to you entered into an active firefight (HM Robbery) with guns out. As can be clearly seen it is looks painfully like you are invilved with the treasury robbery and to that extent were shot. 

It is fairly clear as to what is oging on around the treasury area and to go with firearms out is unwise. That said it is the duty of the officer to protect civillian live and so I call @CI RuTHLeSS INFOto deal with these officers to the context you deem appropriate.

That is all, 


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