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Report a player - Jack Richards & Will - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Delilah Rose

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Jack Richards & Will

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/26/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2200

What best describes this incident ?: Potential RDM/NVL

Please (in detail) describe the incident: We had a situation yesterday that including myself, the rest of Yakuza and from what i am aware, jack and will from Kamora. (Roughly 10pm might of being a little earlier)

Tom (Leader), had set up a business meeting with himself and the leader of Kamora because of an ongoing RP scenario with them, we had around 6 people with us and who were all armed with SMG's and AR's at this meeting as we were asked to protect the leader, we have had previous conversations with other members of the community within RP that have told us that Jack and some of the Kamora had being going around and mentioning our names within other things.

Jack was made aware that there was more than just tom involved in this RP scenario as it was explained to him over the phone that amongst arrival that he would be searched/patted down and then be taken to the higher ups to have a further conversation about what had being mentioned to us previously. All of Yakuza were set up around the area quite openly so it was easy to see that there was a good amount of us involved and there for protection, i would also like to add that we had being given an order that when they had arrived that we should get out guns out and make it visible that we was all carrying a weapon.

Tom had spoken to jack over the phone and jack kept delaying, firstly he said he was going to be arriving in a car and then later stated that he was taking longer because his bike had broken down, this obviously led the hierarchy to believe that he was stalling for a certain reason, possibly trying to get some more of his gang with him and or plan some sort of ambush, in which is when the decision that we would move out of the area came across in which we all spread out and parked elsewhere and awaited for his arrival. In this moment jack had no previous conversation with the rest of the gang just minor conversation with tom over the phone just saying that he wont be long and he will only be a few minutes.

After about 15 minutes of waiting and multiple phone calls for jack's arrival, it was called out on radio that he had arrived in which we all moved back into where we was all originally stood and tom had asked jack and will to follow him back to the main area where the rest of us were, at this instance jack and will were both met by 2 members of Yakuza as the "welcoming party" with their weapons out and i was aware that there was another 2 people in front of me with their weapons drawn too. As you can imagine in this situation as explained they was heavily outnumbered and at rather big disadvantage, this is when an explosion happened behind us caused by a propane tank unsure as to why it happened really, which our members attention away from the 2 people in front of them as in this situation they did not feel like jack and will posed any threat towards them or any the others, as you can see in the clip i have provided within in the space of one of our members looking away for 2 seconds without anything being said to them or the rest of the party jack and will decided to not value their lives and proceeded to open fire without saying a singular word to us, in which we returned fire and managed to essentially down jack and he was later disposed of.

For me and the rest of the party this scenario was just not provided in any sort of high quality roleplay as he did not attempt to speak to us before their party went straight to shooting and quite honestly i think they did not really value their lives at all since they was met with people that had guns drawn before they have even began to start shooting and as previously stated with a good few of us being visible around the area.

When pulled in to liaison jack was very adamant and quite argumentive that he had provided us with high quality roleplay and he saw no wrong doings with the situation at all, he had also stated that he was just going there to RP with tom and not anyone else, the staff present can probably agree with this after they had also dealt with him that his mindset towards the scenario was just not as expected.

i can only provide someone else POV of the situation is it quite short but other evidence i can provide to staff elsewhere, i will open a ticket.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Im just gonna tell my side of it and what i think about the whole situation , in past 3 days we met yakuzas they kidnapped me (boss of cammora) took my gun for petty shit and threaten me with my life , for 2 days i was looking on a way to start fuss with them and the best way was beacuse they forced us to buy drugs of them to set a fake drug shipment roll in with heavy pistols come to the meeting tell to the welcoming party ,, Say Hello to Tom ,, shoot them and get away from there , when we came and we saw a car that was welcoming party Tom was in that car he said to us and gave us instructions to follow his car , we didnt succed the plan beacuse we didnt know if we should shoot or just wait for it to play out we enter the facility where u can see explosions happening moments when we arrive we see people with guns and loads of explosion so we tought we are set up we panick and start to spray them , i realise RP can be done way better but if you look the fact that the circumstances changed and that i planned on this 2 or 3 almost full days only 10 seconds of unlucky actions in the city got us here , the other party Delilah invited us with her friends to Discord we told them we are sorry that they feel that there is no RP ground for shooting and i told them very vividly my every point of view and that i understand their view , but some people just need to take it to the staff and stick it up the ass for others , we used the moment when the explosion started beacuse everyone was focused on it and i think there was room to shoot beacuse prevously we got roleplay with Yakuzas they recognised us on the gate saying here they come like you can hear it on radio so they knew who was coming and basicly are acting currently just for the sakes of it i know RDM is not fun for anyone but there should be taken more stuff in count when we talk about this specific situation yes i aggree that it was not the best quality RP and for that we are sorry , but it cant be random deathmatch beacuse we arranged a meeting with Yakuzas and they knew who is coming and for what , the NVL part like i said when explosions happened all people in the room was focused on the explosion like u can see it in the video so we used a chance i kind of think the explosion killed the RP beacuse it made me personally and my friend panick we tought it was a trap when we saw things get blown up in the air.

I again say sorry to Delilah beacuse clearly after the discord call she still feels offended this is nothing personal mistakes happen . I just ask upfront staff that will be involved in this case to take in all the information i gave u beacuse a lot of stuff happened at the deal that are 50/50 like anything can happen when they have guns we have guns and a explosion happens in the middle of the scene you can see how your fist can get itchy . You can clearly see that there is people of theirs that didnt had pulled guns only 2 guys had smgs pulled out so we saw them with guns heard an explosion and you can see where that lead the next scene that we think that we are attacked all the best . 

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Btw we were sorting this out on discord for 2 hours i dont see the point of Delilah arguing and proving points and then us coming to a conclusion together that explosions did make the RP a bit diffrent and then procced to file a report a bit of cheeky for me tbh . if she wanted to post the report in the beginning she should had told us  , im not saying she has no rights i just say if you gonna do this petty stuff at least dont take my time away i dont see a point going to discord trying to solve it when all members almost of the incident were chill and only delilah that was most vocal about it talks with us for 2 hrs and waste our time ,  next time just say to us you are getting reported and save our time if you already made decision like you did before giving us any chance to explain there is no need to try looking like  a good human being because obviosly you decided your path of this scene long time ago . 

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I would like to put my point of view out there, as I am the guy actually getting shot in this clip.

First of all I would like to point out the fact that we should not be personally attacking individuals that were in the discord call. There were 3 Yakuza's in that call all voicing their opinions on the whole RP scenario. So, to just sit there and say that Delilah was the 'most vocal' is false. Furthermore, the whole reason as to why the call lasted around a couple of hours was because of YOU. You were the one that was rudely interrupting people when they were trying to speak. You were the one using swear words. You were the one that joined the call with an aggressive mindset while raising your voice. Not only were u rude to us, you were rude to staff that was also in the call. you were unwilling to take on board our side of the story which is why we find ourselves having to make this report.

Now for the whole reason why we are here. The whole RP situation was very confusing. I was was randomly shot without any prior RP nor a word even said. Yes, there has been RP between us over the last days. However we as Yakuza's have always tried to RP to the best of our abilities and I believe that this was not reciprocated what so ever, and we felt like this was just a drive by and shoot type thing. Now referring to (g1.2), we believe that they attacked another player (being me), without providing any form of quality roleplay and chose violence before creating an interesting scene.

When asked about the RP scenario and if the tables were turned and we just rolled up to you guys and shot without a word said, you were asked 'is that high quality roleplay' you answered 'yes'. This is where we were stuck and went back and forth having you not understand that it was Very Poor Roleplay.

You also stated that you planned on 'Saying Hello to Tom ,, shoot them and get away from there' but this was not the case and like I've said before not one work was even said and I refer back to the Rule of (g1.2) and not providing any roleplay and choosing violence as the main source. (Have Evidence)

Regarding the NVL rule break, we believe that you guys were outnumbered and at a clear disadvantage with numbers and guns. However you still decided to shoot me, having seen my Compact rifle in my hand, a Yakuza in their car beside you and another Yakuza with a Sub Machine Gun in their hand. In fact, there was 6 of us within the vicinity. There was ample time and opportunities to scout the area and get an understanding of how many there was of us. But 2 of you decided to come in and shoot, without assessing the situation.

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I would also like to add my points over too as i was also involved and one of the first people that you was met with, For me with the liaison talk I do not think that this was resolved as it was quite an on edge conversation as tensions were still high between both parties. Throughout you firstly arriving i had my SMG out in my hands so it was clear for you to see as i was stood next to my other member who was also carrying a rather large gun, we did not once aim these guns at you to pose any threat to you, we just simply stood back in the positions we was in before you had arrived and expected you guys to speak to us, and then that is when the explosion behind us went off where my the other member to my side's attention did get moved over to that but me tom mainly kept our eyes on you guys as i was the first person to shoot back when you first shot. For me this feels like you did not attempt to roleplay with the other people within the group as you decided to just start shooting without saying anything to us and then just tried to leave even whilst being outnumbered. i would like to ask you one question though, that if/when the propane tank went off BEHIND us why you would think that was a setup?  why would we risk our own lives?

This is my side of the story - 

Me and Jack were planning to show some threat when we went to the deal by killing the welcoming party and while aiming the guns to say "say hello to Tom for us".  This is what was meant and should of happened, we didn't get to display that RP because of the explosion. But from our side we felt threatened because of the explosion which happened and a fair amount of your guys had your guns out which made us even more threatened. We would of been stupid not to shoot after the explosion because who knows what you could've had planned as we had issues in RP.  I will be honest, the whole outcome of the situation would of been different if that explosion didn't happen because we would of been able to actually say what we was going to say. I will be honest and I stand by this things happen which sometimes can't be helped (explosion) and that really didn't help. I just want to say that I was in the wrong for not speaking out before shooting but I also think this needs to have some consideration before any action is taking because we couldn't display out RP scenario. 

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Hello Jack,
Thank you for the response.

Yes I can agree we have had RP interactions with you over the past 3 days but as you have said yourself it has not just being you that we have taken/spoken to, we have also previously taken around 2-3 of your other gang/family members and have provided them with some form of roleplay, ie we have spoken to them about what they think about the situations and the decisions that your other gang members are making.

i still feel like you are struggling to see the wrong doings in this scenario, i can completely understand that you are in the mindset of you wanted to say hello to tom as you have stated yourself but even with tom being the welcoming party why did that changed your course of RP between the parties as should it not of gone the same way that you spoke to the welcoming party?. I can understand that you would of gone through a sense of panic when the explosion went off, but as someone else has stated why would we put ourselves in the line of risk when the explosion happened next to us and not near you.


roleplay with Yakuzas they recognised us on the gate saying here they come like you can hear it on radio
With this, we knew it was you guys coming to speak to us yes, as we knew who we was talking to as we was made aware of you being the leader of said gang.  But this does not justify for you to just turn up and shoot? in no way was this ever a KOS situation.


but it cant be random deathmatch beacuse we arranged a meeting with Yakuzas and they knew who is coming and for what
At this moment in time you made us aware that there was only another person with you during this altercation, from our awareness you was here to do some business with us and that was that.

Stating for the NVL part you was still outnumbered with 2 people still having their eyes on you and 3 people with guns still being in the general vicinity of you,  you can not put the fact that the explosion happened that is what killed the RP, the RP was killed when you decided to shoot at us with nothing said?. Like i have said the panic caused by the explosion should you of not wanted to leave the situation if you was feared in that instead of just shooting?


Btw we were sorting this out on discord for 2 hours
We were indeed sorting this is out within a liaison for 2 hours but it kept going around in circles because there was no understanding the wrongs in the situation, I don't know why you feel like this is cheeky as we left the liaison without any form of sorting this out because of the aggression that was happening within the liaison  

do this petty stuff at least dont take my time away i dont see a point going to discord
The whole point of this was to try and speak this out with you and get a solution out of this but you was so argumentative for your point you was hardly letting anyone speak and even being quite rude towards the staff that was there also. Can i also state that i was not the only one talking from our side throughout this whole liaison? I don't know why you're just picking up points with me. And quite frankly this report was the last thing in my mind but when you did not want to listen then this is unfortunately what it came in to.

This is what was meant and should of happened
So your plans were anyways to just come and shoot us even without the explosion then?. This is the point that i am trying to get across that the explosion should not be an excuse for the way the RP went.

fair amount of your guys had your guns out which made us even more threatened
So you knew you was out numbered and saw the guns and was threatened so once again. Why not value your life and leave? I hate to keep going round in circles but i dont see how you are not seeing the point.

We would of been stupid not to shoot after the explosion because who knows what you could've had planned as we had issues in RP
I mean it was stupid for you to shoot at people with guns out? and even if we did have something planned you did not allow the RP to continue because you just shot?

the whole outcome of the situation would of been different if that explosion didn't happen
Please stop trying to use this to cover up, you had your plans as you have told us that you planned on leaving a message for the leader and shooting/killing the welcoming party so the explosion did not change the course of your guys plan/ RP.

You can clearly see your boys panicked too when the explosion happened to be honest you provided that evidence by yourself , you are just now forcing High Quality roleplay in the story but you need to understand it wasnt our fault either you can see explotions your guy start to talk ,,yo what the fuck(when the explosion happened) then we shoot then you tell on your comms why are they shooting what is happening here so there is a lot of confusion in that scene and for you to be reporting us and to say i was agressive and everything on discord when there is 3 of yakuzas there and 2 staff members and only myself from Cammorah defending us,so to say that i was rude is not acceptable Sammy the staff yea i dont know whats her deal im slavic and i speak a bit rough but i didnt swear thats a lie ,even put my ego to 0 later and said sorry multiple times so this basicly shows your problems and how you look at other players who knows me as a persons knows how much i have rule brakes on medal even from the staff itself and i never reported always discord talk so you are forcing this report and thats your right to do so , i just hope staff sees some sense and like see that this scene is a mess all the way to the end beacuse nobody expected that explosion and thats the end of it . I hate this mentality bigger guns like oh my gosh you got a bigger gun so im supposed to back off well honey we have big guns too , we have man power but at the certain time they were not in the city so we wanted to come down there as an organisation and refuse the cocaine the deal went wrong and thats it  its not our fault that much and it is in the same time you talk about quality roleplay but always want to destroy the same roleplay here on the forums for others if you dont like the outcome and stretch it out beacuse i think when someone sees sence at the end and says sorry to you and you still keep on the beef thats some personal demons and i wish you all the best beacuse at the end of the day you are a person and dont get this debat personal (BTW this is the problem with you guys dont know to debate and you think everyone is arguing with you )

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Nothing more from me until staff asks cause it is clear we are going to go around in circles.

We are not going round in circles you are just a mad women who doesnt want to take sorry as an answer multiple times so what ever staff says that doesnt change you for who you are so i would consider a bit to drop down the ego, what else can we do except apologise and move on from our side we wont be taking this personal anymore its clear that we cant have a normal discussion all the best . 

I wanted to address my side of the story as I didn't get a chance to explain it because I was getting interrupted. I have been in the city for over a year and this is the most pettiest thing i have come across. 

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And this is my response to Delilah beacuse she said if the same happened to me if i was in her shoes would i report the answer is NO , beacuse im a human and i understand mistakes happen im giving an example personal one i had rp with Drex a staff member and mistakes happened we went discord talked about it nobody was mad so we basicly talked a lot and i told him i wont be reporting him beacuse im not a cunt and i realise shit happens all the time in the city he realised his mistake and we moved on so basicly when someone is saying sorry to you and you continue to be a prick its a YOU problem .


here is the evidence of the situation with Drex and to be honest i wont report and look for compensation for a heavy and a heavy shotgun beacuse he would get banned and i dont wish that on my worse enemies take care .

Honestly I said I was not going to reply to this as it was getting repetitive now, but I would like to say that it was not me that asked this question at all yet another person from my party so it really seems like you have some sort of issue with me, and quite frankly now you’re getting disrespectful for no reason at all. 

I dont see the problem in my eyes towards you i cant hate someone i never met in my life please just leave it at that we wont talk now beacuse there is no way of communicating with u when we try to get our point of view ( POINT OF VIEW IS A WAY OF THINKING AT THAT TIME ) you think we argue with u , we said multiple times sorry so basicly you have decided already to put the report so we can now leave it at that beacuse i really dont want this akward conversation to continue you should build more relationship with people not enemies i dont know why you try that so agressive but ok im gonna shut my mouth now beacuse NO OTHER POINT OF VIEW is allowed as i can see and it displays ,,AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR ,, towards you so i wont think i wont do nothing so i dont trigger you . Im gonna be a man and say sorry if you felt that you were hurten in that RP scene and that it didnt go by your plans we are truly sorry about the explosion too and making us panick again im saying sorry if you think im being rude to you . My final message Cammora knows what is respect and is giving respect to everyone in this community you are not diffrent then anyone and maybe u should learn about respect maybe a bit more beacuse you are way over your head and you never told me sorry for your actions towards my so basicly there is a few reasons to maybe speak with u more to see where is the problem but you just dont want to all the best .


Hello - As I've been mentioned in this report, I'll leave a brief reply.
Please keep to the topic at hand, do not add recordings of situations unrelated to the one you are being reported for - I have absolutely nothing to do with this report, and would like you to keep it that way.

Furthermore; I ask that everyone involved in this report proceed with a bit of respect and decency towards each other, not insinuate the one is a "cunt" for opening a report, because at the end of the day; Reporting what they believe is a rule-break is a right, available to everyone.

When you get your sorry and you see  someone is really sorry and u still report and write stuff like this , a move like that . That specific word is used for centuries we are humans and we have words we put meaning to it , but i dont know how to call that move from Delilah. All the best now i wont be replying beacuse this people bait me just to get few points in the report cheers !

Btw i said for myself that i dont want to be a cunt but ok i didnt report thats what i said and im talking about myself only so i dont feel offended when i call myself a cunt 🙂

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


what a pleasant amount of messages(excluding the uneeded back and forth bitching)

let's get this stuff over with shall we?

situation starts with Tom giving Jack a phone call to sort out the meetings final points prior to the meetup, Jack decides to stall the meetup, if this was due to his vehicle actually being broken, or for other reasons who knows, doesn't really matter in this case, Jack shows up along with Will on his bike, being escorted by Tom to the initial meeting point.
upon arriving at the place there's alot of Yakuza members standing there, with guns, clearly drawn, to show their dominance and the fact that they had more strength than the Kamora people, an explosion happens out of nowhere, not really sure why, but it happened, people got distracted this is then where Jack and Will starts shooting out of nowhere, not really saying anything prior to this, one of the people on the bike gets downed and the other escapes, which then ends the scenario.

now onto the rulebreaks(if any)
RDM: wouldn't call it RDM, poor roleplay, sure, nor RDM though.
NVL: yes, it's there, sure the explosions may have caught most of Yakuza off guard, but they were still bigger in numbers, and better in arms, not worth the risk afterall, as one of you found out.
now onto the last bit of rule breaks: poor RP, to say the least, the RP from the side of kamora was poor, sure you had prior RP, but that does not mean you don't have to atleast give a bit of RP to the people you intend to shoot, which, you did plan for, but it didn't happen due to the explosion.


Jack Richards (CharID: 82557) will be recieving a 2 day ban following the FBS for:
NVL and Poor RP

Will Cheverall (CharID: 42131) will be recieving a 1 day ban following the FBS for:
NVL and Poor RP

and i want to make this abundantly clear @KillerCursestop being so aggressive in these reports, it's not helping anything and it makes you look bad, only warning, the rest will be met by post restrictions and other sorts of punishments.
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