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Report a Player - Jason, MAJ. Mark - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Mick Duffy


Your In-game name

Robb Stark

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Jason, MAJ. Mark

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was confronted by a man in an orange jumpsuit (MAJ. Mark ) who I could hardly hear, he says something about lowering the gun which is already lowered, and then gives a very quick 2 second countdown before knocking me to to the ground, I then get up to defend myself by shooting a non lethal tazer, I hit MAJ Mark and was going to proceed to handcuff and take to the prison but someoneelse in his gang Jason shoots me with no RP that I can hear. apart from someone shouting " Woah stop " and after I do I am shot dead anyway.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


you start the shot to maj. mark he is in the gang kcf and me to so i think i aim allowed to shot ya down! and you see it on you'r vid. and it was in server 1

Mark knocked me out with a gun of course I am going to taze him, to subdue him restrain and then talk with him, My plan was to take the man to the police station and question him as to why he attacked me for no reason, i didn't get that far as someone else shot me. saying " he is in the same gang! "  means nothing, I could not see that man nor was I talking with him or engaging with him in anyway. It is a clear case of RDM on his behalf and extremely poor roleplay from Mark in my opinion.

If someone knocked you out with a gun in real life, would you then pull out a tazer? I don't think so. I also know you did not try to resolve the situation before reporting.

I see the vid again and maj.mark say it twice and give you more than that 2sec he knock you out and you see it en do the same you came back up and start the shots to maj.mark and i thouht you shot him down so i take the shot against ya, before all that you can talk whit us on ts you don't do it you do it like after 5 min on the forums...

Okay @Robb Stark, the only real rule break I see here is you glitching to not only knock him out after he knocked you out, but also fire your tazer whilst knocked out? Yes, it is somewhat poor RP from the others and I urge them to up their roleplay, I dont want to see 2 sec countdowns again..

However, you have basically reported yourself here Stark, and leave me no choice but this..

Action Taken -30/11/15

Name:Robb Stark

Steam ID:76561198074128299


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