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Report a Player - Josh Black & ShaunLAD - RDM

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Your In-game name

(BC) Cpt. TypicallyJames

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Josh Black & ShaunLAD

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Location: Poseidon Drug Dealer

I was on approach to the drug dealer when I noticed a robbery situation in progress. I pulled up and hovered approx 80-100m away. they fired warning shots at the orca. One just going bast the rotors and one into base of the helo. I instantly pulled back to over 250m away. They then continued to shoot at my vehicle. I pulled back even further to over 450m (still shooting the helo even as I was backing out. I hovered and texted poseidon (as they had earlier in the life told me to if I was being robbed/shot at/ notice anything) for the 2nd time reporting my vehicle being shot. I then flew of and returned to the area approx. 5 mins later. I went in for my approach after who I suspected was the robbers. I landed and as I got out of the helo I took shots from ShaunLAD that killed me (with no verbal or text message initiation at the time). As I was down, Josh Black came up to me and said the following before excecuting me on the spot;

Josh : ''Alright Buddy. Sweet Dreams Brother.Any final words buddy?''
Me: ''No, why? Are you poseidon?''
Josh : ''Click Click Bang''

After my death I was messaged in the correct OOC format by Shaun lad saying that if I wasnt involved I would be fully comped. However he asked if I was in the orca, to which I replied yes. he then went on to say that I was involved. In the 5 minutes I was away from the dealer (over 2km) any other player with an orca could have approached the area. They did not get a name or any info that told them it was me that was hovering prior to flying away.

I went onto speak to a staff member for advice on the situation, ( NotSonder), who said after I explained the situation, that I should put in this report for attempted VDM and RDM.

The video evidence, due to its nature in size, is uploading at the time of the report (should be up in 2-3hrs) but link to video is provided for when uploaded

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Myself and a few of us found the huron and hmmt at the poseidon drug dealer hill, we ended up restraining 3 rebels and robbing them for their cash, you were hovering in the black orca above us, we issued you tracer rounds, to which you did not respond to. We then opened fire on your orca, to which you flew around a little and then flew away. A few minutes later you returned, at this point we had unrestrained the rebels and flew away. While flying away, the rebels who we so generously let keep their guns decided to try and shoot us down. We instantly span around, landed with 2 mh9's, at which point you must have landed while we are now in an active gunfight and killed both the rebels and yourself. You were deemed involved as when we decide to leave and unrestrain them, you decide to land on them as if you were together. You were there from the start of the situation, flew away for around 3minutes and then came back.

You say that you 'tried to resolve the issue', I don't believe resolving the issues is 2-3 text messages in game to which you eventually did not reply to. If you were actually not involved you could have simply asked us to come to teamspeak so that you could explain your side of the story, If comp is truly needed it can be given but it would have been helpful if you spoke to us over teamspeak.

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From what I gathered from the exchanges of messages was the following. The first 2 messages messsages was that Ill comp you fully. then  if i wasnt involved I would be comped, which a few minutes later ,after an exhange of a several messages asking if I was the orca, me replying etc, I got a reply along the lines of I was involved and won't get compensated thus leading to the report. I asked for advice from a staff member which they sent me here.

Do bear in mind that at least one of the ''warning shots'' you (or a companion) fired hit the undercarrage of the orca, making them in my view not so warning but engaging.

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I personally don't think we done anything wrong in the video, as you can see you were given alteast 2 rounds of tracers as which you ignored and still decided to stay there. at that point we were shooting to kill you. as josh stated we then decided to let the guys go and flew away as we done that we started taking pings from the hill we originally let the 2 guys go on, we turn around and land in a position to open fire on the guys that decided to shoot us while in a heli. then you go and land on the hill there on. in the middle of the guys in an active gunfight and you get shot in the crossfire. even though you never pulled a weapon when jumping out the heli it was inevitable you were involved as you were hovering for 90% of the situation. 

So a completely un-armed, completely different clothed person lands at the dealer. Doesn't act hostile towards you in any way, is deemed part of the gang that shot you. You had no idea that I even was the same orca as before, unless you kept a clear line of sight on me at all time.

secondly, shaun if you were playing as part of a gang/rebal activities, you are in breach of your unban. which states the following;

''I hope you keep your word, If not then you will find out very quickly when you get banned again that any further appeals will turn out very differently.

Take 3 months out of being in a gang/group and learn to RP again.''   Wilco dated 23rd Sept 2018

Also Josh, you have just come off the 2 month no gun and no gear ban (by only 3 days), excecuting someone on the spot isn't the best way to restart right?

I am not in any gang, I was simply patrolling with friends.. I haven't been in a gang for around 2 months. you landed on the hill we were getting shot from in the middle of the guys I was shooting at. not to mention the fact I was shooting to kill you anyways after sitting in the air for 10 minutes spotting {which at the time we thought you were doing) you were Cleary given tracers as you can see providing your video. you shouldn't of landed on the hill where the active gunfight was happening when you probably knew what was going on. you should of just flew away. but that's not the issue. you could of simply asked us to ts but instead we traded a few messeges because at the time I thought you were involved when I asked you if you were in the orca. which when sitting in the air for like ive said 90% of the situation you cannot tell me if the tables were turned you wouldn't of thought I was involved. and also in any future comments please keep it within this report as what you've mentioned dosent have anything to with this report

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1) I did react to the warning shots that were fired. As the video shows I immediately pulled backwards and up away from the immediate area. To wait and observe for a safe passage for myself.  When you opened fire I pulled almost a km away, then flew away.

2) I noticed the robberey at 0:58 then flew away at 5:58 making it 5 minutes not 10 (which would be almost all of the footage in the evidence.)

From 5:58 to 7:27 I was flying north bound towards and over Pygros. Then from 7:27 to 9:21 I flew back , and at 9:21 hovered to check if the area was clear. From here you can see whom I suspected was the robbers taking off and leaving.

At 11:00 after the suspected people had left, I approached in a slow manor, got out of the helo in a non aggressive way, then I was engaged at.

3) I would see that '' patrolling with friends''  especially in illegal areas, yes is'nt an offical gang or group, but is still engaging in gang and group activities just without a tag gang tag

again like I said, don't mention another report in this report. and just to clarify it my terms when unbanned said nothing about me not being able to participate in any rebel activities nor does it say I cant be in as you say 'illegal' areas. no point us going backwards and forward buddy let the admins comment and see what they say. I wont be responding until then. 

You claim you 'reacted' to warning shots, going higher and pulling up isn't complying. Warning shots are land or leave. You did neither when the warning shots were fired. As far as all this back and fourth is going about times, you flew away and returned for approximatly 2minutes and 30-45seconds. Therefor you are still deemed involved. As far as clothing goes? different clothing? This isn't a server that requires the same gangs to wear the same clothing. You were there at the start of the situation. You were down on the ground when the rebels decided to shoot us.

At this point you're just nit picking. You shouldn't bring in other reports or unban terms etc. Seem's like you just want people to get banned now. You were silly, you recieved warning shots, you should have left or landed. You did neither. You were offered compensation but didn't reply to the text messages. You could have asked us to teamspeak, you didn't. The fault here is your own. If you want to speak on teamspeak about this then feel free to. If you want to keep nit picking and unrelated things to try and get people banned, carry on. I won't be replying now.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello @Typically James,

I've taken a close look at your report multiple times today so I could deal with this the fairest way possible. 

As you stated that you have attempted to resolve the situation, it's clear that there wasn't done much by you in this case to resolve it. Meanwhile @ShaunLaaaD has messaged you right after you died so that IF you were not involved you would get compensated. But in this case, instead of you messaging him afterwards asking "How do you think that I was involved?", you went straight to report. 

Now to the "Evidence" itself. I watched the video and the entire time I though "Why does he not speak?", until the end where I saw you speaking, but couldn't hear you for some reason? I don't understand why you wouldn't record your voice? Did you by any chance mute your microphone on purpose, or is it just that you didn't have it set up? 

As you state at 3:06 "yu cant just shoot at me. you need to initiate and rp", when you are in a helicopter, you will get warning shots, these are the indicators of leave, land or get shot down. They gave you multiple shots, and yet you stayed around and got shot at for that reason. 

As you brought up bans from ShaunLad and also @Josh Black, Shaun has been told not to be in a gang for 3 months, as of right now, he is not a part of any gang. He has not breached his agreement. As of Josh, he has served his time and is now allowed to do as he wishes after his restriction has been lifted. 

Your death was due to the fact that you returned to the area where you were given multiple warning shots by the same people. As you land they shot you because they deemed you involved. Shaun afterwards sent you a message saying that IF you weren't involved, then you will get compensation. As you state after a few messages, he came to the conclusion that you were involved, and therefor you will not be given compensation. You were told to leave using tracers, you did not listen and this happened. 

As for Josh's execution, as I can not hear what you are saying, it is quite hard to say anything for sure. You could've insulted him for all I know at this time. He says "Alright buddy, sweet dreams brother. You have any final words buddy?" *Then you reply* "Click, Click, Bang". I will say Josh could've done the execution a little better. 

As it stands right now, I do not see a rule break from either of the Gentlemen. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, you were given multiple warning shots and you failed to comply. Unfortunately instead of resolving it, you decided to report right away. 

Report Rejected

Players Did not break any rules. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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