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Report a Player - K I E R A N, Swedish Kebab Connoiseur - Poor/Low Quality RP<br>Other

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Active member
Your In-game name

Daniel Davies

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

K I E R A N, Swedish Kebab Connoiseur

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Spike Stripped by the reported players' gang.
I get restrained, kinda poor roleplay up to it, but it's whatever.
Poseidon show up and say they will shoot if they leave with me, but they put me in the ifrit anyway.
K I E R A N goes to the ATM immediately and stores the money they robbed whilst still in the situation, initiated, in less than 30 seconds.
Poseidon then shows up and the situation is resolved by lots of shooting.
We go on our way.

The video shows me quite irritated at the low level of roleplay involved, and I was pretty annoyed that I was knocked out from across a car, at such range I wouldn't expect to be knocked out from. I clearly wasn't too much of a threat as my rifle wasn't even equipped - complying with the request given to me about exiting the vehicle without a weapon.

I was about to tell my gang where they were in Discord, but stopped myself as I couldn't talk both in game, and in Discord at the same time, so couldn't hotmic the communication. I stopped in order to not break any rules - though you can hear my sigh with the annoyance of the actual outcome (no way for my group to even attempt to get the money back, even though they were right there with me close to the truck). I will attempt to find a way around this in future with possibly another keybinding.

I attempted to resolve this, the compensation would just have been the money they stole and stored while still in the situation totalling £1,693,440 - They also did not want to resolve this as they stated they did nothing wrong since it was not a "combat situation". I would argue that any situation where two parties are initiated needs to meet the minimum 5 minutes timer for start to end (if no other hostilities are performed) in order to be considered "safe". I would not consider safe to be within 100 meters of a Cartel Member, and 150 meters of the other party's gang just after initiation.

EDIT: Just after submitting this report, my friend has informed me that the Bikini Bottom members wish to speak over Teamspeak to resolve this. I feel like giving them 15 minutes to talk to me after I asked them to, and them not bothering as well as telling me they did nothing wrong, is long enough to wait for such a clear situation. Therefore I would like to proceed with this report in it's entirety. I will say that the player has now tried multiple times to get me to resolve this without the report, however I would have preferred this persistence after the situation happened, when I asked to resolve, and not hours later when I explain the rules that have been broken in detail; It should not be my job as part of resolving to explain every single rule to people that they break.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Alright then, I am Swedish Kebab Connoiseur in-game. I am a bit confused as to what exactly you are reporting here... my friend tries to speak with you but you just run try to run off whilst speaking with your friends on teamspeak and as soon as you get knocked out you metagame the name of my friend who knocked you out telling your friends who it is. As there was no combat we decided to drive down to the atm and put the money in.

Have a good day 🙂 / Swedish Kebab Connoiseur

you asked me once in ooc to come resolve,as you said it turned into as gunfight with posidon, i didnt have time to respond as i was being shot at, i asked multiple times in ooc if you still wanted to resolve and had no answer i also sent a ingame mesage and was also ignored.

as i was running up i saw your friend pull up in his suv and aim his gun towards me so i presumed you were friends hence the initiation, i asked multiple times for you to get out of the vehicle without a wepon wich you did , you the run around the vehicles without saying a word wich could also be aregued to be low rp, i knocked you out when i was behind you ass most ppl on the server know it takes around a second or 2 for you to get knocked out hence why you was at the side of the vehicle

clearly you have breached some rules yourself as soon as you get knocked out you metagame my name and relay it to your friends without hotmicing

how do you expect me to roleplay with someone if all your doing is running around in circles ??

cheers K I E R A N

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As with most situations, I say the name of who it is, as well as show it in the Y menu for the sake of the constant shadowplay recording. This aids with masked players and is something which I have learned to do from playing on numerous other servers in the past.

My friends do not take this information into roleplay, as that in itself would be metagaming. Whether or not I say your name, or your friends name, or anyones name doesn't matter as long as it's not affecting the actual situation in any way. 

For example:

If I had said, "they are by the ATM now, just north of where they initiated" and not hotmic'ed it then this would be metagaming. Me saying "Oh it's Kieran" is not meta-gaming since this information has no bearing on the outcome of the situation.

image.pngThe above rules for metagaming state that any Sidechat OOC information cannot affect in game roleplay. For example, if you are to see "x is running diamonds" in side chat, you can't decide to now rob diamonds. Identifying players in game via their in game floating name or other means is not allowed. I am however allowed to state for video, or my friends who you are. This also helps if it's someone we have had issues with in the past for RDM, so they can start recording (some of the people I play with don't use Shadowplay or record their entire game session due to PC storage space.)

As above stated 4.4, I was restrained, but I still had communications and GPS either way so I would have been able to hotmic information. I however cannot hotmic both simultaneously so didn't bother telling them at all that you were at the ATM; again this was stated in the initial post.


This rule "Combat Storing" does not state you must be in an active gunfight, and you were being chased and preventing roleplay to retreive the money. Clearly in the video you see how close my friends are, as well as Poseidon.

On to your in game message, I did not see it as I was out of game writing the report. As such I also didn't see OOC for a period of time. My friend did relay to me that you wanted to talk on Teamspeak, but as stated in the report this was way after the situation happened, and therefore I did not want to bother. Your attitude in Side Chat also leads me to believe you would have attempted to make me believe I did something wrong, or that you broke no rules at all - rather than offering any kind of compensation for this scenario.

i am willing to speak with you in ts but Clearly you don’t I have tried to and you clearly don’t want to 

would just like  to point out that i have tried to resolve this with the player multiple times within the servers ooc and over forums to clear up the situation and try to resolve it. As he said

“feel like giving them 15 minutes to talk to me after I asked them to, and them not bothering as well as telling me they did nothing wrong, is long enough to wait for such a clear situation”

Yes I went to the atm because I was not aware of how close your friends were and I wasn’t even sure If they was even with you,can not see your markers for your gang in game hence why I stored the money. As for the fail roleplay I have already said you get out of your truck whilst talking on discord and not in game . Don’t say a single word and start to run off after I told you you would be knocked out , you run around the vehicle and I proceed to chase you and knock you out even after being knocked out and restrained you still don’t say anything.

not to sure how you expect me to speak and roleplay with you when you don’t speak ?

i don’t feel 15 minutes is long enough to reply properly as you asked me to ts  about 10 mins after the situation when I was in a activegunfight at From Poseidon boarder towards uranium processor. 

Although this is not part of the situation I will use it as a example, your friend shot me with minimal roleplay late last week I asked him to ts and it took him a while to respond I didn’t go and make the report because I wanted to speak with him first it was late at night and he said he would speak with me the following it took me 2 days to get in contact with him again and we resolved it, I didn’t want to report him because people do make mistakes and I wanted to speak with him to sort it out.

I’m my opinion if it takes someone over 15 mins to reply when they are in other situations or even doing  other stuff out of game you should accept the fact that people are buisy, I had the time after the situation to message you many many times if this dosnt proves that I wanted to resolve the situation and speak it out with you then I don’t know what does. 

If you was in in my shoes and I gave you 15 mins to reply properly and you was in a situation wouldn’t you be a little annoyed at the fact that you say you tried to resolve yet really you didn’t 

cheers K I E R A N

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


As my final response to this, I'd like to say I don't appreciate you constantly editing your replies. It almost feels like you're grasping at anything to get out of the situation. I don't care how long you think is okay for me to wait to speak to you. I asked you to resolve, and contact me via mobile in game on how to, I then got in a situation with Poseidon to get my friend picked up. In that entire 10 minute time, I didn't so much as even get a message that said "busy give me a moment". That's all it would have taken; therefore I started writing up the report.

I absolutely fail to believe whoever knocked me out failed to see my friends (who were 20 meters behind me in loud vehicles and a helicopter), as well as the Poseidon member who you just robbed in front of, clearly which would have put you into an active situation with them since he asked you to stop.

The only way this would have been resolved is getting the money back, that doesn't solve anything except what I have lost in the short term. I can get the money back either by farming, or just putting in a compensation request when the report is either accepted or denied or whatever. I put in the report, since you didn't have the care to even contact me in a reasonable amount of time, because I wanted this to serve the purpose of letting you know people will report you if you have an attitude and people will report you if you break rules. I don't want you banned off the server, I'm hoping this goes to perhaps the warning stages, so you will have something to keep in mind in future scenarios. After all, through faults we only improve ourselves. There is no point attempting to get everyone banned off the server since this will mean no one is left to RP with - which is the sole purpose of the server to begin with and why I was so frustrated at the lack of RP in the situation.

I kindly ask that you stop editing your responses 50 times trying to grasp at straws, and let the staff do their job. I do not wish to talk to you about this now, because I gave you enough time. You had enough time to tell me it wasn't combat storing in OOC chat, but didn't have enough time to tell me that you needed a few moments because you were in a situation? Please.

I also managed to just about capture this:


Just about captured you saying "No Combat" in relation to the Combat Storing of the money, truck is in the same place too, not really too much to dispute with this.

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well im really sorry i edited my post so i could a a little more detail to my reply. you dont have to appreciate anything 

I kindly ask that you stop editing your responses 50 times trying to grasp at straws, 
not sure tbh think i edited my posts once maybe your over estimating the amount of times they were edited 

as said active situation  had no time 

i think it would be easier to lock this post pending staff desicion would make it a lot easier rather than going back and forth

and because i said no combat dosnt mean as you stated above in your report means i did nothing wrong , not at anypoint did i say that

i don’t understand where your coming from with asking me not to edit my posts there is a edit button for a reason and I used it for a specific reason which was to add a little more detail. Is it such a big deal that they were edited ?  Would you rather me give you a 10 word reply ?

you also say the only way of it getting resolved would to of got your money back. Funny that tbf as compensation was offered and you refused it .PLEASE

Enough said I will no longer reply you this report unless requested by a member of staff.

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Report Rejected. 

So here there's no active combat situation that I can perceive. A lot of chatter about who you can or maybe can not shoot. While your friends are in the area as we can see on the map, sure we don't have any indication that anyone was actively chasing or attempting to prevent Kieran from storing that money. 
At the present time, storing cash in an atm is not considered to be combat storing, in the same way that storing a vehicle, or driving a vehicle into the ocean in order to prevent it from being scrapped is. 
If you don't agree with this, I would suggest posting in the rules discussion thread here, and argue your case there. The staff team will take on board what you have said and discuss it at our next rules meeting. 

As @xNameless correctly points out, he doesn't identify you in game by your name tag, and as such does not fall under the metagaming rule. 
In respect to when you were knocked out @K I E R A N is correct in saying there is often a desynchronisation between player A knocking out player B and the locations at which that happened. I can only apologize for how this may affect your gameplay experience, but it is a mechanic and if Player A was not in range on that players side, they would not have been able to knock out player B. 

We have no timers to decide when "combat" is begun or ended at present, I believe the police have a specific "police rule" about the last shot being fired but that is not a server wide accepted rule. 

I don't think there's any thing else for me to explore here. I understand @xNameless that the situation may have been frustrating but there is no rule violation present as far as I am concerned. 

Putting cash into an ATM is not combat storing, especially given the opportunity for your guys on the ground to have done something about it. 
There was no metagaming which falls under a rule break. 
The knocking out while de-synchronized was not an issue. 
The quality of RP from the initiating party, while brief was not what I would quantify as poor, but I would like to see a little more as a standard please @K I E R A N. I appreciate that situations such as these there can feel as though there is a pressure to get in and out quickly and you are only acting in a way that would be appropriate and necessary. However it is important that we maintain a high quality of RP on RPUK to maintain our reputation as I'm sure you can appreciate. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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