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Report a Player - Kirby - Other (Action Taken-Warning Point Added)

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Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Another NLR he tried to steal the truck we robbed then we executed him and he came back not even 1 minute later, this guy has no idea of the rules and him or one of his mates was also threatening to report us it was stupid they broke so many rules. I didn't even want to talk about it as they said they read the rules in OCC and thought they were not breaking a single rule clearly he needs to revise the rules abit.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


They RDM my two brothers at the aluminum processor, i went there and took my brothers truck because he asked me too, they chased me saying it was their truck when it wasnt, they shoot my wheels in green zone and killed me in green zone, i woke up at the house right next to where i died and walked out straight into them and i tried to send them note saying they broke some rules but they killed me and my brother again.

That was not the full video, i would like to see the full video please.

I know i broke the NLR rule, i thought i was doing a good thing because the guy RDM me and my brothers, i only went back there to try and tell them they did RDM and i am very sorry for braking the NLR rule in my defence i thought i was doing the right thing. I am currently still getting familiar with the rules however i would like to see the full video if they can please. I am installing a video program right now so if this ever happens again i have some sort of proof.

I didn't even RDM for one i shot you for shooting my friend, 2 I don't need the full video I was showing you NLRing and thats it.

i did not have gun, nor did i shoot your friend and no not really you cut out all the bad parts you have done and only put the part where i broke the rule although you broke RDM rule.

I understand you dont want to show the full video because you guys shot me in the green zone and then started to lock-pick the truck, i understand i broke the NLR rule but when i came back to you because i woke up right next to you guys and i went to send you a note you instantly shot me down. I know i did wrong and i am new to the sever and currently still learning and i can gather that you guys are not new to the server and you guys broke a worse rule than i did in my opinion and i know this doesn't take the guilt from me but the honest thing is you guys broke rules and instantly reported it, i just think its a bit hypocritical that you guys are trying to get me banned although you guys broke a worse rule.

i did not have gun, nor did i shoot your friend and no not really you cut out all the bad parts you have done and only put the part where i broke the rule although you broke RDM rule.

I understand you dont want to show the full video because you guys shot me in the green zone and then started to lock-pick the truck, i understand i broke the NLR rule but when i came back to you because i woke up right next to you guys and i went to send you a note you instantly shot me down. I know i did wrong and i am new to the sever and currently still learning and i can gather that you guys are not new to the server and you guys broke a worse rule than i did in my opinion and i know this doesn't take the guilt from me but the honest thing is you guys broke rules and instantly reported it, i just think its a bit hypocritical that you guys are trying to get me banned although you guys broke a worse rule.
I am directly involved: 1: why did u try to drive into a gz after being initiated on and shot at

2: after stopping just outside the gz you tried to reverse into me would you like to explain why ?? @Dovey  also to add your vehicle or you was not shot at whilst inside the gz best thing is to start telling the truth.

i am telling the truth and the whole truth i will be getting the other two people to back up my side of the story as well just to add on you must have to show the whole situation from the beginning not just the end, you guys are lying through your teeth, you started to initiated inside the green zone mate get your facts right and then i only tried to reverse because i was trying to get away from you guys. I cannot believe you guys are putting up this much of the fight when you know im in the right although i broke 1 rule however i just remembered you broke 2 which are RDM and NLR. The RDM rule was broken when you guys killed me straight after i got out of the truck which was not yours and that you were trying to lock-pick. The NLR rule was broken when i woke up right next to you guys and tried to send you a note and all you said was "Why is he back here?" which means you knew who i was before i even spoke.

This isn't it, still got one more guy to come then making a full statement on what actually happened.

I shot you from distances, I got confirmation that 2 guys shot at my gang member therefore I shot both of you I'm not taking any chances how was I too know you guys are clearly very patchy with your rules. Honestly it wasn't even RDM and if you have no proof of anything then it's just NLR.

How could of i shot your two guys when clearly you killed both of them at the Aluminium processor and they was still laying there, doesn't that make me the 3rd guy there which has no gun. You cannot blame me for your actions and yes of course i have no proof but all you done was cut down that video to make us look like the bad guys when really you guys are in the wrong here.

How could of i shot your two guys when clearly you killed both of them at the Aluminium processor and they was still laying there, doesn't that make me the 3rd guy there which has no gun. You cannot blame me for your actions and yes of course i have no proof but all you done was cut down that video to make us look like the bad guys when really you guys are in the wrong here.
If we was in the wrong would we report you ?? I will look over my recording to see if I have any proof for you also why was your or your friends threatening to report me that’s also a rule break also was breaking RP In game

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i don't know anything about that all i know is i am in the right although i know i broke NLR like i have said before hand but i though i was doing the right thing trying to send you guys a note but instead you shot me again.

i don't know anything about that all i know is i am in the right although i know i broke NLR like i have said before hand but i though i was doing the right thing trying to send you guys a note but instead you shot me again.
are you saying you also didnt break rp at all ??      @Dovey

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I've had a chat with Dovey on teamspeak and had him explain to me that he did indeed break NLR.
As for claims of RDM, As rule 5.2 states 

[SIZE=medium](5.2) A new life does not start when: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Your character has been the victim of a clearcut case of VDM [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Your character has been the victim of a clearcut case of RDM [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]You are downed[/SIZE]

You disconnect (end of session) 

But if you are to break NLR due to any of the reasons above you have to be prepared to provide evidence of your initial cause of death.
With all that being said Dovey will be handed a warning point for NLR. 
Report Closed.

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