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Report a Player - Kyle - VDM (Action Taken - Warning issued)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name

Sam Hastty

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

i had recently robbed to guys with my friends, however we let them ago after driving around for a couple of minutes of just searching for other people, they start to tail me they were swerving all over the road next to me, i pulled over so i could turn around to get my friends, then once i have turned around my mates get in and they come driving very quick behind us they try to block us in whilst we are driving, the first they failed then they tried again which then blew the truck up. Other people involved : [P] Echo , [P] Sebby, Kry
We have tried to resolve this issue, however his PC, "Couldn't" run TS3 and he didn't want to get us blood bags to try and keep us alive. i did talk to caitlin in TS to try and help sort the matter out.
the video has no sound due to shadowplay having my mic way to loud and you could hear anybody else. i am going to sort this out just incase for the future

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Hello Sam, Unfortunately I don't hear anything in the video please get this fixed for the feature like you have stated. As I can see from the video you did indeed get vdmed. He also was not "Able" to resolve the situation in teamspeak. But I can not see in the video that it was Kyle or Kry that vdmed you?

Hello @Sam Hastty

Please can you respond to the above question soon otherwise this report it going to time out.

Thank You
Hello, I am Echo in game, I was in the situation at that time we were 3 men inside our truck there was no way to tell which one of them killed us because there wasn't 

" X has Killed y " message there was only our names and that we got killed..

All i know that they cooperated and i think it might be the person in the red Offroad

@DI Kieran Rhead Sorry haven't been on checking this much. i have looked at the original clip and you cant hear anything as on shadow play my mic was on full boost. altered that now for future reasons. so there would be no use of having the sound as all you can hear is me asking Caitlin what to do.



So after reviewing the evidence I have come to the following conclusions.

Now, Kyle seems to be a new player here and might not be fully aware of the rules here. To me I don't think that he is a 'mass VDM' and this could of being a mistake that he needs to learn by.

So I am going to be giving Kyle a warning and I am going to trust that with some guidance he is not going to do this again and learns from his mistake.

Kyle, if there is anything else that violates our rules then you will be banned without warning. You have had you're warning so please learn from this and I hope that you can continue to have fun on our servers.

Thank You for the report - Action Taken, warning given. 

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