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Report a player - lamar alaseer kenzo lowry - GTA RP

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Good evening, unfortunately after discussion with another staff member I am going to proceed with this report.

The original claim of metagaming against Lamar Alaseer & Kenzo Lowry, after reviewing all of the evidence & logs on the server I strongly believe there has been no rulebreak here at all. 
Everyone in that group had roleplay reasons leading up to the situation for them to believe you were possibly an undercover officer or someone attempting to spy on their operations and therefore took action they deemed appropriate within roleplay. 
I understand a discord message was sent, however there was no attempt to get an exact timing from you and appears to just be a genuine message as far as I can see.
All players whom took you hostage were on the server much before you were and for all I know could have been hanging around that ranger station for a long while.

One thing which has come up however, is during the situation once you were in zipties and ultimately seemed unhappy with the situation.
Instead of going along with it and dealing with it after as it should have been, you mentioned in character "I'm going to be going, and praying with the gods to let them know" which is a break of character in the moment. 
Due to all of the above, I will be actioning this report with the following today:

Action: Warning

Character Name: Lilly King

Rule(s): G2.3

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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