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Report a Player - Lance - RDM

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Maverick Delta

Los Santos NHS
Your In-game name

Maverick Delta

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

After arriving at the south check point a hatchback rolls up and stops short of the check point many members of Poseidon came out to get this vehicle inside the checkpoint but the three people decided to not do anything. They eventually exit the car and say nothing, I tried to get them in restraints so we could deal with the situation easier. With a small level of difficulty i got the first man in restraints but when i turned to get the second he pulled out a gun and shot me without any initiation. After re-spawning I messaged him to ask him to come to Liaison. His reply to this was we can meet at checkpoint instead, so i advised him it wouldn't be a good idea due too NLR and the things we would need to discuss would break role play. I messaged him two more times if he was coming but i had no reply however on my third attempt at messaging him it said he was offline so evidently avoiding Liaison. This was a clear RDM despite me saying it was VDM in the video coz i panicked. Despite my best efforts saying to him we can talk this out and it will go no further he failed to comply which is why i'm left here writing this report.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


@Maverick Delta Thank you for bringing this report forward. 

1. It is quite obvious that "lance" has very little knowledge of how to conduct himself on our community and we will obviously need to have a serious chat with him. Unfortunately he dosnt appear to have a forum account at the moment so we will have to deal with him in a different way. Seeing as he has only what appears to have a couple of hours on our servers I will have him come to Teamspeak and talk to us. 

2. There is, however, another issue that I'd like to hear your explanation to: "Oh come on we need someone on the left hand side front by-podded" Do you normally have a habit of not hotmicing all relevant information when in audible proximity of the people you are dealing with Maverick? Are you aware that we have a rule in place for this specific thing? And if so, could please quote it here and explain why thought you were exempt from that rule in this situation?

1. It is quite obvious that "lance" has very little knowledge of how to conduct himself on our community
Yeah I guessed that myself that's why I tried hard to deal with the situation myself because I wouldn't have minded going over the basic rules on how to conduct himself in private saving him the trouble.

2. There is, however, another issue that I'd like to hear your explanation to: "Oh come on we need someone on the left hand side front by-podded"
I am  aware of this rule  "[SIZE=medium](3.5)[/SIZE] You must hot-mic all communications that have been made over teamspeak when they are relevant to influencing the course of roleplay. This means that if you are communicating to fellow team members via Teamspeak and you are in audio proximity range of another player (they can hear you), you must hot mic any commands given so the rival player can overhear. This rule does not apply if both sides are engaged in a gunfight together." I'm completely at fault here I admit I should of hot-miced it. I will take any punishment given as it was a clearly a rule break.

Alright @Maverick Delta, we’ve had a chance to discuss this and based on what we have seen I will action 1 ban on Lance so that we can get hold of him on TS for a chat. I will issue a warning to you which will stay on your record for the breach of our hot-mic rule. It’s absolutely imperative that you always hot-mic when required. It’s a lot more fun for everyone that way. The reason I’m not issuing a ban is that I don’t believe your comment was going to alter the outcome of the situation.

Report accepted

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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