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Report a Player - MARTIN - Other

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Well-known member

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

MARTIN broke these rules: VDM/NLR/Restrain glitching/Racism and abuse/Not valuing his life. it all starts off with him attempting to run us over after we kill his friend who was holding me up in my heli. his friend returns breaking NLR (Which we won't report him for as he logged off shortly after and we didn't get to talk to him) Martin comes flying in with his offroad attempting to VDM us and then after missing at first comes back in flying into one of my gang members and after that we shoot him. he returns to his point of death litterally straight after breaking NLR (He claimed the time was up when we attempted to resolve) and then calls us some things and after refusing to comply we Ziptie him we take him along for the iron run where one of my gang members accidently mentioned his name which he attempted to use against us saying "Oooo that's a bit of fail RP isn't it" we move on to the iron mine and keep him there for a bit while we're mining and he starts calling us all the N word repeatedly calling our mothers "N word prostitutes that suck D*** for no money repeatedly while later restrain glitching by constantly jumping out of vehicles and switching seats while restrained. later he continues to ask us to execute him not valuing his life at all and refusing to roleplay the situation. When we attempt to resolve it with him on teamspeak he says: "you guys think you're fucking tough my mates would terror you all, this server is shit anyways my server which i'm an admin on is way better" and also repeatedly said infront of Tampax and FADE on teamspeak the N word. I asked Tampax not to ban him so I could submit the full report to make sure everything is shown. (Thanks for the help by the way!) We fail to resolve anything with him as he refuses to awknowledge anything and just replies with "Well you guys broke the rules too" then stating lies such as us taking him hostage without speaking to him and said we deserve to be banned too because one of us accidently mentioned his name without having asked for it first. He was horribly rude and childish. We tried our best to work it out. I unfortunately did not save the part where he broke NLR running back to the garage but I do believe some of my gang members would have caught the situation if proof is needed.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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