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Report a player - N/A - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Benny Benson

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: N/A

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 03/13/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1140

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I have been on and off the phone about doing a news story for the satanic group that are around and about in the city. They ask me if I can come up and do a story. I say yes I can so I head up to paleto church in the weazel news van, When I get there, I hop out of the car,. They ask me to hop in the car turn off the engine and pull it into one of the bays. I do so and then sirens start going off in the background. They told me not to call the police or anything before i come up. As the police show up they say 'Oh Benny' sadly in the video I provided my voice is very quiet. I tell them I didn't call the police. Then the guy turns around with a machete and stabs me without saying anything. I feel this is very poor RP and should be classed as RDM. I asked them to come to discord afterwards. He did and we talked and he explained to me 'Should I have to say anything before stabbing you'. You show up in a news van, get of the van while on a phone, and soon after armed police show up. I do understand from his point of view but he could've handled the situation much better.

https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ZlelhXdvCoHc0/d1337JrKYdeq?invite=cr-MSw3MmIsMTQ2MzM0OTYwLA is is what happened during the rdm and after. The youtube video is the whole 5 mins leading up to the incident I'm not sure whether I didn't get the session ID in the clips of the actual guy that stabbed me but I did turn on session heads.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Can you send another link to your video? 
We're unable to access it as you've sent your own creator link.​
I was the second person in this video. Like you stated you pulled up on the phone then miraculously armed officers turn up. I had personally seen you on the phone and in my honest belief I believed you was on the phone to the police once they had turned up and you put 2 and 2 together. Obviously from your video this may not have been the case however I'm sure you can understand from our perspective how that looks. Due to us believing you had called the police we then killed you as a result. I honestly believe this is not RDM as you stated and that our actions are justified. Please feel free to respond and I'll be happy to get back to you. 

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Hi, this is myself in the video. I’m unsure why we’re here considering I thought we sorted this but alas. I apologise for how long this is going to be but I ideally want to get this over and done with in 1 go. 

Personally I feel this kill was wholly justified for several reasons I shall elaborate on below. 

Throughout our communications you have had knowledge of what it is the “cult” get up to on the day to day, namely due to myself deciding to trust you with this information in exchange for you writing a news article on us. However in these past days we’ve also suffered an increased police presence in Paleto and around our members, maybe a coincidence but we decided to believe otherwise. 

When I first called you tonight about the event, you seemed extremely apprehensive, asking multiple times if there was going to be a sacrifice or not, and only when I said “no” did you agree to attend. We thought this weird because when we first told you who we were and what we got up to you seemed to find it hilarious and quite desperate to watch one being performed. 

But that’s just the circumstantial evidence, let’s cut to the meat of the issue.

Just before you arrived I tried calling you, but you was already on the phone which isn’t too weird but it got me wondering who exactly you was talking too. When you pulled into the church you was still on the phone, and the second myself and a Follower beging walking towards you, you appear to hang up. By this point we had already pretty much decided you either weren’t coming in, or this was going to be a much larger event than originally planned. 

And when we tell you to pull into a bay we instantly hear sirens and see multiple armed police units rock up, guns drawn and storm the church. 

Considering my character possessed the honest held belief that you had possibly just been responsible for:

- The Arrest of 15 people

- Ruining of a perfectly good sacrifice, which is unforgivable 

- Waste of thousands spent on food and drink 

- And also the Fact I now can no longer send someone to hell 

My character was quite angry, to say the least.

Now let’s move onto the “killing with no speech” issue. I’m not sure what to say bar that I’m unsure why I need to say something to kill someone? There were multiple armed police cars rocking up every second all around us storming the church where the ceremony was being held, and we were maybe, what, 40 foot away from them? If you had shouted they could’ve heard. If you had moved they might’ve seen. Time was of the essence so I made the split second decision to kill who I believed was a traitor and a snitch. 

Also, gotta remember my character is slightly batshit considering the whole yk, satanic high-priest shindig! 

When all of these RP experiences and reasonings are coupled together I still fail to see how this is RDM, or anything anywhere near. 

I am more than happy to conduct another liaison with staff mediation as I believe this will be much more constructive going forwards than sitting here for the next week going backwards and forwards.

Many thanks,



So after reviewing the evidence and also watching most of this situation live,
I do have a judgement.

Character: James Cono Caliente
Rule: C1.7 As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense.

Action: WARNING.

Your character may have an intricate backstory however no one can read your mind. 
You had so many options however you supplied two words,
"Mr Benny".

Now due to your record and having watched your roleplay standards in general I am giving the the benefit of the doubt that this was an unfortunate slip on your standards.
I do not want to see this happen again or the punishment won't be as lenient. ​
Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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