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Report a player - na - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Ricky Lynch

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: na

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/27/03

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 21

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I decamped away from ballas then started my hunt for them and I did see the police but I didn't shoot at them once. I was in a mid shoot out with a balla member and the police told me to drop my gun. Within seconds the police officer started to shoot me for no reason.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Well. Safe to say, I expected this, anyway! 

I will say this now for whichever Staff member reviews this: I was NOT recording; therefore, I do not have my perspective to post.

Now! Let's talk about Grove as an OCG. Grove is one of the only groups to have been lifed in the past; Grove has been involved in multiple mass gunfights throughout the island, including the city - even after being told by Police leads to take your gunfights out of the city - and has now in the last week alone been involved in several mass gunfights with both other criminals groups, and the Police as well as several robberies of Police. 


Bmav, your gang lead, being pictured in Pillbox's CCTV TWICE within 20 minutes with a Police issued assault rifle. 


Numerous members of Grove (Bmav more noticeably), Alliance and a Balla member on Christmas morning In Pillbox once again holding up a single Police officer.


Once again, numerous Grove outside of Pillbox hospital with hostages and armed for literal war because ONE member got arrested.

Tl;DR, G5.6 Wanted Level - Criminals should be aware that committing a string of crimes will generate more attention of the police.

Anyway, now for the situation you have reported me for:

By the time I got involved with this situation, we already had two officers engaged, one by yourselves in Grove - At roughly 50 seconds within your clip, you can hear Bmav go, "Grey car is them". That Grey car was a Police officer whom you as a group have now just engaged. When I arrived on the scene, someone from Firearms was already going around telling both groups to cease fire and to leave the area, or else they would be engaged; the Ballas had listened; they spread the information through their radio and were trying to leave, you Grove lot didn't listen, you lot didn't spread that information, and only AFTER someone else from Police had shot, I decided to do an armed intervention on yourself which once again, you did NOT listen and continued shooting as I'm telling you to stop which is why you were shot. Within your clip, your intentions are clear: you did not care that the Police were on the scene telling you to cease fire and to leave; all you seemed to care about was fragging that single Balla member.  

Back to the roleplay side of things: You are having a mass gunfight near a main hospital, in a shopping district, and near the main government building, City Hall. Now, if the server was a little different and more realistic, you would've all been shot on sight for what was going on last night, BUT I digress. 

Nothing further from myself unless requested by Staff. - Simon

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Well. Safe to say, I expected this, anyway! 

I will say this now for whichever Staff member reviews this: I was NOT recording; therefore, I do not have my perspective to post.

Now! Let's talk about Grove as an OCG. Grove is one of the only groups to have been lifed in the past; Grove has been involved in multiple mass gunfights throughout the island, including the city - even after being told by Police leads to take your gunfights out of the city - and has now in the last week alone been involved in several mass gunfights with both other criminals groups, and the Police as well as several robberies of Police. 


Bmav, your gang lead, being pictured in Pillbox's CCTV TWICE within 20 minutes with a Police issued assault rifle. 

Numerous members of Grove (Bmav more noticeably), Alliance and a Balla member on Christmas morning In Pillbox once again holding up a single Police officer.

Once again, numerous Grove outside of Pillbox hospital with hostages and armed for literal war because ONE member got arrested.

Tl;DR, G5.6 Wanted Level - Criminals should be aware that committing a string of crimes will generate more attention of the police.

Anyway, now for the situation you have reported me for:

By the time I got involved with this situation, we already had two officers engaged, one by yourselves in Grove - At roughly 50 seconds within your clip, you can hear Bmav go, "Grey car is them". That Grey car was a Police officer whom you as a group have now just engaged. When I arrived on the scene, someone from Firearms was already going around telling both groups to cease fire and to leave the area, or else they would be engaged; the Ballas had listened; they spread the information through their radio and were trying to leave, you Grove lot didn't listen, you lot didn't spread that information, and only AFTER someone else from Police had shot, I decided to do an armed intervention on yourself which once again, you did NOT listen and continued shooting as I'm telling you to stop which is why you were shot. Within your clip, your intentions are clear: you did not care that the Police were on the scene telling you to cease fire and to leave; all you seemed to care about was fragging that single Balla member.  

Back to the roleplay side of things: You are having a mass gunfight near a main hospital, in a shopping district, and near the main government building, City Hall. Now, if the server was a little different and more realistic, you would've all been shot on sight for what was going on last night, BUT I digress. 

Nothing further from myself unless requested by Staff. - Simon
Since i have been mentioned, i would like to say a couple of things.
The situations that arose from those pictures (first 2-3) of them were because cops fled to pillbox while we were chasing them (while they had one of our members in the car) hence why the situations that happened there and since pillbox as it currently stands is basically an invincible fortress they get all the people in cuffs into their invincible wards and the third one was an hostage exchange and regardless of those does that mean you are free to RDM whoever you want because you have pictures ? If thats the case once you raid grove safehouse i am free to RDM a cop in police station or paleto thats the worst excuse i have heard in a while. As for the situation in this report we werent told by the grey car to disengage that isn't true you might have told ballas because you were close to them but at no point in time were we made aware of anything unless the person who was made aware died instantly to either yous or ballas and besides that the cop is in the middle of a gunfight with no markings in a grey car i dont really have a nametag on top of him saying COP HERE and even if he was a cop he was still not markings in the middle of a gunfight.
As for the christmas day picture it was warranted pillbox and sandy hospital got locked the entire day because one cop was going around either trolling or just locking hospitals because he enjoys it one of my members got locked up in sandy while there was nothing happening at the hospital (he wasnt arrested btw or had any RP with a cop there) he just got of the bed and sandy was closed (with no one but himself there) and considering the time he took to get off the bed it was genually a case of a cop going there locking it and leaving literaly, as for Pillbox the cop that was held up was basically doing the same and i have no remorse in doing it because Police should stop using pillbox as a bunker and go to police station to deal with PIC's it don't make sense to use pillbox as a 6th police station which is whats currently happening and you can come up with the argument that you wait for people that are injured to recover etc etc.. but the issue is there is cops that use pillbox EVEN when the PIC isn't injured they just use it as a police station.

As for the hostage situation i personally don't see the issue it was RP if you are that pissed off that someone tried to RP hostage exchange with you then i guess we have different views but again that situation was also again Cops using pillbox as a police station.

The argument of taking your gunfights out of the city is indifferent we have tried that approach for 2 weeks straight it don't change anything.
As for Ricky he was in the middle of a gunfight with the balla in that scenario he was unavoidably dead if he didn't shoot he would have died to the balla if he shot he would have died to you and besides you didn't give him any time to react whatsoever regardless.
Do me a favor, stop bringing the realism statement when it suits you because we could go back and forward about that because if i saw a cop alone on grove i would just shoot him on sight aswell but again its a game there is stuff that should be realistic and stuff that shoulnd't to make it more enjoyable if people came here to play how they are IRL then whats the point.

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Hello all, I was mentioned as this grey car so I will post the following and no more!

Disclaimer as I don't believe I can be clearer: {

In this entire interaction, I was in a GREY car and I was dressed like a HUSTLER. I did not shoot back, I did not ram any vehicles or engage with Grove/Ballas. I pressed my panic and alerted units on freq that I had been shot at, then I left the area.


I was the Police Officer in the grey car, while I was shot but wasn't downed. I was in a parked car (Grey Itali GTO) at City Hall advising the Sandy Baldy's in taxis not to stand too close, and to leave the area. While doing this, I was shot by a green vehicle (Jester...I think?) to which I told the units on the radio, and pressed my panic and I drove off.

Also, I don't need markings to be in a gunfight. I need markings on if I wish to engage in the gunfight (Which I had markings on, and never engaged. Rather...I drove off after being shot at)

Now, I have already said that the car that I was using was grey and this is what I am wearing, I don't believe I look remotely like a Ballas or Grove member. Possibly a Hustler? (Hustler is the look I was going for)



End of the day, you should've picked your targets well. Not just calling out willy nilly any car in the area to Ballas members as a fact with absolutely no evidence to back yourself up. That'll get you involved in a gunfight you don't want as we have seen here or possibly even an RDM ban IMHO.

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Hello all!

I was the Police Officer in the grey car, while I was shot but wasn't downed. I was in a parked car (Grey Itali GTO) at City Hall advising the Sandy Baldy's in taxis not to stand too close, and to leave the area. While doing this, I was shot by a green vehicle (Jester...I think?) to which I told the units on the radio, and pressed my panic and I drove off.

Also, I don't need markings to be in a gunfight. I need markings on if I wish to engage in the gunfight (Which I had markings on, and never engaged. Rather...I drove off after being shot at)

Now, I have already said that the car that I was using was grey and this is what I am wearing, I don't believe I look remotely like a Ballas or Grove member. Possibly a Hustler? (Hustler is the look I was going for)

So let me get this straight you inserted yourself in the middle of the situation got shot at which lets be honest it was unavoidable since you were literary in the middle of the fight.


Got surprised you got shot at and used it as an excuse to get involved ?
Lets turn this on its head lets say if police were shooting at marabunta or something and me as a grove member decided oh someone is fighting let me just pass through the middle so i get shot at and get myself a free pass to shoot all the police, do you reckon thats fair on a rule standpoint or even an RP standpoint ?
While i guess you had police markings (imo barely had them because only the vest but still)  but still look at how you position yourself there its basically unavoidable not to get shot at it would be harder to crack an egg falling on a pillow then you getting shot at there.

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So from what i see here about the RDM. I do not believe anything here is random. 2 OCG's are going head to head in the city with police all circling the same area. 

The smart play here so you do not get taken by police would be to all move and maybe go somewhere else. There is a lack of care i think where the police are concerned and people should be more fearful. The fact is, police followed you for a while and only when you started shooting the balla did the police actually engage. 

Secondly, at timestamp 02:37 someone says "thats feds shooting us in the middle by the way with the AR's" which would show me that there was already some sort of interaction there with police. I understand the command "put the gun down" then shot 3 seconds later is not the best roleplay that could be provided. But also have a all out gang war INFRONT of police is also not the best roleplay. What do you expect them to do?

I think the whole thing of police not getting involved is silly so you can all have "fun" is stupid and dont make sense in RP to me. But i aint PolCom so ill leave that to them. 

No action will be taken here. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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