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Report a Player - Omar Al Ibn Taleb + Rashed Al Ibn Taleb - Poor/Low Quality RP

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The General


Your In-game name

Bruce Wayne

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Omar Al Ibn Taleb + Rashed Al Ibn Taleb

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was walking in Kavala chasing a police suv that was stolen. Then Omar and Rashed Al Ibn Taleb tried to initiate on me by saying my name (We had never met before, and i had never said my name, neither did anyone else). Then he stopped because the police officer was at the vehicle. After the police left the location i was heading down to the police station. On the way there they popped up behind me and i kept running towards the police station. They called out my name again and i wanted to let him know in a subtle way that he shouldn't be knowing my name from reading it above my head. "How do you know my name, we have never met before" but before i could finish my sentence i allready got shot. While he was still counting down from 3 to 1. This is not the first time i have seen/heard them do this kind of stuff and people also have let them know.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Rashed was recently banned and then unbanned for mass vdm. I was there at the scene and saw him vdm people. I restrained him as a bounty hunter and gave him to a tck member, who then drowned him. Rashed came back less than 15 minutes later, which is breaking nlr and mass vdmed people with the guys in his gang. He then lies about it in his appeal. I watch all ban appeals, that are posted and was very tempted to give my input on the appeal, but didn't since I had no video evidence. 

But after this report. I shall not bite my tongue. Rashed and his vdming, nlr breaking, rp breaking gang all deserve to be permanently banned from this community. I think @TCK Imstylewill be able to confirm, that he did drown him in the bay of kavala. You can check the logs and see, that Rashed respawned in Kavala shortly after.

I do not blame @ArrogantBread for unbanning Rashed, since he wasn't able to remember the incident. 

I hope the correct action will be taken this time.

Omar Al Ibn Taleb - Actioned - RDM

cdcc89bfacd1857aa6aa0d912b80b14dBattlEye GUID2 days ago
76561198280331742Steam ID2 days ago

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