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Report a Player - Omligon - Other

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Tommy Vapour

Well-known member
Kavala, Altis

Your In-game name

[TW] Tommy Valentine

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I logged on and was driving out of Agios I noticed a Ifrit parked near WilcoChem; I stole it. I drove around for a bit and went to the south peninsula and back up to Agios to pick up some friends. A off road appeared behind me and a person got out and then randomly just got in my Ifrit, I told him to "get out of the Vehicle" and he just said "You guys get out of the Ifrit or you will die!". He was out numbered and was clearly not valuing his life and I believe this was also the start of some bad Role Play as he sat passively in the car as we exchanged threats. In turn he only stayed in the Ifrit because he new we couldn't kill him unless we had a 50 cal or something. I asked him to get out of the vehicle multiple times but he wouldn't get out (Now what person wouldn't get out of a vehicle filled with 'four' hostiles when told to). A bit later we stopped to try and kill him once again with some 7.62 mags all of a sudden I unlock the vehicle and dynamo (Omligon) magically teleports through some steel bars and gets into the drivers seat and drives away in less than a second. In the end I feel like he had no mind to actually role play anything out, he didn't value his life, used limitations of physical role play to his advantage and just did things that in reality are impossible to do.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Great metagaming btw.

Well, it was my ifrit, it was parked by the road, as i was dealing with something.

Then it was gone when i returned and i got a tip that one of my firends saw it in agios, and thats were we see the vid.

I dont see were i dont value my life, as i know the ifrit is my safest choise at the time.

And i was not ziptied or nothing, and i also would have the time to "climb" to the driverseat-

Great metagaming btw.
I don't know what you're on about. But you used to point that I couldn't do anything to your advantage. If I could have I would have pulled you out of the vehicle but there was no way for me to actually do that with out you being restrained. Surely, if this is allowed I should just hop into the backs of hostile Ifrits and camp out so they can't do anything. This whole situation is literally the definition of power gaming.

What you can do, is you can either pull out a 50.cal and blow me out of the world.

Or you can shoot were you should have shot and kill me.

And again, the Ifrit was mine.

Report Accepted - Ban issued:


Steam ID:76561198160614155


I'm really really really disappointed in this.

I will say a ban is a tad harsh on it but allow me to elaborate. 

These guys are obviously quite new, they could have emptied a couple of clips in the window then eventually killed him after the window broke.

Had they done this at the oilfield, the outcome would have been different.

Yes you were not restrained, but you got into a vehicle with multiple armed rebels, there was no-self value in this, and therefore due to your smugness you didn't care about what could happen to you.

If your life is so worthless, I could get your account reset. Bye bye licenses, vehicles, skills, money, everything. The guy said "What if I had a gun to your head". No shits were given this day due to you abusing the fact they could do NOTHING about it.

The guy then went to get back into his own vehicle, and due to the magic of scroll wheel technology, you snap into the driver seat, and he ends up dead.

@ArrogantBread, were you aware of what took place in this vehicle?

This ban can be appealed in 24 hours.

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