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Report a Player - Otto.exe - RDM

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Norther Ireland
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Altis Life

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I arrived with my friend at the Rebel outpost to do shopping as we shopped upstairs then there was a gun shots at the bottom of the compound then out of nowhere me and my friend got shot and some other guy too, there was no role play initiation, I tried speaking to the guy but he left us for dead he said he did initiate etc and that he had everything on the video. He clearly broke the rule RDM.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


don't just report me because u are salty 

and it's clearly a revenge report since u not even telling the truth on this report

and do u have video to have proof anything u saying here?

Firslty we did iniate pal and i clearly said i had friends and alleys in the area as well as u being surrounded my multiply armed rebels 

No you clearly didn't, what revenge report what the hell you talking about? You probably initiate outside of it with other people but not us. I just heard my friend said something going on outside shots fired, I left the shop and suddenly we both dead upstairs.

there was just us 2 and use inside i told everyone to put there hands up or they would be shot as there are multipul armed rebels in the area and we had friends and allies with us, use didnt and began to get closer to me saying something which i didnt no what u was saying because of my friends on discord so i shot use as use didnt listen, your 2 armed friends then tryed running to a room and otto shot them

What your saying docent make any sense! my friend was next to me he did not even use the shop. He did not heard anything being communicated to us in any role-play way I did not hear anyone say anything my friend heard gun shots only gun shots coming from outside then killed seconds later dead.

What your saying docent make any sense! my friend was next to me he did not even use the shop. He did not heard anything being communicated to us in any role-play way I did not hear anyone say anything my friend heard gun shots only gun shots coming from outside then killed seconds later dead.
I WAS FURTHER AWAY THAN U AND COULD HEAR  every word clear then u starting to run towards us with a gun what do u think will happend ?

I was there as well with my friend Laimis and i get shot from otto.exe without reason didin't hear about hands up or somethink we leave market room and this player start shooting to us i hope admin do somethink with this rules braker we lost expensive gear and money in this server not easy to do money and when you lose stuff its realy bad.


I WAS FURTHER AWAY THAN U AND COULD HEAR  every word clear then u starting to run towards us with a gun what do u think will happend ?
WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN? we were not running towards you>>>


Whilst I will not be commenting on this report itself, I am going to remind all parties to only comment pertinent, relevant information to the report.

Thank you.

From this point on - I only want to see comments/replies from @Laimis & @GAFFLARN being the person reporting, and the person being repoted. 

Now, on to the actual report itself. 

@Laimis According to our guidelines, you will need to submit a video recording leading up to and including the events of which you are reporting. I dont see a video here - only screenshots which doesnt tell the full story. Minimum 3 minutes leading up to the event so I can see what happened prior to you getting shot and establish if there has indeed been no prior RP with @GAFFLARN

From this point on - I only want to see comments/replies from @Laimis & @GAFFLARN being the person reporting, and the person being repoted. 

Now, on to the actual report itself. 

@Laimis According to our guidelines, you will need to submit a video recording leading up to and including the events of which you are reporting. I dont see a video here - only screenshots which doesnt tell the full story. Minimum 3 minutes leading up to the event so I can see what happened prior to you getting shot and establish if there has indeed been no prior RP with @GAFFLARN
Okay, I haven't turned on recording at that time.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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