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Report a Player - PC LAWSON 5878 - Poor/Low Quality RP

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sassy stoner

Well-known member
Your In-game name

ali G

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Altis Life

Please (in detail) describe the incident

filed a PCC but I felt that he was breaking server rules and would like to make a player report as well I GOT kidnapped by a mad police man

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Accept all concequences. My mistakes, my misfortune. 

Knew execution was against server rules, would never do it on purpose, did shoot him, did execute him. 

- incapacitated on accident, meant to miss him. 
- didnt know a taser would kill him, half the joke was my taser going off and me saying “ Told ya i dont have any real bullets “ 

Already resigned the Police, my reputation will be damaged more by a ban / warning but i wont be playing so a 24 hr ban etc wont help. I get the misconduct, i am sorry for that. It shouldnt have gone that far that I was even actually pointing a gun at the guy. 

The only thing bothering me is that you dont hear the guy speaking + he misses 10 minutes of footage prior. 

Dont know why your reporting me everywhere, I tought we were having fun, you were completely going with it....

apologies to the staff members wasting time on this. I dont believe I have any priors. Thank taking the time to look into this. 

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Well, where do we start with this one....

@Lawson you say that it bothers you that the person reporting this did not have audio of him self nor 10 minutes prior. Now, in an RDM case, I would agree with you. But this is a case of you doing something that you are not allowed to do.

This is just bizarre really. What on earth made you decide to play this out the way you did?

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@Bowen Orion Honestly, I really tought it was good roleplay until it all went too far, the moment i actually stopped in that hangar instead of fly him to npas it was honestly already fuckedup. 

the only thing I ask is that my history on the server will be taken in consideration with the decision making, ive never been banned, im always on a high standard of roleplay.. I really dont know how this ever happend.

@-50 CENT - Before this goes any further with management / staff decisions. Can you please just anwser 3 questions for my personal mental health.. 

- You know that the execution was an accident, I know you do, I told you i couldnt execute you and you laughed at me for being an idiot, sadly the taser is broken. 

- Did you or did you not enjoy yourself? 

- Do you feel like this outcome, me thrown out of everything I worked for, is worth it for you? I am 100% sure you enjoyed yourself.. you never even messaged me or anything. Wouldve been more then happy to explain I didnt know about the tazer and would comp you. 

My roleplay is of the highest standards, honestly even some moments in this video are pretty good in my opinion, its just that conditions and the result that ruined it.

i was rp saying let me go i have kids and stuff from pd to start of the video i was begging you to let me go and you never i was thinking you was doing this because u wanted to be a bad cop  u killed ali g all because he come up to you and said he kill his hamster and he told u how he did it he put his hamster in his pocket and bent over for a biscuit and crushed it you put cuff on me saing you taking me to prison then when we was in air you went crazy 

@-50 CENT - 

you ruined my complete experience here can you at least make a full out response to the questions I asked.  

Why did you leave your own sound, yes I was roleplaying going mental but you knew I never meant to kill you.. Why did you feel this was necessary. 

Most important to me, do you actually feel I was supposed to be kicked from the police and should recieve a ban from the server? Is that how much I mistreated you, not in roleplay but how you actually feel. Was all this worth it? 

you ruined one of the only enjoyable things I could still look out to do in my day. I really hope it was worth it to you since theres no going back.  I have left my function in the police as officer and part as a NPAS trainer and will most likely receive a ban here. Do you realise this is was months if not years of work to get to that point. And you destroyed by uploading half of the video and writing a 1 minute text. 

i dont have a clue why my voice did not record i am sorry if you feel like you done nothing wrong and its all my falt but your man of law i could not move i was stuck there if you was not a cop there would of bin no rule braking  

@-50 CENT - 

I’m not saying I didnt do anything wrong, im saying it was an accident and you could’ve resolved it with me. 

you post some short shit on the forums to get me gone. Either don’t realise the impact or simply dont care. 

not once put twice. A PCC and Report a player. 

my one import question is: 

did you have a good time? You lost some hobo gear and had a good morning instead of a boring time on an almost empty server. 

I wont understand why you did this, would you’ve rather had me take you to prison throw you in there and leave? Was this not much more fun and well played out. 

Obviously what i did was wrong but 9/10 guys wouldve had a blast and was happy they did somethting funny instead of drive around an empty server. Your death was my mistake but honestly, you were naked.. its not like you lost something its just unfortunate that I didnt know about the taser’s capabilities on downed people, might i add that even GC members didnt know this till recently. 

Did you know this is the first time a report a player or PCC has been made about me. 

honestly I can say with confidence that 9/10 times my roleplay outperforms the people in the scenario’s 

hell ive even had a message from a staff member spectating saying “ well done mate keep this up your really good “ 

sad to have it end like this. Sorry you feel like this. Dont understand why you want me gone so badly. 

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you post some short shit on the forums to get me gone ... no pal i cant spell that good so this is why i only do it short because it takes me time to do it 

you post some short shit on the forums to get me gone ... no pal i cant spell that good so this is why i only do it short because it takes me time to do it 
Thats fair enough but mayby we couldve gone in a voice channel then like I proposed, just anwser this with a short yes or no: 

are you happy with me being removed from the server and everything I worked for? 

I think I said whats there to say. 
thank you to the staff for taking the time to look into this. GC for their way of dealing with this matter and the people that supported me. 

I just mean to defend myself and share my point of view with the staff team and the victim. 

i did break the rules and its such a massive and dumb thing to do even if on accident, its is malpractise and probably power abuse even if I tought he would find it funny. I dont know why it happend and there really is no excuse or way to defend myself.

I accept any punishment and/or reprocaution the staff them finds neccesary

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from ali g he did noting wrong. u took him away from pd and killed him i was saying just let me go did u listen no  i have bin on team speek lots of times and it just goes round and round i dont want money i dont want comp i just want to learn you cops cant do that you just could of rp me any other way not just taking me some where just to kill me ? and now ppl are messaging me getting involved when it has nothing to do with them 

@-50 CENT - im sorry other people are messaging you I can assure you I have nothing to do with that. 

in this case, sadly, i know what i did wrong, I know its a rulebreak and that the only way I can defend it. i knew it and would never do it on purpose. Your death was 100% an accident. You were never supposed to die. 

I tought you had fun. Im sorry if not. Mayby ( if i dont get perm ) you will see me as a rebel one day and you will change your opinion about me. 

I always took policing very very serious, ask anyone, I just tought we were having fun together. Im sorry you feel different. 

@-50 CENT - can I just ask, why didn't you attempt to resolve this in teamspeak with lawson?

because i would feel so scared on team speek and end of the day i did not like this being done to me 

I understand. If you would be interested, I can offer to be there in the liaison between you to make sure that you have no reason to be scared. If you do not want this, I can continue on with the report as it stands. Please let know know which route you want to take.

Honestly @Bowen Orion I really appreciate what your trying to do for me. But there is no resolution anymore. My police job is gone. Ive lost wat I enjoyed so a server punishment is only fair for what I did. 

Please continue this report in the way you would without a resolution made. It is deserved even though it was an accident. 

thank you for your time.

Ok fair enough I will continue with this report.

Now the rule is as follows:

[SIZE=medium](10.8) Police are not allowed to execute players. This was abolished in UK law in 1965[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]And this has clearly happened. Though, that being said, at least there was decent roleplay and at the end of the day, that's what we are all here for. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Still though, a rule has been broken so there will be consequences. So @Lawson, I am of the opinion that you have been fairly well punished already by way of losing your slot in the police. You have a clean record so I will be adding a warning to your account but I see no reason to lose you from the server for something that might or might not have been a mistake.[/SIZE]

Report action-ed: Lawson warned for 10.8

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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