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Report a player - PC Riad [1771] - Altis Life

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Jhouxie.

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: PC Riad [1771]

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 11/18/20

Time of the incident (GMT): 10

What best describes this incident ?: Exploiting

Please (in detail) describe the incident: We leave the Airport and head south towards Kavala, between the broken bridge and Lakka Fuel we spotted an Officer repairing his SUV which has seemed to slapped fairly hard into a wall, being rebels, and scumbags, we take the risk of jumping out of our car and initiate on the Officer, now known as PC Riad, whilst initiating on him he stops repairing pulls his gun and starts running away with no words said back to us, as we gave lethal threats to him I thought it's only fit to act upon it, attempting to shoot him. This man, out of no where, receives power from the holy one and starts spinning in circle chanting and dancing, boom, a giant rift opens and he jumps in it causing him to vanish, then he re-appears, horns attached to ones head with the mighty Excalibur, slaying all in his path, his darkened shadow starts jumping in and out of reality at this point you can hear the distant echo's of my attempt to quell the demon "He's dpi'ing!"... It was no use, we're both ended on that cold darkened night.

After, we attempt to talk it out in the Holy Ones chamber, where his Minions show up, trying to defend him, this is where it got awkward. At first, Riad tried telling us it was an Accident, once more people came, he claimed he was lagging, and his mouse was jittery, then he explained how he's turned his dpi on his mouse to 100 to try and silence the believers of this sinful act, once the proof was shown, A fellow Geordie along with Spartan confirmed it was DPI (Sorry Geordie lad cannot remember your ts name.) Ryan, on the other hand along with MaXim denied it and said it wasn't DPI and tried convincing us it was lag, after abit of back and forth they decided it wasn't going to get resolved, also would like to personally apologize if anyone thought I was mad or slamming anyone in Liason, was just annoyed at the blatant lies when there is proof and people in high Command try and convince me it wasn't DPI'ing.

After such measures, we head to the God's chambers waiting for an input on the matter, one God said, it looks like it but is unclear and to file a report, although he was blatantly laughing at how obvious it is I feel it was abit of a biased opinion personally but we move, the other God said it is pretty blatant, I then asked a few other people whom know alot more about the game and they all said it's very blatant.

Would like to show some phasmaphobia-like videos and screenshots of rare DPI Shadows trying to catch up to the Soul.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Brand new infared camera caught it all #1, the ritual, naked to the human eye but luckily the infared picked up his minions, dark times ahead, followed with a makeshift ruler.41.png

#2 Here you can see Excalibur, drawn again with a makeshift ruler, as you can clearly see, the shadow is attempting to catch the soul.
dpi 1.png

#3 "ZOOooooom" effect added for more dramatic approach.
dpi 2.png
dpi 4.png

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Hello there, firstly I would like to say I like your description of the situation, it was very interesting to read. 

Now, let’s first start about the initiation. I was talking to some people on Teamspeak  while u guys came and initiated, before I could react you guys already had guns pointed and initiated. All I said was”wowowow” because I didn’t expect this, I was just about to counter initiate but you guys just started spraying me down when I couldn’t even speak and didn’t even have my gun out, which is very interesting.

Now let’s talk about the “Dping Part” Sadly I do not have evidence from my point of view since I don’t record. On my screen I was no where close to what was shown on ur video. For me I was legit just moving side to side. But, let’s talk about it from your point of view. Even on your point of view I don’t see clear DPI, I will show you a video of what DPI is later. 

It was never intentional for me to DPI and didn’t expect it to show up like that on your screen. But In  the video you can see I hid behind the vehicle, u guys started spraying at me without letting me to speak, from there I took my gun out, did 2 circles to not get shot as I’m not gonna stand still, and shot both of you. again my intentions were never to DPI and I am guessing it was just lag, at the end of the day it is arma and not everything is perfect. 

then he explained how he's turned his dpi on his mouse to 100 to try and silence the believers of this sinful act, once the proof was shown
But this part is just ridiculous, I have legit never stated anything like that, so please do not lie when writing this report, I 100% know that I never said I turned my DpI up, like what????? If you have evidence of that pls send it to me, and plus 100 DPI is very very low.

The situation itself was a grey area when looking at the video, as you said some people agreed while some disagreed. You also go ahead and say that I lied, I never lied while talking to you, I was just unsure if I did or did not because for me I did not. 

I would also like to state that at the beginning I apologized if I did DPI on your screen and I told you guys that I will comp if I did on your screen, because again for me I did not, and it must have been a issue that just happens on Arma. I than go ahead and comp one of your MK1s back and than ask you Jhouxie how much you want for comp, I asked you that about 5 times and you did not reply at all, so I really don’t understand why you brought it this far? I was willing to comp and I apologized, but if you want me to admit that I DPI on purpose, than that would be false as I never did. 

Again as seen from the video I legit hid behind the car and did 2 circles, it must have been lag, because DPI is legit when u fly cross map and spinning like a mad man 

Okay so first of all, I was still initiating after you ran away and pulled your gun, you expect us to let you talk when you're spinning around like a crazy man whilst pulling your gun to shoot us? Maybe RP before you start dpi'ing next time, you were told exactly what to do, rather than trying to see reason or RP yourself out of it or initiate like any other normal person you start spinning in circles and lagging everywhere, get out.

Secondly, "I'll show you what DPI'ing is later"... There are many different levels of DPI exploiting, you can do short quick ones to gain an advantage in the gunfight, which you can clearly see you doing, or you can do more long ones with alot more of a jittery mouse movement, don't need you to show me someone DPI'ing to make yourself look better as it was only a small one to the theory you're going to provide, you said you were lagging, we checked and you had 16 ping to the Server... How can you lag that hard with such solid connection when we have people in Canada with squirrel ping not moving like that and never has moved like that in one single situation in a whole year of playing?

Third part about your DPI, that's why I elaborated, because you tried to convince us you couldn't DPI because you told us you set your mouse DPI to 100... I mean, nothing more that I can say there it's basic common sense as to what I was talking about... Multiple people heard it your friends were literally laughing about it... Pretty sure we have the whole conversation in liason clipped including your trolliness behaviour at the start, I can check if big man Adrian can upload it...

When we tried to talk in the Liason and tried to resolve it, the first thing you said was "You're both just mad because you got #gamered", which in all fairness if someones saying you're exploiting that should probably not be the first thing that comes out of your mouth whilst in a liason trying to 'resolve' something, you said multiple times. - "Show me the evidence and I'll comp" multiple times.... Everytime a new person joined and asked what's going on you replied with "They're just mad because I killed them both." You started getting abit more funny about it as the liason went on because Ling's internet sucks like mine, so takes a while to upload, started getting confident that we were lying about the clip and getting more trolly towards us, again, in a Liason, then when the clip was uploaded you said "Oh okay I'll comp you both" now that you realised we got your DPI'ing clipped, the two people in there, Spartan and the Geordie cop, literally laughed and said "You're on your own Riad", Ryan and Maxim tried to defend you, that's the ONLY two people out of 3 admins and 20+ players including people with 7k-10k hours on the game which all said it looks like DPI'ing if not blatant DPI'ing, whether or not it's a small DPI exploit, you understand it's Arma 3, you understand how to DPI and please don't pretend that you do not know how to DPI because you managed it perfectly fine in this situation, so why would you wiggle around like that, you can see it wasn't lag as your shadow trying to catch your name, nametags are a dead giveaway to the DPI'ing exploit because the game cannot keep up with your movement, clearly not lag, sorry but if you expect you can convince me that it's lag you're actually mad. Again, I'm pretty sure Adrian clipped it so I can ask him if he can upload the Liason since you're asking for evidence of that too.

Finally, at first in Liason you said some stupid things, then you started being serious until Ryan joined and then you both started being funny about it, with the whole "No evidence no case" type of attitude and stuck with it until the video was uploaded and shared in the liason. The reason I did not want comp, which yes, I did reply to you everytime you asked me, is because people are DPI'ing alot and since I don't record I cannot do nothing, luckily Ling was there that time and got it clipped, I just wanted an actual apology rather than an smirk with said apology... Clearly not meaning it... I didn't want to report it, but your attitude pushed me that way, this is not the first time this has happened but as I said I don't record so I'm useless when people do something blatant infront of me, after having attitude thrown at me for about 20 minutes in an liason what else do you want me to do, accept the comp for a MK20 and move on, it's not about the money, it's about the experience of the Server, we try to get into an RP situation where someone exploits to avoid getting into said RP situation then expects us to all move on like nothing happened, just another day in RPUK bois don't worry about it.. This type of bs is literally ruining the Server.

Unless you have your PoV I'm fine with leaving it here, pretty sure whomever deals with this can see that it's a blatant exploit trick to get out of a disadvantaged situation.

Clearly it’s not, and I know what you mean about the 800 DPI I told someone in the channel and this was a different conversation and not relating to the report, I said “ I play on 800 DPI which is pretty low to be honest” 

Than, I apologized about 5 times and I disagree with you saying that I was “trolling”. Also, plsss stop lying, I never had an attitude of no proof no case, I was legit waiting for the proof since o have no clue how I DPI cause on my screen I didn’t. 

again if you want to go to Liason and resolve than sure, because otherwise we are just gonna flood the report with a lot of text 

I will say this again as I said it already 10 times, on my screen there was no DPI, must have been lag.

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again if you want to go to Liason and resolve than sure, because otherwise we are just gonna flood the report with a lot of text
Tried to resolve it, but you're totally right, let's not flood the report with facts and logic as there is already enough proof here of your blatant DPI exploiting on a Roleplay Server... Won't reply anymore, I'll let the Admin's take it from here, enjoy your day lad.

@RiadIf you have a video from your POV, It would be useful if you posted it so that the person dealing with the report has both perspectives.

Sadly I don’t have a clip of it, I wish I did since I honestly did not DPI on my screen 

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Okay, I've got to say this is the most weirdly written report I have ever seen much less dealth with, less theatrics in the future please @PipJ ,we really don't need all those Paint pictures you clearly done while you were bored.

On to the report itself, I personally see two issues/rulebreaks that are quite obvious in the video, first one would be PC Riad spinning around and the other one would be Ling talking while already dead stating "He is knocked out".

Now it is a shame that you do not have a video @Riad because in the provided video you really do not look as innocent as you claim to be in this. From what I personaly seen and from what I've asked around the general consence is that you have infact used DPI for your advantage.It might have not been as obvious to see as some other examples but it was there. Now you and I both know that if you spin on our servers the way you did and you take into account the lag the result is basically shown in the video as for the other people you will be teleporting around, invisible from time to time etc. Which falls under Exploting rule as you are abusing a faulty Arma mechanic to gain an advantage in a situation.

Ling as for you, remember as per rule 4.4 you need to stop communication via externals means once you are downed, you can use direct chat but you have to keep in mind you are injured.

(4.4) When you are revived/downed:

You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 5 minutes.

Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.

While you are downed you may not divulge tactical information to anyone. The exception to this is information spoken in direct chat in game. Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly.

@Riad Will be recieving a Perm ban for C2.2 Exploting  which he will have to appeal.

Ling will be recieving a warning for A4.4

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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