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Report a Player - PeakMEEEEEE - Poor/Low Quality RP (Action Taken)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name

PC Pupss [RT208]

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Responded to a Athira Bank Robbery, once on scene we see 2 guys outside and 1 with his weapon drawn, started speaking with them and asked the guy with the weapon out to put it away, after a bit of talking to each other i asked him if he wanted me to use force to detain him and he simply knocked me out

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/272025725 - Situation starts at 05:55:30
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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How did you attempt to resolve the situation?

we went into ts and spoke and we disagreed with everything each of us said so he put this report up...

Mainly to speak with him to see what would be his reaction and try to understand what went through his mind in the situation.

I don’t believe I had any problems with him before this, so I wanted to give him a chance to speak for himself and also I tried explaining him the situation from my side and what he have done wrong but he didnt really want to listen to me and just kept saying he didn’t do anything wrong and he was in the right.

I usually speak with people before reporting just to make sure that either they can prevent something they have done from happening in the future or not

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It clearly looks like ur salty and want to get someone banned in this situation because this report is pointless. Like come on you've reported someone for knocking you out when u said i might have to use force to detain you. did i carry the roleplay on? Yes because i got restrained and taken away by ur cops and then we begun negotiations for the cops to get u back and for my gang to get me back so this report is completely void there was decent RP from both sides, if u never said that u might use force to detain me then nothing would of happened but u said it which ended up with you being knocked out.

Salty? Watch the hole situation and tell me if you do really think that

The way you knocked me out was bullshit thats it, there was no roleplay from your side before i got knocked out basically and also iam not sure if there was any roleplay from your side afterwards as well, since not long after a gunfight started

If you think this report is pointless you need to understand a bit more about roleplay and how the server works but thats just my opinion

Since you didnt really gave a fuck on what i had to say to you, at least this way you might thats why ive put up this report

Report locked on request of player, awaiting further staff action. Lock approved as this is going nowhere. If you have anything else to add please contact a staff member. 

Currently, I am quite disappointed in your actions and lack of quality roleplay behind them Blaine, and the excuse of there being roleplay after what you did... I could not really give a damn, it gives you absolutely no justification or right to perform any sort of low roleplay or break any other of our rules and you should know better than that considering this is certainly not the first time you have been in trouble for rulebreaks either and you have had more than plenty of time on the server by now to know the difference between poor shitty roleplay and something that actually shines in its own way making the roleplay actually enjoyable for those involved, aka making it a 'Quality' roleplay situation. I think you need some time off the server to rethink your actions and come back when you've done so and prove to us you won't lower yourself to bad hobo levels of roleplay again.

@Blaine Morgan (PeakMeee) - Action Taken (7.1.3)

@J Naylor - Final Warning

Naylor due to your extensive history you will be receiving a final warning, you should know better than quite a few people the difference between roleplay and those breaking it, to which you should know better than to involve yourself in someone else breaking a rule let alone abusing that fact to your own advantage with just running straight over and restraining and running off with him without saying a damn thing either other than what you said as you were off running into the bank and up stairs which even during that whole situation up there it was not fantastic in itself either. I must also add that shouting the same line at someone over and over at someone does not really contribute to any sort of quality roleplay either and I advise you relook at how you could instead fill those sessions of shouting the same line over with other lines that do contribute to the roleplay and not just to be disruptive.

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