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Report a Player - Petterson - Other

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Nikolaj Nielsen

Well-known member

Your In-game name

Nikolaj Nielsen

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

my friend landed a heli i decided to go rob the other heli. i go yell to the choppper not to take off and to stop but the chopper proceded. i shot "Petterson" the pilot out. then a guy came and say that it was not nice and then a big heli from petterson's clan came and robbed me. the thing is that petterson came back and combat stored his chopper and he called his friends after death, he also threatened to report me for rdm on TS. and he said that the rdm made up for NLR break, calling his friends after death and he came back to combatstore his heli and take my gear. he will proberly post that he dident hear me over the chopper, anyways i dont think its my problem he lowered his audio. i did also loose all my gear, so when you see this can you tell me if there is any point in making comp request. from Nikolaj Nielsen

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Hello Admins and Nikolaj.

We have two entirely different perspectives of this event, as the server was lagging.

On my end this was a clear case of RDM but on the other hand on your end the initiation might have been enough to not qualify as poor RP.

Sorry for storing the chopper, I figured we would stop what we were doing in the game to sort this out on ts. If you want I can comp you for the amount the heli would have scrapped for or even what one of those chopper sells for at the air shop, as the money is not my main concern at all. (but let's be honest you didn't have enough time to get away with that heli)

Let it be known that it was not my idea to rob you. I had nothing to do with it. But I figured at that time that I would take your gear. Since in my eyes you definitely RDM'd me.

Because of the fact that on my end this was a clear case of RDM I applied the use of rule 5B.

[SIZE=medium]5B) A new life does not start when[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Your character has been the victim of a clear case of  RDM/VDM[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]You disconnect (end of session)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]My perspective;[/SIZE]

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Let me know if you have any questions for me. Id be happy to answer them.

Best Regards,



Let it also be known that I did not threaten to report him I simply said that I might be reporting him for this and if I do ill let him know as soon as i have, so that he can go on and defend himself.

After I stated this he quickly threatened to counter-report one of the other people on the ground for breaking RP (He thought it was a TI member)

I said "I might actually report you, I don't really know"

His exact response to that was "Sure, But then I'm Gonna report your friend for one thing"

Let me know if you want me to upload the evidence of this TS interaction.

Best Regards,


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Nikolaj. at the end of the day I chose to give you the benefit of the doubt and not report you. But apparently you couldn't give me the same courtesy.

Video evidence of threats to counter-report attached below;

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And also his statement below is an outright lie. I did not provide any intelligence to my associates other than "fuck me I just got RDM'd"

"he called his friends after death, he also threatened to report me for rdm on TS. and he said that the rdm made up for NLR break, calling his friends after death and he came back to combatstore his heli and take my gear."

Best regards,


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Rejected: Nikolaj's video shows proper initation, and he even says DO NOT TAKE OFF multiple times, however there is lag on the other end in the video. However there was doubt to an actual RDM. When in doubt, respawn. To me this is a borderline mess, but due to the lag I'm giving parties both benefit of the doubt.

However the whole "I might report you" and the "WELL IM GONNA REPORT." It's like two kids on a playground, and I'm was almost tempted to ban you both. I suggest you both grow up.

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