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Report a Player - Pingu - RDM/Fail RP (Action Taken)

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Active member
Your In-game name

Matt Grey

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

RDM/ Fail RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We were driving through the UNMC border when we got RDMed by Pingu and his group. They didn't give my friend time to stop before shooting after I drove behind the corner of the building. Also the way they ''initiated'' was horrible.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I shouted at you to get out the truck with your hands up or lethal force will be used, however you decided to drive off around the corner and charge at us with a rifle out clearly attempting to kill us. Therefore i defended myself and my companions. You had plenty chance to stop and comply with my demands however you decide to continue to drive and take up a combat position and clearly come to attack us. As your video shows you even pull a rifle out, so you clearly had the intention of killing us. 

Also your friend did not value his life at all he was asked multiple times to drop the keys of his truck or his life would end, yet he did not and just ignored whatever was said and did not engage in any roleplay at all, neither did you.  Also your friend did stop and got out with his hands in the air like he was supposed to.

and the reason i started shooting that soon was to disable your tyres not to kill you because i knew you were not going to stop otherwise you would have stopped. 

Furthermore how at all is this rdm, i'll take it that the roleplay was not the best but you knew full well you two were initiated as your mate got out with his hands up and you decided to drive off and prepare for combat. You just made this because you got skengd and your trucks finessed.

May i also add that you did not try to resolve this as you disconnected halfway through resolving, because i was afk for 2 seconds when i said i was going to be afk for 2 seconds because i had to do something.

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It took you 4 seconds to start shooting from your so called ''initiation'', and you shot at my friend even though he stopped his truck immediatelly. So, no I will keep the report even though you tried to get a staff member to talk me out of it.

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It took you 4 seconds to start shooting from your so called ''initiation'', and you shot at my friend even though he stopped his truck immediatelly. So, no I will keep the report even though you tried to get a staff member to talk me out of it.
Your friend was shot because he refused to roleplay with us, he didn't even talk back or even bother to roleplay. And i explained this to you i was not shooting you i was disabling your vehicle. 

I like how you changed to report the failrp because you realise you werent even rmd'd HAHAHAHHA. Even though i apologised and explained myself for the poor initiation in the support room with the staff member, who also said that the initiation was poor but however still valid. 

What I see in the video is a shambles. Truck one is bad enough, truck two, you had no way of knowing whether thy were together or not, so why you would just open fire on it like that is beyond me.  There was zero attempt to RP with him before opening fire and it looked pretty instantaneous. No mention of tires from what I can hear.   Just looks like a bunch of aggressive trigger happy goons IMO.

You had a perfectly good sports hatchback at your disposal to pursue the slow moving vehicles. Why not use it?

What I see in the video is a shambles. Truck one is bad enough, truck two, you had no way of knowing whether thy were together or not, so why you would just open fire on it like that is beyond me.  There was zero attempt to RP with him before opening fire and it looked pretty instantaneous. No mention of tires from what I can hear.   Just looks like a bunch of aggressive trigger happy goons IMO.

You had a perfectly good sports hatchback at your disposal to pursue the slow moving vehicles. Why not use it?
1. the second truck was initiated on by my guys and they shot its tires so it couldn't escape they did not kill him.  2. Why would i run back for the car and drive up to him, for all i know he's setting up to skeng me out as soon as i drive past so i go up the dmt to see where he has gone as its better cover for me and i had a good vantage point. And you're saying there was zero rp how am i meant to roleplay with a guy who does not stop the truck im not gonna go over to him and ask him again because he'd just shoot me as you can tell he was preparing for that in his video. 3. i already apologized to him for the poor initiation and i have since learned from the help of @Alfred how to do this properly, but Alfred also said that although the initiation was poor it was still valid. 4. The guy in the second truck did not even speak to us at all when we asked for his keys and provided no roleplay at all. Furthermore he was clearly ready for combat otherwise why would he get his rifle out if i was to have driven back over to him i would have been shot right away no?

Screaming STOP YOU VEHICLE, while you're already shooting at the tires is not initiation, mate. Also saying sorry won't bring my gear back, whilst you getting banned and then me creating a comp request will. :)

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Screaming STOP YOU VEHICLE, while you're already shooting at the tires is not initiation, mate. Also saying sorry won't bring my gear back, whilst you getting banned and then me creating a comp request will. :)
i started shooting after i shouted tho...

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The second truck was instantly shot upon without any words from what I can see in the video. If it wasn't you shooting, who were the other two guys?

The second truck was instantly shot upon without any words from what I can see in the video. If it wasn't you shooting, who were the other two guys?
i dont know there forum names i just met them that day so idk. but it clearly isnt me because have an mk18 which sounds different to the other guns. 

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@PinguNoot As you've already been informed by both @Alfred and @CSI LONG BEARD the roleplay you gave before deciding to shoot was not up to standards with what you're expected to provide when playing here. 
I've also gathered that you've spoken to @Alfred in staff help and you're now aware that the you must engage in high quality roleplay before shooting.

@MatthewHd Unfortunately the video dosn't show who shot your friend and therefor i'm unable to give a verdict on what happened between him and Pingu's friends. 

With all the being said, I don't see a point in issuing a ban if you already understand what you did wrong and have hopefully learned from your mistake. so Instead i'm going to be adding a warning point to your record for (7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high quality roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low quality RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP. Executing another player must also be carried out with high quality roleplay, the only exception to this rule is if both you and the victim are engaged in a gunfight together. 

Action Taken - Warning Point Added

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