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Report a Player - Pip - Other

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was flying in my Hummingbird over Pyrus, i saw 2 guys came in a offroader and tried to rob the guy, who was driving a hempt box. They both had their weapons out pointing at the guy in the hempt box, so i flew away and waited like 2 minutes. Then i flew bacn to the spot where they robbed him, and i dont see anyone, i only see the guy laying down cause he got shot by the 2 rebels and i saw he's hempt box. So i landed cause i wanted to help him, when i landed and only said a few words to the wounded guy, the same offroader pulled up on me, so i tried to initate on him, cause i just knew it was those 2 guys, but it was only 1 of them, that was in the offroader, but he got away. Then i asked the wounded guy what happend to him, and then i see the other rebel proning with his weapon out behind the hempt box. Then i told him to put he's weapon away multiple times and i said to him stay still cause i dont want him to run around the truck and shoot me. Then he crouched and i thought he was gonna move around the truck so he could shoot me, so my instinct was to kill him and i did. After i did that, he broke out of roleplay and he threatened to report me. And its the same guy (Pip) i saw earlier today driving around and vdm'ing people, fail rp'ing and breaking NLR, but i lost the vid of him when that happend. I told him to come TS so we could solve the problem, but i never got an answer on that, he only told me he was gonna report me.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

Yes - (Very questionable.)

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting

Yes (Not really mate.)

Won't sit and go back and forth, I didn't know the rules, the others involved in the situation said it so I said it in a way to throw it back at them, I read the rules now and that's fair enough that you've reported me for it, but don't claim I have been "VDM'ing" all day because we both know that's not true.

Not sure how I was fail RP'ing all day neither to be fair, considering this was one of the only time I used mic today due to the heated situation and the back and forth which was going on between both parties and it triggered me so I started to speak, I prefer others talking thanks.

You did not try to resolve the situation with anyone, all people involved were in teamspeak and we sorted it, you were not there? So elaborate how you tried to resolve it please.

As for killing me, you threatened the player I was with at the time, I could have shot you at any time, but we were going to get a defibrillator to pick him up, you told me to holster my gun so I turned 'AWAY' from you as you can see in your own video and holstered which stood my character up and I was shot for doing what you said to do, but okay? You said you seen the whole thing? We were chasing them around for 20 minutes and you were no where near, you only seen the end of the situation when we finally caught them but okay whatever you say mate. 

I apologize for breaking Character, just learning the game and you can ask the people involved, we sorted it and they've linked me the rules which I've read through, but don't make false claims that we both know are not true please.

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I told u to come TS, so we could solve this problem and u could learn the rules, u never answered me and u left the game, so tell me how i did not try solve this problem.

And yes u had been VDM'ing all day, u rammed poseidon multiple times but when the poseidon got up he putted a bullet in ur head, and befor u were vdm'ing poseiden me and another guy from ganja nation killed u, then u were bacn within 15 minutes and that is a rule break on NLR.

And the way u failed Rp'ed is because everytime i had met u, u were talking in game and saying shit that have nothing to do with RP. I just can prove what u did from earlier today, cause my recorings didnt work.

And i have described why i shot u.

You told me to holster, I holstered and you shot me, but okay, VDM'ing all day? I stole a car in Pygros and was shot at when I was driving, when I flew around the corner at top speed I hit a Poseidon member by mistake and was shot for it, go around the corner and try to swerve left after you made a hard right literally 0.00004 seconds after you turn the corner full speed in a sports hatchback, goodluck mate. Still doesn't mean all day, so again, how was it ALL day when it was one time at Pygros, 'all day' I have sat in a passenger seat because I'm a garbage driver and others in the group drive 10x better than me so it literally makes 0 sense for me to drive 'all day', but okay you run with that because I've blatantly been driving all day.

"Everytime you met me"? once or twice? I used my mic when I was robbed both times, and then when we robbed the HEMMT truck, and the HEMMT truck is literally the only time I said anything of the sort for the sole reason I heard it 10x in a row within 2 minutes and spewed it out back at them, which as I said didn't know the rules at the time so that's fair, the rest of the time I spoke in Discord, or in Vehicle chat if I knew the person so don't talk bollocks.

"You told me to come to TS" really? So if you were telling me to come to teamspeak along with the other 2 whom was involved? Why were you not in teamspeak with us? If you were using your head I said multiple times I'm coming to ts but didn't have the address, once I got the address I also told them that I'm closing the game to open ts because my computer is garbage, literally said that, you REALLY did not try to resolve it, as I said, we were in ts after the incident for a fair hour talking about it which I was linked the rules to and we settled it, the simple truth of the matter you were not there so don't sit and make out as if you were trying to be helpful with the situation when you blatantly were not.

*** Today
<03:45:48> *** You are now talking in channel: "The Lobby"
<03:46:03> *** You are now talking in channel: "The Smoking Lounge"
<04:20:58> "Roo Hyuga": -
<04:21:18> "Jhouxie": -
<04:42:51> "Roo Hyuga": -
*** End of chat history

Sat in teamspeak for longer than an hour, you did not join us once.

Won't be replying more, not going back and forth when you're talking bollocks and trying to make it look as if I've been running a mock all day on the server, absolute joke, next time actually just join teamspeak with the rest of us and be abit helpful like the rest of them rather than claiming you 'tried'.

I'm fine with being punished - read the rules, I understand this is a rulebreak and will apologize to the Staff for it, already apologized to the people involved. 


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Having looked at the video in depth i have a couple of things to say on this one.

Starting with @PipJ. Seeing the replies from yourself and the video it is clear to me you are new to the server and not well informed on the rules. As stated by rule 2.8 you are not allowed to threaten to report and break RP in voice. As such you will be getting a ban for rule 2.8 for 24 hours. Take this as a chance to fully read through the rules.

Moving onto @Robert Dawidson. When you sport Pip laying on the floor the only thing you do is repeat put the gun away or im gonna shoot. Very similar to the example used in the poor RP rule "hands up or ill shoot". After repeating that a few times then telling him not to move contradicting what you first said pip gets up to put the weapon away and you peak around the truck and spray him down. This is a roleplay server and more rp is expected before shooting someone.

For the reasons stated above you will be receiving a 24 hour ban for 7.1.3

Report Accepted 

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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