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Report a Player - [Rct] Dave McCarthy, [Rct] Jacob Marshall, [Rct] JWood - Poor/Low Quality RP (Action taken)

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Your In-game name

[LA] Lt. Sindre G.

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[Rct] Dave McCarthy, [Rct] Jacob Marshall, [Rct] JWood

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We were holding up [Rct] Dave McCarthy at the checkpoint to pat him down to give his gear to one of our gang members. He then said he had friends in the area, but didn’t say they would shoot and he didn’t initiate on us for them. We then took off his GPS and radio. When we were placing him in the building, we suddenly get shot at as shown in the video. Cicero and [Rct] Dave McCarthy then got shot by his gang members [Rct] Jacob Marshall and [Rct] JWood (which were obviously supposed to hit us). This shows that both Jacob Marshall and JWood (both Dave McCarthy's gang members) intended to kill us. They had no rights to kill us as McCarthy didn’t initiate, he just stated he had friends in the area. Therefore, i am choosing to report all three of them, McCarthy for poor/low quality rp, and Marshall and Wood for RDM. The reason I am reporting this is because the same scenario happened earlier today but was resolved, which obviously had no effect.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I am sorry about this we told Dave to tell you we would initiate if we you did not let him go but he obviously didn't, however Dave has been kicked from the group, We hope you can forgive us.

In the end of the day mate, this is a serious roleplay community, and when you pull the trigger you should be 100% sure that you’re allowed to.

While the situation was unclear, we believed that he told you we would open fire. As Jamie said we told him to tell you that we would shoot (which he obviously didn't) but we thought he did, and we therefore shot at you. Mistakes happen and this was one of them, fortunately you didn't lose any gear so I hope you can forgive us. Once again, we apologise.

While the situation was unclear, we believed that he told you we would open fire. As Jamie said we told him to tell you that we would shoot (which he obviously didn't) but we thought he did, and we therefore shot at you. Mistakes happen and this was one of them, fortunately you didn't lose any gear so I hope you can forgive us. Once again, we apologise.
Ofc mistakes can be made, but my problem is that the same scenario happend with the same people some hours before this inncident

Ofc mistakes can be made, but my problem is that the same scenario happend with the same people some hours before this inncident
What happened in the earlier incident? I don't remember this.

(I'm going offline now so I'll try to resolve it tomorrow)

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Again Dave made mistakes with comms and as I said he was kicked from the group.
Which again comes back to the fact that when you pull the trigger you should be 100% sure that you’re allowed to.

What happened in the earlier incident? I don't remember this.

(I'm going offline now so I'll try to resolve it tomorrow)
Taking a quick look at my recording, as far as the video shows you are not involved in that scenario.

Which again comes back to the fact that when you pull the trigger you should be 100% sure that you’re allowed to.
I understand and but he we told him to say something and he said that he said it so what can we do if we are told that something was said that wasn't?

I understand and but he we told him to say something and he said that he said it so what can we do if we are told that something was said that wasn't?
Ask him to hotmic? I would never shoot anyone without hearing the initiation.

Can we talk on ts so its easier?
I must kindly decline your offer, as this have not shown to have any effect earlier. Unless there is something else you guys would like to say, i think it's best if we wait for a member of the staff to reply.

is there any possible way to get this over? i dont want to get banned probably none want to get banned i know my accent is hard to under stand but ive said that i have friends in the area leave me or your going to get shoot in the video at 2:25-2:30 

is there any possible way to get this over? i dont want to get banned probably none want to get banned i know my accent is hard to under stand but ive said that i have friends in the area leave me or your going to get shoot in the video at 2:25-2:30 
To be fair at 2:28 I think he did say we would shoot but I'm not sure if you understood him, whether or not that counts as valid initiation idk. We'll see what staff say I suppose.

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