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Report a Player - [RED] Sage T - Poor/Low Quality RP

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London, United Kingdom

Your In-game name

Dima Mayakov

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[RED] Sage T

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Was helping out some hobos doing copper when I see an ifrit coming to iron copper trader, assuming the worst, I tell the hobos to run. As I was fleeing the man in the Ifrit (sage) uses minimal RP and shoots tires immediately, later shooting me. There was insufficient RP in the initiation and when I requested for them to come to rebel liaison room, they told me that there was nothing to discuss and that my tears were that of salt.

(additional short video prior to the engagement which shows that we knew that there may be danger (hence to me running the hobos through on what to say if they are held up) but through the fact I was openly running with my weapon holstered shows that no combat or initiation was said prior to the event , message me if you would like to see it (slow internet))

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Interesting how you cut out the part where I initiate, but OK. Unfortunately I was not recording so, oh well. 

I specifically said prior to the start of the video "Everyone in the area put your hands up or you will be shot", to which you decided to drive off. 

Having chased you and having shot out multiple wheels you continued to avoid any roleplay, so I killed you. 

I guess it was a good thing I killed you anyway, since you were about to metagame :).

I also found it entertaining how after I killed you, you immediately relogged as a cop and immediately came to chase us in the Ifrit, I guess in some vain attempt to scrap it? But, there we go. Class act sir.

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I have the video of where I load up into trucks after seeing an ifrit hurtle at me but I will upload it tomorrow due to slow internet. I heard nothing from you except for when you hop out the ifrit and spray down the tires.

As for logging in as a cop, it was not my intention to log in and get revenge. I decided to call it a night when one of my friends in the police lounge asks to go on patrol with me due to the likelihood that he won't go on patrol on with me again due to me leaving the police. (As well as being at least 15min later before I even get on) 

As for going after your ifrit, it's hard not to when you hurtle into Kavala in a bright yellow ifrit driving around, even baiting when (when we honk our horn and crash you hop out with a weapon and start pressing q and e, wiggling at us).

Aditionally, when I asked you to come to ts to have a chat about it you instead claim there was nothing wrong, and that I was just salty, and further belittling us. 

(P.s. I had shown this to multiple members including a support member and they all said it was piss poor) 

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I would be interested to know what they thought about your metagaming as well. I gave you plenty of time from the moment I initiated (a video of the iron trader showing me arriving should have this, this was around a minute before I popped the first smoke on the Ifrit, your video displays the second) to the time I shot to comply. I get irritated by the fact that you clearly did not want to roleplay and made no effort to do so and yet apparently this is poor RP on my part? Fair enough, it ended being not exactly a great RP session, but this could have been avoided if you had just made the effort to try and talk to me as oppose to dodge any kind of RP with me. 

Fair enough on the Ifrit chase after the fact, I was not actually driving as shortly after killing you someone decided it would be fun to vdm me. But, there we go.

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Of course that is all you can see. No metagaming at all xD. I guess that is beyond one of your inspectors. Somethings never change :p

That'll be the last reply for me. Judge how you wish.

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