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Report a Player - Replicaa - VDM (Report Rejected)

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Carlo McIntosh

Well-known member
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We were robbing a truck. His friends in two hatchback sports began driving recklessly around us evidently looking to cause an accident. The crash was evidently intentional. I asked multiple times for the guys to join TS they constantly refused.Later on his friends began trolling us when we were injured on the ground calling us idiots and that we rammed them.His friend also pulled me into his truck driving me far away from any medics that might try and revive me.Apologies for my voice being void in the clip shadowplay had push to talk on for some reason.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Right, first of all I was not affiliated with the truck at all and I was following and tried to get my friend to help the truck driver out and we were going to follow and my friend was going to rob you when you eventually stopped the truck. Then me and my friend was trying to stop you but then you didn't come to a stop so we continued to follow. Then after nearly ramming me just before going around the truck I had to slow down so we didn't cause a crash as seen in the video just before the incident. I then sped up to go around the truck and to try and go around you when you was in the right lane. so I continued to go around you when you turned back into me causing the crash which could have been an intentional de-sync ram but that is debateable. I at no point shown that I drove directly into you which if I did attempted to ram you off the road would have been VDM. In the video you drove back into the lane I was driving in and as shown I was going at a high speed and couldn't react to it and when you did drive into my lane I was instantly dead anyway which further left to your vehicle being exploded also. I have nothing else to say from my part and I will let staff deal with the situation.

I can agree the  actual cause of the explosion may be due to desync however chasing after two heavily armed men with guns and using your vehicle as some kind of blockade is unacceptable. You were clearly unarmed as shown in the video and yet you decide to run after to men with machine guns chasing a truck. It is clear you were not valuing your life and using your vehicle as some mechanism of defence. Also the proposition that we used our vehicle as a weapon is ridiculous considering the amount of money worth of gear we are holding and it is evident in the video that is not the case.

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Also may i add the fact it was clear it was an active gunfight yet you still continue to follow.It was clear early on that we were shooting at this guys tires and you still follow us.

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Right, thanks for everyone replying to this report explaining what happened. As I can see from the video, (The only thing that I am going to judge) Replica is fine to follow you guys in this scenario. And that replica was using his car as a blockade? I can not see that in this video if there is evidence of that please make a new report. The fail value life thing is debatable but you don't know if he had a gun in his car or anything. And again, I am going off what I see in this video, not what you guys are writing. In the end of the day, I do not think that replicaa was trying to using his vehicle as a weapon, because the crash was caused by de-synch.

Report rejected.

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